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MARCH 6, 2009 19

Expat Living is a section dedicat-

ed to the daily living of expatri-
ates. To share stories about your
life abroad, send stories or story
ideas to Matthew Lamers, matt-

DJ Nakadia spins
in Seoul tonight
Regina Walton DJ Nakadia: I only stay in
Expat interviews Samui about 15 weeks per
year to get some rest from the
When you Google “DJ tours, but at the moment I
Nakadia,” the first thing you play so much that I cannot re-
notice is that she’s a success- lax at all. Soon my tour will
ful female in a male-dominat- start again and I will play 37
ed profession. There are very countries this year. So far I
few women who make a liv- have played in 43 countries
ing DJing full-time, much over the past three years.
less make a living as a globe- EL: What’s the great part
trotting DJ. about being a traveling DJ?
Nakadia’s home club, Club What’s the not-so-great part?
Mint, is on the island of Koh DJ Nakadia: By touring
Samui in her native Thailand. around the world I really
Since she started spinning in learned so much about mu-
2003 she’s emerged as the top sic and how to read people
international DJ coming out and make the party a suc-
of Southeast Asia. Knowing cess. It took me over 300 gigs
all this about her and learn- around the world to be the
ing that she’ll be appearing in DJ that I am now. I am hap-
Seoul tonight at Club Vera in py I got this chance. The bad
Hongdae makes it an exciting part is that I get very tired of
opportunity for expats in and the flying now. Sometimes I
around Seoul that are into the wish I could just stay in one
club scene. city for a week or just a few
Expat Living: I read that days.
you developed an interest in EL: You were the DJ picked
DJing when you were in to play at the 2006 World Cup
Europe. Please tell me that Finals in Berlin. What can
story. When did you decide to you tell us about that? How
DJ? Why electronic? How did did it feel to DJ for an audi-
you learn to DJ? ence from all over the world?
DJ Nakadia: On my first DJ Nakadia: It was very
trip to Europe my friend took exciting just to be there and PHOTO CHALLENGE WINNER — Transition — This photograph taken in February symbolizes the crossing of winter into spring. The juxtaposition of dark and light colors on
me to a club and I saw a fe- get a chance to look behind the opposing sides of this famous Seoul landmark represents the dark chill of winter and the bright new spring season. Photograph by Aubrey Leeker
male DJ spin. I loved it so the scenes. I was supposed to
much and I knew from that play together with Sven Vath
moment that this is what I
had to do. It was not a dream,
but more like my destiny.
EL: I was really excited to
get the chance to interview
you because you’re a female
and in the end I only had sev-
en minutes on stage. But it
was really great after all.
EL: You’ve also DJed for
the Love Parade in Berlin be-
fore. Can you describe that
In focus: Photography workflow
The Photo Challenge is sponsored by With JPG, your workflow will be sim- Before even starting to edit your
DJ. In what ways can this be for those who haven’t been Hyosung Camera (English: 010-7203- pler and your storage options will pro- photos, it’s a good idea to go through
bad or frustrating? there? 9599) and Babo Shirts ( vide much better value. RAW requires and remove the ones that are obvious-
DJ Nakadia: In my case it DJ Nakadia: Loveparade Winners of the weekly com- some more time and effort and could ly not keepers. Be ruthless. Unless you
is actually bad. Many of the is the biggest event you can petition receive a 50,000 won store credit lead to more drive space being con- have a special reason, there’s not
best clubs in the world did not imagine. It was always great, at Hyosung Camera and a Babo Shirt. To sumed. The key to minimizing all these much point in keeping many different
want to book me in the past but the last one in Dortmund take part in the competition, simply up- factors is having a system in place — a views of the same thing and it’s also
because they looked at me as was a lot more than just a pa- load your photo at good workflow. important to be selective about what
just one of these girls that rade. The six-hour closing com/groups/seoulphotoclub — Ed. space on our hard drives? We don’t want Once we get home after a shoot we images you keep and choose to work
play commercial records and party was just unbelievable. to have to delete those precious movie have a many images to look at. Saving on before the editing phase begins —
cannot really mix. Over the It was also broadcasted live By Aaron Raisey and audio files, do we? space on your computer at home starts this will save you valuable space and
last year that started to around the world. It is the The solutions to these questions starts with keeping the right images while time. You might have some specialized
change when many people most exciting feeling to play As a keen digital photographer, you way back when we press the shutter but- you are out there behind the camera. software that makes it easier to orga-
heard me live and now they for nearly 2 million people! are probably shooting several hundred ton and can be summed up in one word: Take advantage of the digital medium nize, view, sort and delete your im-
accept me and book me. It is pictures every week. That’s a lot of im- workflow. Workflow is the procedure we — browse through your pictures in- ages.
frustrating if people just go af- ages and that’s great, as your photogra- follow from the moment we hit the shut- camera every so often and eliminate Aperture and Lightroom are two popu-
ter the looks — that has noth- Go to to phy is no doubt improving as a result. ter to the posting of the final image to our any glaring mistakes and out-of-focus lar examples of such software that make
ing to do with my art at all. learn more about DJ Nakadia. However, there are a couple of side ef- blogs, to our friends and family, or to the images. You will be thankful you did if the management of your image library
EL: In addition to having a To get ticketing information on fects to this prolific production of pic- Seoul Photo Club site on Flickr. In other you begin to run low on space on your simpler.
home club, Mint Club, on Koh tonight’s event, please either e- tures. words, our workflow is the production memory card. The next step is to take Next week, we’ll look at a few editing
Samui, you are an interna- mail or So, how can we minimize the amount line for our pictures. the images off your camera and onto techniques and storage options that will
tional DJ. How many coun- go to of time we spend in front of the comput- The first decision is whether you will your hard drive, where it’s useful to hopefully make your time in front of the
tries have you been to? vibes. er processing our images, and how can shoot in JPG or RAW. We addressed have a convenient folder structure that computer a little easier.
we manage the rapidly disappearing this question a couple of weeks ago. makes it easy to locate pictures. (

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