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Scenario (A)

- The teacher has identify after the first exam level 1 that the student is very good in translating a text or a news paper article, but failed the receptive listening task in the exam.

Scenario (B) - The Teacher has identify lack of motivation on the part of the student after the first exam, due to unknown reason. He or she has not done the homework from the past 4 days.

Scenario (C)

- After the first exam where the student had the Examination mark of: S: 1+ and R: 0

Note: The student is quite argumentative. He or She is saying that he/she has too many other training commitments with DFAT.

Scenario (D) - The teacher has identify that the student is very committed in learning the language , however the first exam level results are not the best. The results are only a pass. It is very difficult for the student to learn a new language given that he/she has never learned a language before. At the same time the teacher is trying to prepare the student for level 2.

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