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Philippine Normal University The National Center for Teacher Education College of Science Department of Physical Science



OBJECTIVES A. Recognize and name ketones and aldehydes. B. Write the chemical equation for the preparation of aldehydes and ketones. C. Appreciate the industrial importance of ketones and Aldehydes


CONCEPTS AND SKILLS A. Definition of carbonyl and determination of the different classification of carbonyl according to structure focusing on ketones and aldehydes B. Naming ketones and aldehydes using the IUPAC new set of rules. C. Basic ways on synthesizing ketones and aldehydes using reactions discussed in former chapters and synthesizing alcohols in the laboratory. D. Uses of ketones and aldehydes in our home, laboratory and in daily lives. Strategies- Lecture-discussion, cooperative work, exploration.



Materials needed: cards with picture and structure of aldehydes and ketones. The students will : identify the name of the given picture : state the uses of those substances and, : identify the molecules as aldehyde or ketone B. Lesson Proper i. ii. iii. Introduction to carbonyl groups Chemistry of carbonyl groups Nomenclature of ketones and aldehydes

a. IUPAC Names 1. as part of open-chain/cyclic molecule 2. as a substituent on a molecule iv. Syntheses of ketones and aldehydes a. from oxidation of alcohols 1. primary alcohols 2. secondary alcohols b. from ozonolosis of alkenes c. by friedel crafts acylation d. from hydration of alkynes 1. catalyzed by acid and mercuric salts 2. hydroboration - oxidation of alkynes C. Generalization i. The simplest carbonyl compounds are ketones and aldehydes. A ketone contains two alkyl or aryl groups bonded to the carbonyl carbon atom while an aldehyde has one alkyl or aryl group and one hydrogen atom bounded to the carbonyl carbon atom ii. The polarization of the carbonyl group contributes to the reactivity of ketones and aldehydes. iii. Systematic names of ketones and aldehydes are derived by replacing the final e in alkane name with one and al respectively. iv. Ketones and alldehydes can be prepared from oxidation of alcohols, ozonolosis of alkenes, from hydration of alkynes and by friedel crafts acylation D. Assessment *worksheet attached

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