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Technocrete: List of important port numbers

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thursday, april 22, 2010

List of important port numbers

Port Number - Specification 15 Netstat 21 FTP 23 Telnet 25 SMTP 42 WINS 53 DNS

67 Bootp 68 DHCP 80 HTTP 88 Kerberos 101 HOSTNAME 110 POP3 119 NNTP 123 NTP (Network time protocol) 139 NetBIOS 161 SNMP 180 RIS 389 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 443 HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS) 520 RIP 79 FINGER 37 Time 3389 Terminal services 443 SSL (https) (http protocol over TLS/SSL) 220 IMAP3 3268 AD Global Catalog 3269 AD Global Catalog over SSL 500 Internet Key Exchange, IKE (IPSec) (UDP 500) Posted by Arjun at 6:32 PM

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1 comment:
Rajesh Bagde September 6, 2012 at 12:40 PM nice sir Reply

Arjun Singapore


Technocrete: List of important port numbers

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Hi, This is Arjun. I've always prided myself on doing things on my own; strength in my solitude, adopting a man against the world attitude. Many do the same. We've all heard that life is a journey, be it spiritual, emotional or just living our lives. If this is true, then all the lives one has touched and of those that have touched oneself will always be with you. So, when walking the dark road thinking no one is by your side, one is never truly alone. Remember, no one has a choice in the start of their own life, but one must bravely walk to its end. View my complete profile Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Newer Post Home Older Post

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