HFSS Error Message

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HFSS error message...what means?please help me!

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HFSS error message...what means?please help me!

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28-04-06, 08:27


Member level 1

non-manifold edges hfss

Hi, I've a problem in HFSS. When I run the validate process the message viewer returns this error message:Non-manifold vertices found for part "layer" where "layer" is a part of the model. The model is a transceiver on FR4 made from a 4 layer structure and the "layer" part is in the middle between the others. What does this error means? Thanks in adv.
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28-04-06, 14:25


Member level 1

non-manifold vertices hfss

sorry, cannot catch your word.

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28-04-06, 15:35


Advanced Member level 1 Achievements: Join Date: Posts: Helped: Points: Level: Aug 2001 414 24 / 24 3,555 14

non-manifold vertices found for part

HFSS is complaining that the geometry "layer" you draw is not valid. Try different ways of drawing.

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29-04-06, 00:15




Member level 3 Achievements: Join Date: Posts: Helped: Points: Level: Apr 2005 63 14 / 14 1,772 9

HFSS error message...what means?please help me!

hfss error messages
The error message indicates there is a problem with the mesh. This could happen if you imported the geometry from a CAD tool. You may need to re-draw that part of the model. See the link below for more info: http://www.ansoft.com/ots/tekboard_m...d=1633&line=HF

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01-05-06, 01:37


Junior Member level 2 Achievements: Join Date: Posts: Helped: Points: Level: Oct 2005 23 1/1 1,357 8

non-manifold vertices found for part

You can plot orther geometry instea of "layer",such as model.

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24-01-07, 18:28


Newbie level 2

hfss non manifold edges

I have he same problem; an error message says "no manifold vertices found". I don't thing that there is another way to draw my model. Could anyone help me? Thank you. macala

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25-01-07, 02:36


Member level 2 Achievements:

non manifold edges hfss

Actually, I'm not sure whether I'm right. But I was told that; if you're confident that you've drawn your structure in correctly, and you still get the above-mentioned error message. You can high-light the troublesome objects and do the HFSS option called "Heal Objects". Try it! It might work, you'll never know! By the way, I think the message sometimes pop up when you have 2D objects sharing a common edge, or a loop within a loop. Hope these help.

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BR, Dave
1 members found this post helpful.

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28-01-07, 15:56


Newbie level 2

non-manifold edge hfss

Hi! Thanks a lot for your help. I have a new problem now. I did the validation check and all was right, so I started the analysis, but during the initial mesh operation the simulation stops and a new error message appears:

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HFSS error message...what means?please help me!

"Initial mesh, process mesh3D: error while opening or writing the mesh files". Please, help me again! Macala

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