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Some power calculations: For max power calculations, you must know max allowed junction temp, and

thermal resistances, which are degree C rise per watt. My 7805 data book for TO220 case lists max Tj (junction temp) =125 C, and TRjc (thermal resistance-junction to case)=4 deg C/watt. Also, TRca (thermal res case to ambient, no heat sink)=50 deg C/watt. Now we can do some calculations: *No heat sink*, 14 volts in, 0.5 amp load, 25 deg C ambient; 14-5=9 volts across regulator. 0.5 watts*9V=4.5 watts reg dissipation. Total TR (junction to ambient)=4+50=54 deg C/watt. Temp rise, junction to ambient=4.5W*54 deg C/W=243 deg C. Add ambient temp, Tjunction=243+25=268 deg C! ....spec is 125 C max so you need a heat sink. *Infinite heat sink* This is a heat sink so large that the case is same temp as ambient air. The case = 25 C, so the junction rises TRjc above case. 4.5watt*4deg C/W=18 deg rise. Add case temp=25, Tjunction=18+25=43 deg sweat. This shows that a big enough heat sink will allow operation without a series resistor. *Now, try a series resistor*: You should keep at least 2.5 volts across the 7805 for good regulation. So you have 5V out + 2.5V=7.5V into 7805. The resistor will drop 14V-7.5=6.5volts. For 0.5 amp, R=6.5/0.5=13 ohms. resistor pwr=0.5*6.5=3.25 watts. Regulator pwr=2.5V*0.5amps=1.25 watts. (notice we still dissipate 1.25+3.25=4.5 watts total). Now check Tjunction, assuming no heat sink. Total TR junction to ambient is 54 deg C/W as above. Since the 7805 now only dissipates 1.25W, 1.25*54 deg C/W=67.5 deg C rise. Add ambient of 25C, Tjunction=67.5+25=92.5 deg sweat. This tells you that a series resistor would let you get away without a heat sink. (For 25 deg air). You still have to dissipate the resistor heat, but sometimes you can mount the hot resistor away from the electronics.

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