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In order to deepen your understanding of one of the stories we have looked at (and to show that deep understanding), your task is to re-tell one story using a different medium than the one the story is originally expressed in. This is called transmediation transferring the story from one medium to another. If you select a more abstract medium (for example a dance, or a photo essay), you may be asked to orally explain/justify your choices. If you have an idea for a medium that we havent yet looked at, please come speak with me to determine whether it will be a good choice. How you will be graded: Accurately represents
Theme (you must find a way to convey they theme(s) of the story you choose) X2 3 short story elements (ie plot, setting, conflict, characters, etc) X3 (1 for each elements) 1 literary device (ie irony, foreshadowing, symbolism, personification, etc) X2

Yes (1 points)

Somewhat (0.5 points)

No (0 points)

You will also be graded on creativity based on the rubric below: 4

Was extremely creative and presented with originality; used a unique approach that truly enhanced the project. Took creative risks and tried something difficult or new.

Was creative at times; thoughtfully and uniquely presented. Creative risks were evident but minimal.

Added a few original touches to enhance the project but did not incorporate it throughout. Little evidence of effort to try something new or difficult.

Little creative energy used during this project; was bland, predictable, and lacked zip. Did not take any creative risks, or try something new or difficult.

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