Vinul GÇô Aliment Functional

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Vinul aliment functional?

Should Red Wine Be Considered a Functional Food?

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Volume 9, Issue 5, pages 530551, 2010 Based on nearly 2 decades of research since the term French paradox was first coined in 1992, wine would appear to fit this definition. Yet there seems to be reluctance to consider wine as a functional food. In this review, we present an overview of the accumulated evidence for the health benefits of wineand its key phenolic components such as resveratrol, quercetin, catechinand show that these alone are not enough to firmly establish wine as a functional food. What is required is to create clearly defined products based on wine that are targeted to consumers needs and expectations when it comes to purchasing functional foods. Moreover, the

Wine and Grapes. There is growing evidence that wine, particularly red wine, can reduce the risk of CVD. The link between wine intake and CVD first became apparent in 1979 when St. Leger et al. (1979) found a strong negative correlation between wine intake and death from ischemic heart disease in both men and women from 18 countries. France in particular has a relatively low rate of CVD despite diets high in dairy fat (Renaud and de Lorgeril, 1992). Although this "French Paradox" can be partly explained by the ability of alcohol to in-crease HDL cholesterol, more recent investigations have focused on the non-alcohol components of wine, in particular, the flavonoids.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies, Drink Red Wine to Counter Bad Effects of High-Fat Food
According to Israeli researchers, polyphenols found in red wine, fruits and vegetables can counter the unhealthy effects of fatty foods.

For the study, six men and four women were fed three different meals consisting of dark meat turkey cutlets. One meal, the control, consisted of turkey meat and water. The second meal consisted of turkey meat with polyphenols added after cooking (one tablespoon of concentrated wine) followed with a glass of red wine (about 7 ounces). The third meal consisted of turkey meat with polyphenols added before cooking and then followed by a glass of wine.
At various points during the study, researchers took blood and urine samples to measure levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a natural byproduct of fat digestion known to increase the risk for heart disease and other chronic conditions. The researchers found that MDA levels nearly quintupled after the control meal, while MDA was nearly eliminated after subjects consumed the meals with polyphenols. Research findings were published in the January 2008 print issue of The FASEB Journal.

According to Joseph Kanner, senior author of the report:

"We suggest a new hypothesis to explain polyphenols. For the first time, these compounds were demonstrated to prevent significantly the appearance of toxic food derivative compounds in human plasma."

Cele mai multe studii sugereaz c dou pahare pe zi sunt suficiente pentru a reduce riscul de atac de cord, cantitatea de colesterol din snge, riscul bolilor de inim i chiar micorarea riscului unor forme de cancer. Vinul poate mbunti digestia, pentru a promova o stare de relaxare i ajut la inducerea unei stri bune de spirit.

"vinul este butura obinut exclusiv prin fermentaia alcoolic complet sau parial a strugurilor proaspei, zdrobii sau nezdrobii ori a mustului de struguri proaspei (Legea Viei si Vinului", 67/1997, modificat prin HG 1369/2000 i Regulamentul de aplicare a legii, HG 314/1999) "cea mai sntoas i mai igienic butur (L. Pasteur) Compoziia chimic medie a vinului este reprezentat: ap 81% alcool etilic 12% substan uscat 7% Valoarea functional a vinului e dat de compuii care formeaz substana uscat a vinului: Compui uor asimilabili (glucoz, fructoz, acizi organici, aminoacizi, esteri, etc.); Substane biologic active, indispensabile activitii omului (vitamine, enzime); Oligoproantocianidine (antioxidanii din seminele de struguri i pieli) n vinul rou, pn la 90% din coninutul de substane fenolice fac parte din categoria flavonoidelor. Aceti fenoli, existeni n

Clasificarea flavonoidelor
Flavanoli Catehina

3-Galatcatehina 3-Galatgalocatehina Epicatehina Epigalocatehina 3-Galatepicatehina

Leucoantocianidina Proantocianidine Flavone Flavone Flavonone Flavanone Flavonoli Antocianidine Cianidina Delfinidina Antocianidina Malvidina Pelargonidina Peonidina Petunidina Izoflavonoide Fitoestrogen Genistein Daidzein Glycitein Neoflavonoide Neoflavene



Descoperit prima dat n 1940, n rdcinile plantelor albe de spnz, resveratrolul a fost gsit ulterior n concentraii mai mari n alte plante i produse. Sursele cele mai importante sunt "seminele productoare de plante", cum ar fi strugurii pentru plantele de vi de vie, yucca, eucalipt, pin, crin, afine, merioare, dude. Chiar i ciocolata conine 3,4,5-trihydroxystilbene. O alt surs de resveratrol sunt arahidele i alunele. are efecte puternice in prevenirea aterosclerozei, cancerului i bolii Parkinson La om nu a fost realizat nc un studiu n ceea ce privete abilitile resveratrolului de a lupta impotriva cancerului, ns muli oameni rmn optimiti n aceast privin. Efectul neuroprotector a fost raportat n noiembrie 2008, de cercetatorii de la Colegiul Medical Weill Cornell care au observat c, prin suplimentarea dietei cu resveratrol, s-a redus semnificativ formarea plcii de beta-amiloid n creierul animalelor testate, plac ce caracterizeaz boala Alzheimer i alte boli neurodegenerative.


Antocianii sunt substane care se gasesc n flori, frunze, fructe i care au culoare roie, albastr sau violet. Culoare dat de acest complex de substane este funcie de pH:

-la pH=2,5 3 au culoare purpurie;

- la pH=4 4,5 au culoare violacee. n strugurii pentru vin, antocianii se dezvolt n timpul etapei de prg atunci cnd pielia strugurilor se schimb de la verde, la rou, la negru. Concentraia n antociani crete n struguri pe parcursul maturrii, asemntor cu acumularea glucidelor. Antocianii au fost cercetai din ce n ce mai mult din punct de vedere al beneficiilor asupra sntii consumatorilor, demonstrndu-se implicarea lor n tratamentul cancerului, prevenirea mbtrnii premature a populaiei i a bolilor neurologice, inflamaiilor, diabetului, infeciilor bacteriene, boala fibrochistic.


Taninurile confer vinului gust amar, astringent i se gsesc n pielia i seminele strugurilor. Din punct de vedere chimic sunt proantocianidine. Taninurile acioneaz ca antioxidani, pentru a preveni rigidizarea arterelor i inhib dezvoltarea tartrului pe dini. Aciunea antiseptic este explicat printr-o reacie de precipitare a microorganismelor adic plaga este protejat de infecii. Aciunea hemostatic se explic prin precipitarea eritrocitelor (globulele roii). Actiunea antidiareic se datoreaz aciunii astringente, la doze mari apare senzaia de vom i laxaie puternic. Aciunea de factor P reduce permeabilitatea capilarelor i cresc fluiditatea sanguin se ntlnesc n special la catehine. Tot catehinele sunt i ageni antiradicali liberi. Se folosesc ca antidot mai ales n intoxicaiile cu alcaloizi. n terapeutica se folosesc pentru efectul antiiritant, antiinflamator, bactericid, hemostatic, uor anestezic local i reductor al secreiilor. Extern se foloseste n rni, arsuri, degerturi, hemoragii, hemoroizi, inflamaii bucale i faringiene. Intern se folosete n gastrit hiperacid, diaree i intoxicaii cu alcaloizi, intoxicaii cu metale grele i nainte se folosea i n arsuri intense dar s-a

Consumat n cantiti moderate, vinul influeneaz pozitiv ntregul proces de nutriie al omului sntos, stimulnd secreia i reglnd pH-ul sucului gastric, are aciune diuretic, accelereaz circulaia sngelui, mrete acuitatea vizual.

The underlying motivations of Chinese wine consumer behaviour (2011)

The main findings were that Chinese wine consumers are influenced by face and status. These issues may be affecting their wine consumption behaviours, particularly related to anomalous behaviours such as mixing red wine with lemonade and the rationale for the preference of cork-closed wine bottles. Furthermore, the notion of wine consumption for health-related purposes was uncovered and a linkage found with traditional Chinese medicine.

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