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CHCAC317A-Support Older People to Maintain their Independence

To achieve a competent result for this unit you must satisfactorily complete all the assessments requirements listed below. Assessments for this unit are as follows:

Assessment Number Assessment Instrument 1

Type of Assessment Short Questions

Description and location There are 17 questions found in this booklet. You will be given the opportunity to respond to each question in your own words in a written format or in special cases verbally.

Assessment instrument 2

Case studies

There are 3 Case studies. Read the case studies given and answer the questions that follow. Use your own words in answering these case studies.

Assessments 6-7 will be completed as part of your supervised Work Placement Assessment instrument 6 Personal journal Third party observation Instructions for the journal are in the supervised work placement booklet Your supervisor will conduct a work place observation where she /she will observe you in a work place setting demonstrating the practical application of the skills and knowledge that you have gained in relation to this unit. Your supervisor is required to observe you performing tasks in the workplace using the checklist provided. During the observation your supervisor will make a judgment as to whether you have met the required skill level for the qualification, or if further practice is required. Instructions and checklist for work placement are in the supervised work placement booklet

Assessment Instrument 7

Instructions to the Student

Please read all the information given to you before you start any assessment task. If you do not understand some or all of the questions, please ask your trainer / assessor for assistance. If you are uncomfortable with any of these questions, please contact your assessor who will make alternative arrangements. Attempt to answer ALL questions in your own words on the assessment paper provided. The questions are designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your underpinning knowledge .To satisfactorily complete this assessment task you are required to complete the whole assessment. To do this you will need to answer all questions correctly and demonstrate you have achieved the required knowledge to industry standards. This assessment is intended to be fair and flexible. If you feel that we should change any aspect of this assessment to be fair, equitable or flexible, immediately contact your assessor who will attempt to make alternative arrangements. Please Note: 1. This assessment may be re-assessed upon appeal 2. Upon notification of your assessment results, your trainer/assessor is able to provide you with additional information on interpreting the assessment outcomes and guide you on your future options. Students name & ID: Signature: Date:

Assessment Instrument 1-Short questions

1. The government has various programs that assist the older people to live in their own homes. Explain to your client one such service/program available and how these programs can assist them.

2. The Australian Government also funds three programs designed for older people eligible for residential care but who have expressed a preference to remain in the community: Which programs are these and what are their scope?

3. Give four 2 examples o things you may monitor in the older persons environment that suggest increased need for support and assistance with activities of daily living.

4. If you are offering services under a HACC program, you need to acknowledge that the services are being provided in the clients home. Name 2 things that you need to consult with the client when you get to their home.


What 5 things should care plan/service delivery plan for an older client include?

6. What do you do as a carer when you notice inability by the older person to undertake activities of daily living?

7. Why do you think services to an older person should fit in around the older person's routine where possible?


We should encourage and assist our clients to maintain their environment. Name 3 places that would be clients environment.


Where a clients assessment is being done in their own homes, its important to ensure the homes are safe, secure and comfortable for them. Name 3 things that need to be checked, rectified and adapted during this assessment.

10. Before recommending any adaptation, modification or assistive device, an assessment of the older person will be undertaken to ensure that the most appropriate intervention is recommended. Name 4 things we need to take into account when planning modification of a clients environment.

11. Give three (3) examples of hazards that may exist in an older persons home that you may need to address which may cause harm to you or the older person.

12. State 4 Reactions that may occur to the older person who is experiencing grief.

13. Indicate 2 communication strategies you can use with the older person that is expressing their fears and other emotions associated with grief and loss.

14. Name 5 support networks in your neighborhood that you would refer an older client of yours that is experiencing loss or grief.(PC 4.3)

15. As a carer, what are 2 ways you can assist your client cope during a griefing period?(PC 4.2)

16. Google 2 companies in your area that supply aids/equipment to assist the older person undertake activities of living independently.(PC 2.4)

17. Name 4 activities of living that an older person may require assistance with.(RS)

Assessment Instrument 2-Case studies

Case Study 1 (PC 1.3,1.6,1.7,1.8)
Melinda is a a new aged care worker in ABC aged care facility. She is allocated to work with Mr Smith and gets a verbal brief from the supervisor. She also gets a copy of his care plan. She goes to Mr Smyth's room to help him get dressed and ready for the day. Mr Smiths care plan says that he likes to get up at 0800hrs. It says he likes a cup of tea in bed before he gets up. It says that he is able to dress himself. Mr Smith uses a standing machine to get out of bed. He needs help with doing buttons and putting his socks on. The Care plan also states that the staffs have to follow organizations policies, protocols and procedures at all times. Melinda arrives at Mr Smyth's room at 0730hrs. She wakes him and helps him out of bed by Mr Smith holding onto Melinda. She puts his trousers over his feet for him, and pulls them up when he stands up. She helps him to put his arms in his shirt before doing up the buttons, then Melinda pulls his jumper over his head. She asks him to put his shoes and socks on while she tidies up the bed, and then ties his shoe laces for him. Once he is dressed, Melinda makes sure he is comfortable in his armchair and serves him a cup of tea. a. From the care plan, what are Mr Smiths needs?

Needs a cup of tea in bed before getting up, need standing machine to get out of bed. Help with doing buttons, putting up his socks on.

b. Did Melinda provide services to Mr Smith in a manner that he was able to direct his care? Explain

No, she assist him getting out of bed which he did not require at all, he just needed a standing machine to get out of bed. He is able to dress himself but she is doing everything by herself. He needs help to put his socks on but she is not helping him out. She offered a cup of tea in his armchair after finishing everything else but he wanted it in the bed before everything else.

c. What would you have done at 0730hrs? What would you have done to maintain Mr Smyths routine? I would have given a cup of tea in the morning and then i should have given him standing machine so that he could get out of bed. He would dress himself, meanwhile i would have changed his bedsheet. After his dressing up i would have helped him doing his buttons and put up his socks.


Did Melinda follow the organizations policies, protocols and procedures? Explain

No she didnot follow the policies, protocols and procedures because she did not work according to the care plan. This could affect mr Smiths independence and he will not feel comfortable.

Case Study 2: (PC 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)

You are a care worker who provides support to older people living in their own homes. You work with Sophie who now lives alone as her husband died three months ago after being married for 60 years. According to Sophies care plan, she only needs assistance with house cleaning since she can do most of the duties by herself. Of late you notice that Sophie is quite forgetful and has left the stove on a few times and you have put it off yourself. Also you notice that sophie is having trouble climbing the stairs in front of her house and has fallen once. Thankfully, you were around and you were able to assist her get up. She was not hurt that time. You are quite concerned and think that Sophie needs a ramp with railings to enable her get in and out of her house. Each Sunday Sophies daughter comes to visit and you notice that on these days she is very meticulous about having the house clean, having home baked food to offer and fresh flowers in the sitting room. However, during the week days you have noticed that Sophie has become a little withdrawn, she no longer wishes to work in the garden, she isnt taking as much care with her physical hygiene and appearance and she doesnt seem to care about the appearance and cleanliness of the house. On Sundays when Sophies daughter visits she almost becomes a different person as though she wants to keep up appearances and not worry her family. Her daughter thinks that her mother is coping extremely well as she always visits at a time that is pre-arranged and so Sophie has time to prepare for the visits. You are becoming increasingly concerned. a. What have you noticed in sophies environment that needs modification? She forgets turning the stove off, she is facing problem climbing up the front stairs of her home

b. State what needs to change in sophies care plan to assist her with activities of daily living. She should have a ramp with railing to get in and out of house.she may need helpwith her gardening and personal hygiene. She need assistance with house cleaning.


How do you report about Sophies case

She is suffering a loss. She is not interested in doing cleaning and gardening anymore. She may suffer from dementia. She is not taking care of herself except onthe day her daughter visits her. She is not coping well with the situation. So she need immediate hel. She requires a counselling as soon as possible.


What type of aids and processes does sophie require?

Sophie requires a smoke detector or an alarm near her stove which can remind her if she leaves her stove on. She wants a ramp with railing so that she can easily get in and out of her house.

Case study 3(PC 1.1,2.1,)

Look at the table below. If you as a carer has clients that require assistance with the activities listed in the first and second columns of the table below, indicate where you would refer these clients to receive services in the last column. What the older person needs Service name Who provides it/referral services Home and Community Care Services

Help with housework

Home care or home help

Help with the garden or lawns

Home or property maintenance Home and Community Care Services

More social activity

Senior Citizens Clubs: day activity services; social clubs; friendly visiting

Community Nursing and Health Centres

Better food or help with meals

Home-delivered meals; group meals

Community Aged Care Program, Home and Community Care

A change in routine or a break

Respite care; carer support

National Respite for Carer Program

Help recovering from an operation, illness or injury

Rehabilitation; allied health professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nurses

Transition Care

Home and personal safety

Falls prevention programs; community policing programs; personal alarm service

Community Aged Care Package

Getting to and from places

Community transport

Extended Aged Care at Home, Community Aged Care Package

Help with personal care or health issues

Personal care; allied health nursing

Home Nursing, Extended Aged Care at Home

Assessment Tasks Outcome

Unit name: CHCHC317A Support Older People to Maintain Their Independence Declaration I _____________________________________________ (insert your name) declare that these tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person and I have not cheated, plagiarized or colluded with any other student. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. I have read and understood JTI policy on Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion and understand that if I am found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me BY JTI. I also agree that I have been properly informed and assessed by JTI. Student signature _______________________________________

Feedback to student/ comments

Assessor declaration I declare t hat i have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency. I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent. Not Competent Not Competent Not Competent Competent Date: __________________________ Date: __________________________ Date:__________________________ Date: _________________________ date: _______________________________

Signature: _______________________

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