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Teaching Philosophy

Kristen Rice
Albert Einstein once said, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. I believe all students have the ABILITY to learn when given the appropriate opportunity. A- All students can learn when given the appropriate supports and accommodations. I believe holding high expectations is the key to student achievement. It is my job as a teacher to ensure that my students reach their individual potential. This can be achieved through personal goal setting, progress monitoring, and assessment. B- Be adventurous. I believe in motivating and engaging students in the learning process. By using technology, providing choices, and adhering to strengths and interests, students have the opportunity to use their differing abilities to be successful and unique. I - Instruction is most effective when it is differentiated. I believe all students have varying learning abilities that should be embraced and appreciated. Differentiated instruction involves engaging students in a variety of student- and learning-centered strategies to ensure all have the support, modifications, and accommodations they need in order to succeed, these include: strategic grouping, hands-on learning, independent work time, brain buddies, journals, portfolios, homogenous grouping, visual/audio learning, using technology, and whole group time. L- Learning environments that are student-centered create an effective classroom culture and community. I believe all students bring a unique aspect to each classroom allowing for both learning and growth to take place. A successful student-centered learning environment is like having home court advantage. Our classroom is our home court, indicating we construct meaningful relationships by working hard both individually and together, our biggest fans are our classmates, and we celebrate success as one. A learning environment is welcoming, safe, comfortable, diversified, and filled with laughter and wonderment. I- It is important for me to be constantly improving my teaching through reflection and collaboration. Teachers are always learning and in order to best provide for my students, I believe in using student data/growth, staff perspective, professional development, and selfevaluation to ensure I am teaching for understanding. T- Teaching to 21st century learners through technology. Through the use of technology in all classrooms, student work and instruction has the opportunity to become individualized. Students have the opportunity to participate in ways never possible before- video, audio, written, pictures, etc. Technology allows for choice, individualization, and increased motivation and interest. Y- You learn as much from your students as they learn from you. Success comes in all colors and it may not be evident the first day, or the second day, or the next day, but I believe in finding the positive in each and every day and recognizing student strengths rather than weaknesses and embracing diversity and differences.

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