The Brain "II": Hindbrain, Ventricular System & Vasculature

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The Brain II

Hindbrain, Ventricular System & Vasculature

The Hindbrain
Made up: Pons Medulla oblongata


Brain Stem?

Middle part of brainstem Ant. To cerebllum Fxn.: Contains bundles of axons that connect the 2 halves of cerebellum Contains the nuclei of cranial n. ?? Controls arousal

Medulla Oblongata
Lower part of brainstem Connects? Important features: median fissure 2 lat. Pyramids: contain bundles of motor neurons located in precentral gyrus 2 olives

* Motor bundles cross over to opposite side at lower part of the medulla * Contains nuclei of which C.N.??

1/10 of brain mass, yet of neurons

Location: post. Cranial fossa beneath tentorium cerebelli

Fxn.: coordination of muscle tone & movements on same side of body Regulates posture & balance *Ataxia: ?? Due to damage to cerebellum

Meningeal Reflections

Ventricular System of The Brain Brain Chambers

Consists of: 2 lat. Ventricles 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle

* Contain choroid plexuses CSF Choroid plexus, 3 layers ? 1] the capillary network 2] pia matter 3] epindemal cells

Lateral Ventricles
Located within cerebrum 2 large cavities that filled with CSF *Communicate with 3rd ventricle through?? interventricular foramina (2 in number). * Separated from each other by?? SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM.

Septum Pellucidum

Third Ventricle
Located within diencephalon At midline between 2 masses of thalamus Boundaries: Lat. Walls: 2 masses of thalamus floor: hypothalamus Communicates with 4th ventricle via ?? cerebral aqueduct

4th Ventricle
Located between: brain stem & cerebellum

Contains 3 foramina in its roof (Why??) - 2 laterally foramen of luschka - foramen of Magendie **** To drain the CSF from inside the brain into subarachnoid space between the meninges

Clinical: hydrocephalus
(Hydro: water, Cephalus: head) Excess CSF in the ventricles leading enlargement of the head

Causes: 1. overproduction 2. obstruction of CSF flow 3. interference with CSF absorption Results in infants: the head in size

Arachnoid Granulations

Arteries of The Brain

The main arteries of the Brain Include: 2 ICA 2 Vertebral a.

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Internal Carotid Artery

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5 branches 1. Ophthalmic a.: to orbit, through? optic canal 2. Ant. Cerebral a.: runs in longitudinal fissure medial surface of cerebrum until ?? parieto-occipital sulcus 3. Middle cerebral a.: largest branch of ICA runs in lat. Sulcus most lat. Surface of cerebrum 4. Post. Communicating a. 5. Choroidal a.

Medial Surface

Lateral Surface

Vertebral Arteries
The 2 vertebral a. join at lower border of Pons to form: Basilar artery V. a. branches: (4) post. Meningeal a. (dura mater ) ant. & post. Spinal a. (spinal cord) post. Inf. Cerebellar a. (cerbulum) medullary a. (medulla oblongata )

Basilar Artery
4 branches arteries to cerebellum Labyrinthine artery Pontine a. Post. Cerebral a.: turns backward at midbrin supply: occipital lobe inf. Part of temporal lobe & the medial part of temporal lobe

Circulus Arteriosus Circle of Willis

Anastomosis between branches of 2 ICA & 2 vertebral a. Consists of: ant. Communicating a.

ant. Cerebral a.
ICA Post. Communicating a post. Cerebral a. basilar a.

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