Definite Zero Article Test

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Name: TEST PAPER Circle the correct answer:

Date: 8th grade

I like listening to ____. a. radio b. the radio What did you have for ____? a. dinner b. the dinner Do we say 'the' with the names of rivers? a. The Nile is the longest river. b. Nile is the longest river.

She was born in ____. a. France b. the France Do we say 'the' with the names of oceans? a. Pacific b. The Pacific Do we say 'the' with the names of mountains? a. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. b. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Do we say 'the' with the names of countries? a. United Kingdom b. The United Kingdom I'm seeing ____ tomorrow. a. dentist b. the dentist _____ of the United States was elected last year. a. The President b. President My flat is on _______ a. the second floor b. second floor I'll take you to _____. a. airport b. the airport I've got to get to _________ before it closes. a. post office b. the post office What time would you like ______? a. breakfast b. the breakfast

Do we say 'the' with the names of lakes? a. The Lake Victoria is in Africa. b. Lake Victoria is in Africa. It's ____. a. Amazon b. the Amazon She lives in _____. a. North b. the North

We went for a walk in _____. a. park b. the park We need someone with ____ knowledge of Chinese. a. good b. the good Mount Everest is in ____ a. the Himalayas b. Himalayas He was sent to ____ for theft. a. prison b. the prison He's in ____. a. trouble b. the trouble I'm going to _____ to get some cash. a. bank b. the bank The River Nile is ____ river of all. a. longest b. the longest

Do we say 'the' with the names of streets? a. Regent Street b. The Regent Street An atheist does not believe in ____. a. the God b. God I spoke to ______ a. manager b. the manager ______are my favorite flowers. a. The roses b. Roses It's the first road on ____. a. right b. the right It is ________ producer of computer keyboards in the world. a. the largest b. largest It's in ______ a. Milton Road b. the Milton Road

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