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Littering in America

By Alegria Martinez

What is Littering?

To make a place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying around The 3 most littered objects ar fast food waste, paper, Aluminum

Why do people litter?

People really dont care whether or not they place trash in a trash can They are also too lazy They also feel like they can get away with it They think its ok as long as know one sees you litter

Who is more likely to litter?


who are lazy People who dont really care People who are rebellious

Acts of littering

People just throw trash on the ground There is supposed to be a fine for littering but I dont see anyone being fined People dont do anything about and that is the main reason why litter even still exsists

Advantages to littering?
In my opinion there are no advantages I mean, unless you count the people who are fined, theyre giving money that we could use for good Other then that its just that you dont have to struggle to find a trash can

Disadvantages to littering?

messy environment A lot of trash, means a lot of stink Supports laziness Bothers people who dont like littering

Strategies to Prevent People from Littering

They wouldnt litter if they werent lazy If there were more thrash cans maybe If people were actually fined like the government says they would, then it would stop maybe

I Pledge to..

I will not litter I will pick up litter And make sure no one else litters

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