Legend Rubric

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10 points

Content is well organized. A variety of sentences are used and portrayed in an interesting way.

8 points

6 points

4 points
Poorly organized. Sentences are too simple. Uses incorrect Spanish and/or English words throughout.

0 Points

Organization and Comprehensibility

Writer clearly uses elements Writer uses some from the target elements from the Writer uses frew Writer uses incorrect country/culture to target elements of the cultural symbols or no portray their country/culutre, but target culture and Cultural Symbols symbols at all. Story legend. Examples they do not clearly the elements used does not tie to are easily tied to tie to the story or do not enhance the requirements the story and do not enhance the story. enhance the story. story. Writer makes Writer consistently Writer consistnely Writer usually uses frequent mistakes makes errors with uses correct correct grammar, with grammar, grammar, word order, grammar, word word order, spelling Accuracy/Gramm word order, spelling,and agreement. order, spellng and and agreement. ar spelling and Errors with simple agreement. Most verbs and agreement. Begins structures. Verb Tenses and verbs tenses are accurate to interfere with conjugations and tenses are appropriate and appropriate comprehensibility. are inaccurate Writer correctly uses a wide variety of vocabulary; includes rich details. Writer uses a variety of relevant and appropriate vocabulary. Writer uses some appropriate vocabulary. Some is basic and/or repetetive. Writer does not use sufficient vocabulary. Vocabulary is below the expected level.

Presentation is Presentation is somewhat illogical generally logical. and confusing in Uses levelplaces. Many appropriate sentences are not sentences. Mostly level-appropriate. corret use of Incorrect use of Spanish vocabulary Spanish vocabulary and expressions and expressions.

Did not attempt.

Did not attempt.

Did not attempt.


Did not attempt.

Writer fulfills from Writer fulfills from Writer fulfills from Writer fulfills from 075-100% of the 50-75% of the 25-50% of the Task Completion 25% the requirements of requirements of requirements of the requirements of the the assignment. the assignment. assignment. assignment.

Did not attempt.

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