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Waukee Community School District

Individual Teacher Professional Development Plan (ITPDP) CHARLES FOLSOM Goals - NOTE: (With PLC or Individual, (1) Behavior, (1) Academic): 1. Behavior Goal: Decrease the average number of tardies per student as measured by 2011-12 to 2012-13 data. 2. Academic Goal: Increase student speaking fluency through speaking practice and responding to prompts Native and non-Native speakers. Data Used to Write the Goal: 1. Tardies gathered through PowerSchool over the course of the 2012-2013 school year. 2. Students will be given prompt at 3 different times during Terms 2 and 3 in Spanish 3. The students will record answers using Google voice and data will be collected based on content and fluency throughout recording. Step(s) to Complete: 1. Analyze data from the 2011-12 school year. Give students positive reinforcement to be on time for all classes. Record all tardies through PowerSchool. Have conversation with each student about reasons for tardy, and what steps we will take to improve. 2. Students will have to record answers to prompt on Google voice three times throughout the stated semesters. After each prompt, I will pick out words and phrases we struggle with and incorporate them into my daily speaking. Students will self-assess reading ability and will be assessed by me as well. Time Frame(s): 1. 2012-2013 School Year 2. 2012-2013 School Year (Terms 2/3) Evaluation(s): 0 Documentation: Resource(s)/Training Needs: Reflection (completed prior to the annual conference @ end of year):

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