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Respected chief guest, Principal sir, judges, teachers and dear friends.

We have assembled here to discuss if Rules and Regulations Breed Corruption. I have come here to put forward my views for the topic. Sir, our country is plagued by rampant corruption in every stratum of work place. We have to pay at every step from highest to the lowest for our work done. The concerned officials have become extremely greedy, always eager to get their palms to be greased. The common man shudders at the thought of visiting the corruption ridden government offices. Sir, I think the governments and the policy makers of this country are confounded and confused. Not knowing what to do to check the wide spread diseases of corruption they go on producing new rules and regulations every now and then in the factory of the parliament. The result is that one has to pass through innumerable formalities and mountains of files for a small work like obtaining a Domicile Certificate done. The only way out for the common man is grease the palm and get the Certificate quickly or forget everything. Sir, I dont agree with my opponents when they say that plethora of rules will effectively curb the deluge of corruption. They dont know that the abundance of rules and regulations serve only to complicate the matters. The honest should not be forced to turn corrupt. Simplicity evokes compliance and complexity breeds evasion. At this point the statement made by the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu is striking in my mind. He said, "The more laws are enacted and taxes assessed, the greater the number of lawbreakers and tax evaders." The message is clear. Sir, my opponents are apprehensive of a society where there are very few rules and regulations. They think that nobody will follow any ethics and values in such a society, and there will
be a steep rise in crime and corruption. I think, Ccorruption

is more a matter of ethics than of law.

The people should be educated in real sense. They should be made more law abiding. People respect only those who are rich without bothering about the means by which the rich amass money. This tendency should be discouraged. Love for fellow beings should be developed. Its only through true education and not through truckloads of rules and regulations that we can abolish corruption. Thanks. -

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