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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial

Chapter 40 Isometrics

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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial

40.1 Isometric Cursor

1. Choose Tools, Drawing Aids... or 2. Type DDRMO DES at the command prompt. Com m a n d: DDRMODES 3. Toggle Isometric Snap/Grid to O N.

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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial 40.2 Isoplane Toggle

1. Press Function Key F5 to toggle <Is o p la n e To p > <Is o p la n e Le ft > <Is o p la n e Right> or 2. Press CTRL + E to toggle isoplanes.

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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial 40.3 Isometric Circles



E L L I P S E a t t h e c o m ma n d p ro m p t . Com m a n d: ELLIPSE o r EL Arc/ Ce n t e r/ I s ocircle/<Axis endpo in t 1 >: I Ce n t e r of circle: <Is o pla n e To p > <Circle ra diu s>/Di a me t e r:

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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial 40.4 Isometric Text

1. Type STYLE at the command prompt Com m a n d:STYLE 2. Type RIS O as a style name Text s tyle n a m e (or ? ) RISO 3. Pick A font file Fon t file: Romans.shx 4. Type Zero(0) for the text height H eight < 0>0 5. Type .85 for the character width factor Widt h fac t or: .85 6. Type 30 degrees for an obliquing angle Obl iq ui ng Angl e: 30 7. 8. Type Type NO to Backwards, Upside Down, and Vertical DT EXT at the com mand prompt Com m a n d:DTEXT 9. Pick A start point Justify/Style/ <St a r t point >: pic k 10. Type 30 for t he rot a t ion an gle Rot a t io n an gle:3 0 11. Type A string of te xt Text:(t ext string) 12. Press E NTER to end th e te xt c o m m a n d

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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial

40.5 sometric Dimensions 40.5

1. 2. Type Type DIMALIGNED to place an aligned dimension in iso m e t ric s DIMEDIT oblique the angle of the dimension line and rotate the text. O bliqu e A n gle = -30 R o t a t e d Text = 30

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