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By Trinh Thi Thu Hien - EFL 523 Listening and Speaking Techniques Course

email: - Home phone: 084 383 33 220 - Mobile: 098 919 6885

Giving simple directions

Skill level : Element.
Age : 15 years old.
Objectives : Students will be able to develop the ability of accurately and
comprehend directions.
Time : 15 mins
Teaching aids: Blackboard, chalks, hand-out.
New words: bank, bookshop, bus stop, pub,
1/ Preparation:
Teacher ask the students some questions:
- Have you had a party?
- What kinds of party do you have?
- Do you often have a birthday party?
- Where do you often celebrate your birthday party?
- I think if you have one, you may invite a lot of friend to come your house
and I’m sure some of them do not know your house then you will give
some directions and here we will learn some directions by Fred.
2/ Presentation
Teacher write on board: Fred’s having a party.
- Hand out students vocabulary list and some directions.
- Guide them to read in chorus new vocabularies two times to make sure
they can pronounce correctly to help them understand the tape script.
- Get two students stand up and read again.
3/ Practice
Introduce the content of listening tape script twice: the first time is for main
vocabulary. The second time is for main direction
Teacher: We are going to listen to Fred’s conversation to his friend Mary, he is
giving directions to his house. Listen and mark the route on the map.
By Trinh Thi Thu Hien - EFL 523 Listening and Speaking Techniques Course
email: - Home phone: 084 383 33 220 - Mobile: 098 919 6885

Check students’ understanding what they are going to do

Choose one student go to blackboard to draw the route
Play the tape:
Fred : Fred is listening, who’s that
Mary : It’s Mary. I am on the way to your house but I have forgotten the
directions you gave me this morning. So can you tell me now?
Fred : OK. Where are you now?
Mary : Well, I’m in front of a car park.
Fred : Oh, my house is quite near there. It’s quite easy to find. First, go along
Queen Street. Second, turn left to Park Lane. Then pass the bookshop. My house
is between a bookshop and a bank.
Mary : Thank you very much.
Fred : See you.
Require students work in pair to compare their answers
4/ Evaluation:
Call two students check answer.
Teacher give correct answer.
5/ Homework:
Ask student give directions from their house to VNU or the nearest supermarket.
By Trinh Thi Thu Hien - EFL 523 Listening and Speaking Techniques Course
email: - Home phone: 084 383 33 220 - Mobile: 098 919 6885

Fred : Fred is listening, who’s that

Mary : It’s Mary. I am on the way to your house but I have forgotten the
directions you gave me this morning. So can you tell me now?
Fred : OK. Where are you now?
Mary : Well, I’m in front of a car park.
Fred : Oh, my house is quite near there. It’s quite easy to find. First, go along
Queen Street. Second, turn left to Park Lane. Then pass the bookshop. My house
is between a bookshop and a bank.
Mary : Thank you very much.
Fred : See you.

bank /bæηk/ between [bi'twi:n]

bookshop / 'buk∫ɔp/ right /rait/
bus-top / ['bʌsstɔp/ left /left/
pub [pʌb] turn [tə:n]
pass [pɑ:s]

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