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Carlena Lowell SEI 516 Contact Summary #5

*Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality Contact Information Program Name: Head Start Address: kept on file Consultant: Carlena Lowell Consultee: Jill TA #: CEL TA Type: ___ Program _X_ Child Date: February 25, 2013 Duration: 7:45 am-8:15 am Consultation Activities Activity: Discussed final draft of child observation report Activity: Made a plan to begin implementation of teaching strategies and environmental modifications Activity: Made a plan to meet with Tylers mother Rachel to go over child observation report Focus of Consultation Technical Assistance Plan Goal and Action Step: Goal 1: Determine and implement teaching strategies to support positive behavior for an individual child Action Step: Brainstorm a list of teaching strategies to support positive behavior Action Step: Meet with the family to discuss childs strengths, concerns and progress made throughout the steps of this plan Goal 2: Consider the classroom environment and modify appropriately to reinforce positive behaviors of an individual child Action Step: meet to consider classroom environment and determine areas in need of modification Action Step: Modify areas of need for the classroom (to be done prior to contact #6) Consultation Stage: 6 Consultation Notes During todays meeting, I reviewed the final draft of the child observation report with Jill. We discussed the recommendations I put forth in the report, which were based on my previous meeting with Jill. As I was writing the report I developed several other

Carlena Lowell SEI 516 Contact Summary #5

recommendations, for both teaching strategies and environmental modifications, in which I shared with Jill. These were reducing the number of instructions for Tyler by providing him with choices, the use of an assistive seat of circle time (parent permission pending), and putting more focus on teaching social emotional skills to the entire class. She agreed these seemed like recommendations that would support Tylers positive behavior. We also narrowed down exactly which transitions were most difficult for Tyler and decided to begin with those: the transitions from inside to outside, and from outside to inside. In addition, we also discussed where Tyler spends the most amount of time during free play. During the week of the observation he spent 74 minutes in the dramatic play area and 71 minutes in the block area. We determined this was typical play behavior for him. We decided to meet with Rachel to review the child observation report tomorrow, if she was available to at pick up time. We also decided to begin implementing teaching strategies and environmental modifications this week. We will meet next week to discuss results at that point. Action Steps for Consultant Step 1: Meet with consultee and Rachel to review child observation report Step 2: Begin implementing teaching strategies and environmental modifications on 2/26 Step 3: Begin organizing thoughts for Assignment C: Developing a Plan for ActivityBased Intervention and for Monitoring Progress; explain assignment and written plan paperwork to Jill by 3/11 Action Steps for Consultee Step 1: Meet with consultant and Rachel to review child observation report Step 2: Begin implementing teaching strategies and environmental modifications on 2/26

Consultant Signature ____________Carlena Lowell_______________________

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