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Explorers Day-3 2013

Title: The Siege of Tenochtitlan Subject: Cortes and the Aztecs Standard Addressed: Date: March 20th, 2013 Grade Level: 7th grade Unit: Spanish and Portuguese Explorers

6.6 Create and compare timelines that identify major people, events and developments in the history of individual civilizations and/or countries that comprise the Americas. 6.2 Identify examples of social, political, cultural, and economic development in key areas. After watching the film, The Fall of the Aztecs, with my group we can sequence the main events of the siege. In a summary, I can identify the roles that the cast of characters played in the sequence of events during the siege of Tenochtitlan. How was an empire as strong and vast as the Aztec defeated by hundreds of Spaniards? Laptop computer for video, Document camera, and students each need their History Reflection Journals to take notes and then summarize what they have learned. War in World History: Society, Technology, and War from Ancient Times to the Present by Stephen Morillo, Jeremy Black, and Paul Lococo The Fall of the Aztec Empire Siege a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender. Montezuma Emperor of the Aztecs in 1519 Cuilahuac Brother of the Emperor Hernan Cortes a 34 year old Spanish explorer who lead men against the Aztec Empire. Sequence to put events/items in chronological order. Quetzalcoatl Aztec feathered serpent god


Essential Question:

Materials Needed:

Resources Utilized:

New Vocabulary:

Old Vocabulary to refresh: What background Knowledge I want to draw from: Work to be done before teaching this lesson:

By reviewing the cast of characters I want to trigger the students memories of past lessons when we looked at the religious and social structures of Aztec society. Pre-watch the film and take detailed notes about the timeline of events in the siege of Tenochtitlan. Create a timeline of events that can be cut into strips for the students to sequence in groups.

Explorers Day-3 2013

Lesson Plan Time Instruction/ Activity Review What should the student be doing? Taking down the definitions for the cast of characters and answering guided questions. What should the teacher be doing? Explaining the key people in the cast of characters that the students will see in the film. Asking thought prompting questions such as: Who remembers what Quetzalcoatl was the god of? Why is he important to the Aztecs? If Montezuma is the emperor what are his job responsibilities? Watching the film and checking in with students who need to regain their focus.

5 min

15 min

Film: The Fall of the Aztec Empire Groups and Introduction to sequencing activity.

5 min

Actively watching the film (heads up, eyes and ears open), no notes are required while watching the film. First, students job will be to listen to instructions. Students are to get into groups of four with their table mates, as soon as they have a group one student will come request an envelope with the sequence strips.

Group work

15 min

Working within their groups students should be sequencing the events from the strips of paper, having the events checked and recording them in their History Reflection Journals.

10 min

Summary Writing

Clean-up 2 min

Writing their summary in their History Reflection Journals making sure they include events from their notes. Student put all of their work into their folders and put their folders into the crates. Rearrange the classroom desks if needed.

Start by explaining they will be receiving an envelope with strips of events that happened in the film. Your job will be to sequence (put in the correct order) these events to match what you saw in the film. Once you think you have the correct order raise your hand and I will check your work. Once I have given you the okay you will record your sequence in your History Reflection Journals. After checking for understanding (thumbs up/thumbs down) tell the students they will be working in groups. Then ask them to get into groups. Answering questions and prompting students to think about the film. Encouraging the students to work together. Checking to make sure they have the sequence correct. If they have made a mistake in their sequence tell them they are correct until event _____ so that way they can self-correct without messing up the events they have already sequenced correctly. Circling the room and prompting students that are having trouble writing their summary. Answering students questions and wishing the students a good rest of their day. Students must all be sitting down in their seats when the bell rings in order to leave.

Explorers Day-3 2013

Formative Assessment: Teacher will watch the students while they are taking notes to make sure they are actively engaged in watching the film. After reading the accounts have the students work with elbow partners to find facts and opinions in the accounts. Give the students 5 minutes then call them back and go paragraph by paragraph underlining facts and opinions as a class. Post Assessment: Have the students write to this prompt: Summarize the siege of Tenochtitlan using 3 pieces of evidence. Underline your 3 pieces of evidence to make sure you have used 3. Adaptations Adaptions TAG Plan Modifications If they help their group go through the activity too quickly, their group will be asked to expand the sequencing strips and add other events from the film to the timeline. Working in groups will be helpful for these students. They may need a job in order to stay focused (they could be the designated student who calls the teacher over once the group needs their sequence checked.) Visual drawing of siege along with a verbal definition of the word. Assessment Modifications N/A


They will be given a print out of the sequence of events and go back to their desks after they are finished with group work. Grammar is not graded in the summary, however they must have 2 pieces of evidence.


Explorers Lesson Siege of Tenochtitlan: Fall of the Aztecs Film Notes (to be used for sequencing of events) Cortes arrives in Tenochtitlan he is met at the end of a causeway by Montezuma. Montezuma welcomes Cortes into the palace. Cortes kidnaps Montezuma and for 5 months feasts in his palace. Cortes men attack the Aztecs during a religious festival causing the Aztecs to revolt. Cuilahuac (the brother of Montezuma) is the new emperor and leads an attack on the Spanish. Aztecs lay siege to the palace and Cortes men. Cortes has Montezuma beg his people to stop fighting, after 30 days of fighting the Spanish kill Montezuma. The Spanish try to run away at night and get stuck in the canals, weighted down by all the gold and silver they were trying to steal. Only of the Spanish are able to get away into the forest.

Explorers Day-3 2013

Aztecs go back to life as normal until the problem the Spanish left (smallpox) attacks the Aztec people. Meanwhile, Cortes is making friends with the natives and gathers them for an assault on Tenochtitlan. Cortes and the natives lay siege to Tenochtitlan for 2 months when the Aztecs give in. (They were starving to death) Cortes becomes governor of Tenochtitlan fills in the canals, flattens the city and imposes Christianity on the remaining people.

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