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Illini Union Meeting Room Reservations Office Event Management Questionnaire As a program sponsor for an event which falls

under the Campus Policy on the Management of Special Events, your organization is asked to provide more information about your planned event to the Event Services Office, or 129 Illini Union. The information must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the event date unless a different deadline is established for your event in writing by the Event Services Office. Failure to provide the requested information may result in the cancellation of your room reservation in the Illini Union. General Information Event Title: Event Sponsor: Location: Date: Start Time: End Time: Contact Persons 2 individuals who will be responsible for leadership during the event. Name: Email: Current Telephone #: Name: Email: Current Telephone #: Event Management Plan: Please provide the responses to the questions listed below. Intended Audience How and where will the event be announced or advertised? Will there be advanced ticket sales? Will there be tickets sold at the door? What will the prices be? Will persons not affiliated with UIUC be permitted to attend? If yes, will these persons required to have a UIUC student as a host or not? Entry Plan Which entrance to the room will be used as the main entrance? How many volunteers will be assigned to the main entrance? If a line develops as people wait to enter, how do you plan to manage that line keeping its orderly and safe for all involved? Do you anticipate any difficulties as people enter your event? Explain your response. Do you believe a police officer or other security measures would be helpful to your organization in managing your event? Explain your response. During Event How many volunteers will be assigned inside the event?

How will the organization members and/or other volunteers assisting with the event management be identified by participants and Illini Union staff? Does your organization anticipate any problems during your event? Explain your response. If there are problems, how does your organization plan to respond to them? There are multiple exits in the room your organization has selected. How will your organization monitor these exits? Will participants be permitted to come and go throughout the event? Does your organization have a contract(s) for goods or services related to this event? If yes, please provide a list of vendors. Have similar events been held on campus? If yes, does your organization know if the event(s) were successful and safe? Exit Plan How does your organization plan to end its event? How many volunteers will be assigned to clearing the room and cleaning up the organizations materials? If your event will end close to the buildings closing time, how will participants be directed to exit the building? Name of Person Providing Information: Organization Title/Position: Email Address: Current Daytime Telephone Number: Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________

The Illini Union reserves the right to require changes to any organizations event management plan or to cancel a room reservation, if the facility deems it insufficient to ensure the safety and security of event participants as well as other visitors to the building. Upon receipt of your event information, you will be contacted by a representative from the Illini Union to discuss your organizations upcoming event.

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