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The Aztecs Reading Guide

23.4 The Aztec Empire

At its height, the empire ruled more than _______________________ people. An Empire Based on Tribute Conformity:


Who received tribute goods?

Forms of tributes paid to the Aztecs include: _________________, _____________ , and _______________. Warfare When a city was defeated what did the people of the city get to keep?

24 Daily Life in Tenochtitlan

24.2 Class Structure (Fill this in just like the Maya Class Structure Pyramid in your notes)
The Ruler:

Government Officials, Priests, and Military Leaders:





The Aztecs Reading Guide

Read the caption on page 294. Estimate who the four people on the top are: ______________ _________________ ___________________ _________________

I believe the people on the bottom are _____________ because . . .

24.4 Family Life

In Aztec life it was the womens job to . . .

It was the childrens job to . . .

24.5 Food
What is the strangest food you read about? What do you think it is?

24.7 Religious Practices

Who is the chief god of the Aztecs? What is he the god of? Summarize why the text says that Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. (Use two facts from the text.)

24.8 Recreation
What game would you most like to play? WHY?

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