Penyebab Atau Pemicu Asma

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Asthma comes from the word "asthma" is derived from the Greek meaning "difficulty breathing".

Asthma is known because of the symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing and mengiyang caused by narrowing of the airways.

The causes or trigger of an asthma : Allergies, Allergies can trigger asthma caused by four factors, including: animal hair, Bedbugs, spores, plant pollens. Virus infection, asthma exacerbated by viral infections, such as colds and flu, which causes swelling of the respiratory nets. Sports, some people with asthma experience narrowing and respiratory irritation in their path, so that when they exercise, they have to work extra hard to breathe. Stress and Emotions, not just feelings of worry and anxiety can trigger asthma. Some people with asthma have an asthma attack when they are excited or laugh again. Drugs, drugs can trigger an asthma attack such as aspirin. Cigarette smoke, cigarette smoke contains chemicals that could potentially be the cause of asthma. Air pollution, including air pollution, fumes, smoke from the stove, the smoke from the stew, as well as smoke from fires and grills. Hormones, they asthmatic women tend to experience signs of an asthma attack during menstruation. Weather, many asthma sufferers who relapse at the time of the cold.

The symptoms of an asthma : Deep breathing sounds (wheezing, wheezing, asthma). Shortness of breath, usually only happens when you're exercising. Sense of tightness in the chest. Cough only at night.

The medication for an asthma :

Using thinning as bromhexin, Ambroxol. Perform keepers, such as prednisone, dexametason. Using the expansion of breath, for example salbutamol, aminophylline.


Nama : 1. Yuliasminde Sofyana 2. Winda Adriyanti Parmana 3. M. Nazif Mauludi

12.06.0027 12.06.0029 12.06.0047

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 2012

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