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CSC 212

Program # 05

200 points

Develop a program to implement following algorithms using recursion: 1. Summing series : 1/1 + 2/3 + 3/5 + + N/(2N-1) 2. Combination( N,K): number of combinations of P elements from N elements C(N,K) = C(N-1, K-1) + C(N-1,K) 3. Towers of Hanoi: report the number of moves and description of each move (Disk number, FROM shaft , TO shaft) using a sequence of properly formatted text similar to program 2 Prompt the user for the value of parameters. Report the result of operation and the elapsed time in nanoseconds.

Bonus (100): Develop GUI interface for Towers of Hanoi ( show disks and shafts and
movements graphically)

Jar and Java Files ( if you are sending a zip file name it as your last name) to with the email title that reads as CSC 212 section # - Project 5 your last name CC this email to yourself, be sure the files are transmitted properly. You are responsible for getting the right files to me.

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