Useful English - Mandarin Phrases

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English Phrases

Chinese Phrases

English Greetings Hi! Good morning! Good evening! Welcome! (to greet someone) How are you? I'm fine, thanks! And you? Good/ So-So. Thank you (very much)! You're welcome! (for "thank you") Hey! Friend! I missed you so much! What's new? Nothing much Good night! See you later! Good bye! Asking for Help and Directions I'm lost

Chinese Greetings: Ni3 hao3! zo shng ho/ zo / Xia4 wu3 hao3!/ Wan3 shang4 hao3! / Huan2 ying2! Ni3 hao3 Hen3 hao3! Xie4 xie4 Ni3 ne1? Yi1 ban1 Xie4 xie4 huan2 ying2! Hai4! Peng2 you4 Duo1 xiang3 ni3 ya4 You3 shen2 me xi1 qi2 de? Mei2 you2! Wan3 an1 di hu r jin zi jin

Wo3 mi2 lu4 le.

English Phrases
Can I help you?

Chinese Phrases
You3 shen2 me xu1 yao4 wo3 bang1 ni3 de? Ni3 ken3 bang1 zhu4 wo3 ma? (Xi3 shou3 jian1/yao4 fang2) zai4 na3 li3? Zhi2 wang3 qian2 zou3! Zuo3/you4 guai3 wan1 dao4! Wo3 zai4 zhao3 yue1 han4. Qing3 deng3 yi1 xia4! Qing3 shao1 hou4! Zhe4 duo1 shao3 qian2? Qing3 wen4! Bao4 qian4! Gen1 wo3 lai2!

Can you help me?

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?

Go straight! then turn left/ right!

I'm looking for john. One moment please! Hold on please! (phone) How much is this? Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Excuse me! ( to pass by) Come with me!

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Do you speak (English/ Chinese)? Just a little. What's your name? My name is ...

Ni3 hui4 shuo1 (ying1 yu2/ han4 yu2) ma2? Hui4 yi1 dian3 dian3. Ni3 jiao4 shen2 me ming2 zi4? Wo3 jiao4 Xian1 sheng/N3 shi4/Xiao3 jie2 Ni3 hao3!

Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss

Nice to meet you!

How to Introduce Yourself

You're very kind! Where are you from? Ni3 zhen1 hao3! Ni3 zhen1 hao3! Ni3 cong2 na3 li lai2? Wo3 cong2 (mei3 guo1/ zhong1 guo1) lai2. Wo3 shi4(mei3 guo1) ren2. Ni3 zai4 na3 li zhu4? Wo3 zai4 (mei3 guo1/ fa3 guo1) zhu4. Zhe4 li zhu4 de guan4 ma? Zhong1 guo2 shi4 ge4 mei3 hao3 de guo2 jia1. Ni3 shi4 gan4 shen2 me de? Wo3 shi4 (fan1 yi2). Wo3 xi3 huan1 han4 yu3.

I'm from (the U.S/ China)

I'm (American) Where do you live?

I live in (the U.S/ China)

Did you like it here?

China is a wonderful country

What do you do for a living? I work as a (translator/ businessman) I like Chinese I've been learning Chinese for 1 month Oh! That's good! How old are you? I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. I have to go I will be right back! Wish Someone Something Good luck!

Wo3 xue2 han4 yu3 yi1 ge4 yue4 le.

O4! Tai4 hao3 la4! Ni3 ji3 sui4 le? Wo3 (er4 shi2/ san1 shi2) sui4 le. Wo3 gai1 zou3 le. Wo3 guo4 yi1 hui2r jiu4 hui2 lai2!

Zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4!

How to Introduce Yourself

Happy birthday! Happy new year! Merry Christmas! Congratulations! Enjoy! (for meals...) Zhu4 ni3 sheng1 ri1 kuai4 le4! Xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4! Sheng4 dan4 kuai4 le4! Zhu4 he4/Gong1 xi3! Qing3 yong4 can1! Zong3 you3 yi1 tian1 wo3 hui4 qu4 zhong1 guo2. Ti4 wo3 xiang4 yue1 han4 wen4 hao3. ) /td> Gan3 mao4 le, mei2 shi4 ba? Wan3 an1 & zuo4 ge4 mei3 meng4! &

I'd like to visit China one day

Say hi to John for me

Bless you (when sneezing) Good night and sweet dreams! Solving a Misunderstanding I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Sorry (for a mistake) No Problem! Can You Say It Again? Can You Speak Slowly? Write It Down Please! I Don't Understand! I Don't Know! I Have No Idea. What's That Called In Chinese?

Dui4 bu4 qi3!

Bao4 qian4! Mei2 wen4 ti2! Shen4 me? Zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! Qing3 zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! Qing3 ji4 xia4! Wo3 bu4 dong3! Wo3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! Wo3 ye3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! Na4 zai4 han4 yu3 li jiao4 shen2 me?

How to Introduce Yourself

What Does "gato" Mean In English? "ni hao" zai4 ying1 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? ni hao "Please" zai4 han4 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? Please Zhe4 shi4 shen2 me? Wo3 han4 yu3 shuo1 de bu4 hao2. Wo3 xu1 yao4 lian4 xi2 han4 yu3. Bie2 dan1 xin1!

How Do You Say "Please" In Chinese?

What Is This? My Chinese is bad. I need to practice my Chinese Don't worry! Chinese Expressions and Words Good/ Bad/ So-So. Big/ Small Today/ Now Tomorrow/ Yesterday Yes/ No Here you go! (when giving something) Do you like it? I really like it! I'm hungry/ thirsty. In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. This/ That. Here/There Me/ You. Him/ Her. Really!

Hao3/ zao1/ yi1 ban1 Da4/ xiao3 Jin1 tian1/ xian4 zai4 Ming2 tian1/ zuo3 tian1 Shi4/ bu4 Na2 qu4! Ni3 xi3 huan1 ma? Tai4 hao3 la4! Wo3 e4 le/ Wo3 ke1 le. Zao3 shang4/wan3 shang4/ye4 li. Zhe4/ na4. Zhe4 li/ Na4 li Wo3/ ni3. Ta3/ ta3 Dang4 zhen1?

How to Introduce Yourself

Look! Hurry up! What? Where? What time is it? It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Give me this! I love you! I feel sick. I need a doctor One, Two, Three Four, Five, Six Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Kan4! Kuai4 dian3! Shen4 me? Na3 li? Ji3 dian3 le? Shi3 dian3 le. Qi1 dian3 ban4. Gei1 wo3! Wo3 ai4 ni3! Wo3 you3 dian3 bu4 shu1 fu. Wo3 yao4 kan4 yi1 sheng1. yi1, er4, san1 Si4, wu3 liu4 Qi1, ba1, jiu3, shi2

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