Genetic Engineering Final

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Rebekkah Jones ENGL 1301 A1 September 22, 2012 Genetically Engineered Foods Genetic engineering is seen as an unnatural trend

d that goes against what Mother Nature provides for us. A majority of the populace doesnt realize genetic engineering manifested itself when man resolved to domesticate plants and animals. Why are some forms of gene-enhancing acceptable while others are not? Those opposed do not see this as a present solution to a variety of the worlds problems. Society sees this as an esoteric process that will only provide horrific byproducts. This fear causes many organizations to rally against genetically modified vittles. These groups fear threats would be made to human and environmental health. Yet genetic engineers arent pretending to be God by inventing alien eatables. They are scientists doing what farmers did in the Neolithic Revolution with conventional methods: improving the gene pool to increase production, quality, and variety. It should be known that all technologies have risks; but does gene-modification give birth to any implications we are not already familiar with in standard growth? It is speculated that cancer would be caused, but many organically grown plants, such as coffee, are naturally carcinogenic. It is thought that allergens, such as peanuts or gluten found in traditional agriculture, would be introduced; most dont consider the soybean- a genetically engineered nut.

Jones 2 Four main crops in the U.S (corn, soybeans, wheat and corn) are not native to our lands and have caused about 200,000 new and untested genes to be introduced. Genetic engineering has only added about a dozen new genes all extensively tested. Next time you are worried about possible dangers in genetically engineered foods, realize that benefits and risks are found in the properties of the product, not in the process they were made.

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