Blight (Watcher/Villain)

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Solo Buddy Team

Arthur Masters [Known]

Untouchable Beast Within Vengeful

XP: ___ _ PP: ____

Power Sets

The Anti-Life Bio-Electric Control Plasma Emanation

SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add D6 and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Supercharge. Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Bio-Electric Control to create an asset. SFX: Life Drain. If your attack action against organic targets includes Bio-Electric Control, add a d6 and step up your effect die. Limit: Energy Bleed. Both 1 and 2 on your dice count as opportunities when using any The Anti-Life power, but only 1s are excluded from being used for totals or effect dice. Limit: Mutant. Add a D6 to the doom pool when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.

DHAA Mark II Containment Unit Energy Blast Superhuman Durability Enhanced Stamina
SFX: Versatile. Split Energy Blast into 2d8, or 3d6. SFX: Sealed System. Spend a D6 doom die to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from toxins, radiation, or lack of breathable air. SFX: Energy Shield. Spend doom die to double Superhuman Durability on a reaction. Limit: Mutually Exclusive. Shutdown DHAA Mark II Containment Unit to activate The Anti-Life. Shutdown The Anti-Life to recover DHAA Mark II Containment Unit. Limit: Gear. Shutdown Mark II Containment Unit and add a D6 to the doom pool. Spend a D10 doom die to recover gear.

Enhanced Strength


Menace Master

Tech Expert.

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