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[INSERT DATE HERE] President Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 FAX: 202-456-2461

Dear Mr. President: The Second Amendment simply states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." I understand that Senator Feinstein has introduced legislation to put all sorts of restrictions on my Second Amendment rights. Her bill includes wording like "magazine sizes," "assault weapons," "pistol grips" - even "rocket launchers" (why "rocket launchers?"). What do these have to do with the concise and elegant wording of the Second Amendment? As I understand it, her legislation would require good citizens to register their firearms with the federal government. When I think of requiring lists of good citizens, I think of what millions of innocent people endured because of "lists" under Hitler and Stalin. Feinstein's legislation would also ban "assault weapons," like the AR-15 and many semiautomatics like the 9 mm. These are NOT "assault weapons" by definition of the federal government. These guns are civilian-use tools which fire one bullet per trigger pull. They are NOT military weapons. Crazy people and thugs will not register their guns, so what is the purpose of requiring law-abiding citizens to do so? Crazy people and criminals will obtain any type of weapon they wish on the black market. Why not just enforce current laws? This all scares me. The fact is that "gun control" has never worked. I have grave concerns about the federal government taking away my Second Amendment rights, forcing me to be on some type of special list(s), and interfering with my choice of weapons for self-protection. Please oppose and/or veto Senator Feinstein's gun control legislation and any other similar legislation introduced into Congress which reaches your desk. Please also do not use your executive powers to enact regulations interfering with my constitutional rights. Thanks for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [SIGN HERE] [INSERT PRINTED NAME, FULL ADDR, AND PHONE# HERE]

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