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1. Microcontroller coding for Angle Conversion

#define zero_x 1.569 #define sensitivity_x 0.3 unsigned int value_x; float xv; float volt; float angle_x; float output_x; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { value_x = analogRead(A0); Serial.print ("value_x= "); Serial.print (value_x); Serial.print ("\t"); volt=(value_x/1024.0*4.500); Serial.print ("x_volt= "); Serial.print (volt); Serial.print ("\t "); xv=(value_x/1024.0*4.500-zero_x)/sensitivity_x; //*Nullifying the zero error in the MEMS*// //*Voltage from ADXL335*// //*reads the analog input*//

Serial.print ("x= "); Serial.print (xv);

Serial.print ("\t "); xv=(xv+0.955)*(2)/(1.24+0.955)-1; Serial.print ("map xv= "); Serial.print (xv); Serial.print ("\t "); angle_x=asin(xv); Serial.print ("angle_x= "); Serial.print (angle_x); Serial.print (" rad \t "); angle_x=(angle_x+1.57)*(90)/(1.57)-90; //*Conversion from radians to degrees*// //*Angle in radians*// //*Acceleration to angle*//

Serial.print ("angle_x= "); Serial.print (angle_x); Serial.print (" degrees \t "); if(angle_x>=0 && angle_x<=60) { output_x=(angle_x)*(255)/(60); analogWrite(9,output_x); } else { Serial.print("Angle exceeds 60 degress"); } Serial.print (" \n\n\n "); delay(2000); delay(2000); } //*Angle in degrees*//

2. Datasheet of ADXL335

3. SMA Technical datasheet: Property

Diameter of the wire Ultimate tensile strength elongation Mf Ms As Af Thermal coefficient of expansion Density of the material Latent heart Thermal conductivity Specific heat Ea Em Melting Point Critical transformation stress for Ms Critical transformation stress for Mf

0.5mm 1.234Gpa >40% 28deg C 41deg C 53deg C 75deg C 0.55Mpa/deg C 6450Kg/m3 24200 j/Kg 10W/mk 322 J/kgK 75GPa 30GPa 1310 deg C 85Mpa 115Mpa

4. Comparison between Conventional actuators

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