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Unit 1 Challenges: Action Rainforests Effect Mining in Brazil Effect Oil in Ecuador Management - Madagascar Management - Ecuador Kyoto

to Protocol (1997) Agreement to reduce C02 emissions UNFCCs voluntary targets replaced by legally binding controls on emissions Comes in to force in 2005 178 countries signed Bali Conference (2007) IPCC confirms that there is a greater than 90% chance that global warming in last 50 years caused by human activity All nations agreed to negotiate a deal to tackle climate change Unable to agree Promised to finalise details by 2009 but nothing has been finalised yet Legislation: Companies have signed up for cap and trade schemes Governments try and be more sustainable in their building design Laws on vehicle emissions Increase efficiency of public transport Corporations: Nokia encourage people to recycle mobile phones. 50% of mobile users change phone every year. 44% of these mobiles are left and never used again. 100% of mobile phone can be recycled. If every mobile user recycled one phone it would save 240,000 tonnes of raw material a year Asda recycle plastic waste. Have a machine from Mil-Tek that bales plastic Making their plastic waste 10% of original size, of which would have otherwise gone in a landfill site, which emit methane (GHG) and contribute to the greenhouse effect Urban Transport Brazil Curitiba Bus Park n Ride Oxford and Cambridge UK Congestion Charge London, UK Large Corporations Nokia encourage people to recycle mobile phones. Asda recycle plastic waste.

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