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Marketing Management Group Project (Hardys Wine)

Project: Make a 3 year long marketing plan to build business for an Australian wine brand in China, with clear product proposition, pricing structure, and channel management, to achieve 12 million net sales and 1.2 million net profit by Feb. 2016

To-Do list:

1. Situational Analysis:
a. Market Summary i. The market trends of need & Growth in the global & local markets (market research) ii. The consumer segments (market research) iii. Target Market (B2C vs. B2B) iv. Geographics v. Demographics vi. Behavior factors vii. Psychographics b. SWOT Analysis i. Strength ii. Weakness iii. opportunities iv. Threats c. Competition (Direct and Indirect) i. The current offering ii. The main competitors iii. Their delivery characteristics d. Company Mission e. Service/Product offering i. Services or Products defined ii. Key to Success Critical Issues


2. Marketing Strategy:
a. b. c. d. e. Marketing Objectives (qualitative & quantitative) Financial Objectives (quantitative) Target Market Defined Positioning Strategy (innovative and unique) Marketing Mix (tactics) i. Specific Product described (wine, bottle, label, closure, etc) ii. Pricing (methods, price decision, current RMB 138, 750ml/per bottle) iii. Distribution (modes of delivering the product) iv. Communications Break-even Analysis Sales Forecast (monthly, annually and three years) Expense Forecast (with tables: a. Milestones b. Monthly Expense Budget) Cost Assumptions i. Brew RMB32.5 yuan ii. Freight RMB2.5yuan iii. Import tariff 14% iv. VAT 17% v. Consumption tax 10% vi. Importer/distributor markup 100% vii. Retailer markup 80%--150% viii. The importers general practice 11001200bottles/per container 10-20 ontainers/per shipment ix. Marketing budget (three years) RMB 6 million only

3. Financials
a. b. c. d.

4. Controls
a. b. c. d. Implementation Marketing Organization Contingency Planning Difficulties, Risks and Measures to Control with

5. Executive summary & Table of contents

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