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Marine Safety Act 2012 Section 186 Urgent Safety Rule I, Peter Corcoran, the Director Maritime Safety

(as delegate of the Director, Transport Safety), under Section 186(2) of the Marine Safety Act 2012 make the following Urgent Safety Rule. From the time of the publication of this Notice until 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 12 February 2013, bathing and the operation of vessels, excluding those vessels and bathers authorised by Southern Rural Water or the Victoria Police is prohibited, on the following waters of Lake Glenmaggie. Those waters: north-west of an imaginary line between the waters edge at Glenmaggie Point ( Lat 37 53' 37 S, Long 146 45' 47 E) and the waters edge at Cemetery Point ( Lat 37.53' 51 S, Long 146.45' 11 E) as marked by buoys, and the waters north of the mouth of the Macalister River, and the waters within 500 metres (west) of the Weir Wall. Reference No. 065-2013-USR 23 / 01 /2013

PETER CORCORAN Director Maritime Safety Transport Safety Victoria

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