Question Bank 8085

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Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

1. Druw LIe bIock dIugrum oI 8o8 mp und expIuIn? (1z)
. WrILe un ussembIy Iunguuge progrum Lo udd Lwo z-dIgILs BCD Number? (q)
. ExpIuIn LIe InsLrucLIon seL oI 8o8? (1o)
q. WrILe noLes on sLuLus IIug? (6)
g.. ExpIuIn LIe urcIILecLure oI nLeI 8o8 wILI LIe IeIp oI u bIock dIugrum? (1z)
6.. ExpIuIn LIe sImIIurILIes dIII bJw subLrucL und compure InsLrucLIons In 8o8? (q)
;.. DescrIbe LIe sequence oI evenL LIuL muy occur durIng LIe dIIIerenL T sLuLe In LIe opcode eLcI mucIIne
cycIe oI 8o8? (8)
S.. WrILe un ussembIy Iunguuge progrum Lo converL on urruy oI ASC code Lo correspondIng BInury (Iex)
vuIue. TIe ASC urruy Is sLored sLurLIng Irom qzooH.TIe IIrsL eIemenL oI LIe number oI eIemenLs In LIe
urruy. (8)
q.. WILI neuL bIock dIugrum expIuIn LIe urcIILecLure oI 8o8? (1o)
1o. IsL ouL LIe muskubIe und non muskubIe InLerrupLs uvuIIubIe In 8o8? (6)
11.. How do LIe InsLrucLIons oI 8o8 Is cIussIIIed bused on LIeIr IuncLIon und word IengLI? GIve un
exumpIe? (8)
1.WrILe un AP Lo Add Lwo 8bIL numbers? (8)
Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

1. SpecIIy LIe conLenLs oI LIe regIsLers und LIe IIug sLuLus us LIe IoIIowIng InsLrucLIons ure execuLed.(8)
I. MV A, ooH II. MV B, 8H III. MOV C, A Iv. MOV D, B v. HT
1q. WrILe InsLrucLIons Lo Ioud LIe IexudecImuI number 6H In regIsLer C und qzH In uccumuIuLor A.
DIspIuy LIe number 6H uL PORTo und qzH uL PORT1.(8)
1g.WIy LIe Iower order uddress bus Is muILIpIexed wILI duLu bus? How LIey wIII be de-muILIpIexed? (8)
16.. DIIIerenLIuLe beLween muskubIe und non-muskubIe InLerrupLs.(8)
1,.WrILe un 8o8 ussembIy Iunguuge progrum usIng mInImum number oI InsLrucLIons Lo udd LIe 16 bIL
no. In BC, DE & H. SLore LIe 16 bIL resuIL In DE puIr. (8)
1S. ExpIuIn LIe sImIIurILIes dIII bJw subLrucL und compure InsLrucLIons In 8o8? (8)
1q. ExpIuIn In deLuII LIe IoIIowIng InsLrucLIons:- (I) ADC (II) HD (III) RC (Iv) D
o.DeIIne & expIuIn LIe Lerm uddressIng modes.

1. IsL LIe componenLs oI u compuLer
z. ExpIuIn LIe IuncLIon oI eucI componenL oI u compuLer.
. WIuL Is u MIcroprocessor? WIuL Is LIe dIIIerence beLween u MIcroprocessor & CPU?
q. DeIIne bIL, byLe, word, doubIe word, quud word und InsLrucLIon
. WIuL deLermInes LIuL MIcroprocessor Is un 8, 16 or z bIL?
6. ExpIuIn LIe dIIIerence beLween LIe mucIIne Iunguuge und LIe ussembIy Iunguuge oI
LIe 8o8 mIcroprocessor.
;. WIuL Is un ussembIer?
Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

8. WIuL ure Iow und IIgI IeveI Iunguuges?

q. WIuL ure LIe udvunLuges oI un ussembIy Iunguuge In compurIson wILI IIgI IeveI
1o. IsL LIe Iour operuLIons commonIy perIormed by LIe MPU.
11. SpecIIy LIe Iour conLroI sIgnuIs commonIy used by LIe 8o8 MPU.
1z. SpecIIy LIe IuncLIon oI LIe uddress bus und LIe dIrecLIon oI LIe InIormuLIon IIow on
LIe uddress bus.
1. WIy Is LIe duLu bus bIdIrecLIonuI?
1q. WIuL Is u bus?
8o8 MIcroprocessor
Murks: z eucI
1. How muny memory IocuLIons cun be uddressed by u mIcroprocessor wILI 1q uddress
16. How muny uddress IInes ure necessury Lo uddress Lwo megubyLes (zoq8K) oI
1;. WIy Is LIe duLu bus bIdIrecLIonuI?
18. SpecIIy LIe conLroI sIgnuI und LIe dIrecLIon oI LIe duLu IIow on LIe duLu bus In u
memory-wrILe operuLIon.
1q. WIuL Is LIe IuncLIon oI LIe uccumuIuLor?
zo. WIuL Is u IIug?
z1. WIy ure LIe progrum counLer und LIe sLuck poInLer 16-bIL regIsLers?
zz. WIuL Is LIe IuncLIon oI LIe WR sIgnuI on LIe memory cIIp?
z. SpecIIy LIe number oI regIsLers und memory ceIIs In u 1z8 x q memory cIIp.
zq. WIuL Is LIe memory word sIze requIred In un 8o8 sysLem?
z. WIIIe execuLIng u progrum, wIen LIe 8o8 MPU compIeLes LIe IeLcIIng oI LIe
Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

mucIIne code IocuLed uL LIe memory uddress zo;H, wIuL Is LIe conLenL oI LIe
progrum counLer?
z6. WIuL Is LIe roIe oI cIock In MIcroprocessor?
Murks: eucI
z;. WIuL Is LIe dIIIerence beLween NR & NX InsLrucLIons?
z8. IsL uII LIe InLerrupL sIgnuIs oI 8o8 mIcroprocessor.
zq. WrILe sIorL noLe on evoIuLIon oI mIcroprocessors.
o. ExpIuIn LIe IuncLIons oI LIe AE und OJM sIgnuIs oI LIe 8o8 mIcroprocessor.
1. IsL LIe sequence oI evenLs LIuL occurs wIen LIe 8o8 MPU reuds Irom memory.
z. I LIe 8o8 udds 8;H und ;qH, specIIy LIe conLenLs oI LIe uccumuIuLor und LIe sLuLus
oI LIe S, Z, und CY IIugs.
. I LIe cIock Irequency Is MHz, Iow mucI LIme Is requIred Lo execuLe un InsLrucLIon
oI 18 T-sLuLes?
q. DIscuss LIe progrummIng modeI oI 8o8 P wILI LIe IeIp oI suILubIe dIugrum.
. Druw und expIuIn LIe LImIng dIugrum Ior opcode IeLcI operuLIon
6. DIscuss vurIous Lypes oI uddressIng modes oI 8o8.
;. ExpIuIn wIy LIe number oI ouLpuL porLs In LIe perIpIeruI-mupped JO Is resLrIcLed Lo
z6 porLs.
8. n LIe perIpIeruI-mupped JO, cun un InpuL porL und un ouLpuL porL Iuve LIe sume porL
uddress? ExpIuIn.
q. WIuL ure LIe conLroI sIgnuIs necessury In LIe memory-mupped JO?
qo. IsL LIe Iour cuLegorIes oI 8o8 InsLrucLIons LIuL munIpuIuLe duLu.
q1. DeIIne opcode und operund, und specIIy LIe opcode und LIe operund In LIe InsLrucLIon
MOV H, .
qz. WrILe IogIcuI sLeps Lo udd LIe IoIIowIng Lwo Hex numbers. BoLI LIe numbers sIouId
Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

be suved Ior IuLure use. Suve LIe sum In LIe uccumuIuLor. Numbers:
AzH und 18H.
Murks: 1o eucI
q. (u)SpecIIy LIe conLenLs oI LIe regIsLers und LIe IIug sLuLus us LIe IoIIowIng
InsLrucLIons ure execuLed.
I. MV A, ooH
II. MV B, 8H
Iv. MOV D, B
v. HT
(b)WrILe InsLrucLIons Lo Ioud LIe IexudecImuI number 6H In regIsLer C und qzH In
uccumuIuLor A. DIspIuy LIe number 6H uL PORTo und qzH uL PORT1.
qq. Druw und expIuIn LIe bIock dIugrum oI u mIcroprocessor 8o8.
q. (u)WIy LIe Iower order uddress bus Is muILIpIexed wILI duLu bus? How LIey wIII be
(b) DIIIerenLIuLe beLween muskubIe und non-muskubIe InLerrupLs.
q6. WrILe un 8o8 ussembIy Iunguuge progrum usIng mInImum number oI InsLrucLIons Lo
udd LIe 16 bIL no. In BC, DE & H. SLore LIe 16 bIL resuIL In DE puIr.
q;. (u)ExpIuIn In deLuII LIe IoIIowIng InsLrucLIons:-
(I) ADC (II) HD (III) RC (Iv) D
(b) DeIIne & expIuIn LIe Lerm uddressIng modes.

Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:


1. u. Druw LIe bIock dIugrum oI 8o8 mp und expIuIn? (1z)
b. WrILe un ussembIy Iunguuge progrum Lo udd Lwo z-dIgILs BCD Number? (q)
z. u. ExpIuIn LIe InsLrucLIon seL oI 8o8? (1o)
b. WrILe noLes on sLuLus IIug? (6)
. u. ExpIuIn LIe urcIILecLure oI nLeI 8o8 wILI LIe IeIp oI u bIock dIugrum? (1z)
b. ExpIuIn LIe sImIIurILIes dIII bJw subLrucL und compure InsLrucLIons In 8o8? (q)
q. u. DescrIbe LIe sequence oI evenL LIuL muy occur durIng LIe dIIIerenL T sLuLe In LIe opcode
IeLcI mucIIne cycIe oI 8o8? (8)
b. WrILe un ussembIy Iunguuge progrum Lo converL on urruy oI ASC code Lo correspondIng
bInury (Iex) vuIue. TIe ASC urruy Is sLored sLurLIng Irom qzooH.TIe IIrsL eIemenL oI LIe
number oI eIemenLs In LIe urruy. (8)
. u. WILI neuL bIock dIugrum expIuIn LIe urcIILecLure oI 8o8? (1o)
b. IsL ouL LIe muskubIe und non muskubIe InLerrupLs uvuIIubIe In 8o8? (6)
6. u. How do LIe InsLrucLIons oI 8o8 Is cIussIIIed bused on LIeIr IuncLIon und word IengLI?
GIve un exumpIe? (8)
b. WrILe un AP Lo Add Lwo 8bIL numbers? (8)

1. DescrIbe LIe IuncLIonuI pIn dIugrum oI 8o8. (16)
z. DescrIbe LIe IuncLIonuI bIock dIugrum oI 8o8. (16)
. ExpIuIn LIe 8o8 InLerrupL sysLem In deLuII. (16)
q. ExpIuIn vurIous mucIIne cycIes supporLed by 8o8. (16)
Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

. u) WILI suILubIe exumpIes expIuIn Iow JO devIces ure connecLed usIng memory mupped
JO und perIpIeruI JO. (1o)
b) DesIgn u mIcroprocessor sysLem Lo InLerIuce un 8K 8 EPROM und
8K 8 RAM. (6)
6. Druw LImIng dIugrums Ior LIe IoIIowIng InsLrucLIon wILI upproprIuLe conLroI und sLuLus
sIgnuI. ExpIuIn In brIeI. CA zooo (16)
1. SIow LIe dIIIerenL InsLrucLIon IormuLs used In 8o8. (z)
z. WIuL Is LIe Lype oI sLuck used In 8o8? (z)
. WIuL ure LIe dIIIerenL uddressIng modes oI 8o8? (z)
q. DeIIne uddressIng modes. How muny uddressIng modes ure uvuIIubIe In 8o8?
. TIe IusL execuLubIe InsLrucLIon In u procedure musL be ...... .
6. ExpIuIn LIe IoIIowIng InsLrucLIon:
I) HD 8ozo (1)
II) XTH (1)
;. WIuL do you meun by oopIng, CounLIng und ndexIng? (z)
8. WIuL Is LIe subrouLIne? How IL Is useIuI? (z)
q. ExpIuIn LIe need oI soILwure LImers. (z)

Imbedded Creution

Contact: Mr. Manisb Karandikar Lab.Joff.:48,Bebind Creen City Hospital, Mebadia square, Cbboti Dbantoli, Nagpur
Mob:+91-9823112989 Pb: 0712-2421159{R] Mail ID:

1o. I LIe CA und RET InsLrucLIons ure noL provIded In LIe 8o8, couId IL be possIbIe Lo
wrILe subrouLInes Ior LIIs mIcroprocessor? I so Iow wIII you cuII und reLurn Irom LIe
subrouLIne? (z)
11. DIIIerenLIuLe cuscude sLuck und memory sLuck? (z)
1z. WIuL Is LIe sIgnIIIcunce oI 'XCHG` und 'SPH` InsLrucLIons? (z)
1. ExpIuIn LIe uddressIng modes oI 8o8 wILI exumpIe. (16)
z. ExpIuIn LIe DIIIerenL Lypes oI InsLrucLIon In 8o8. (16)
. I) WrILe u progrum Lo urrunge Jn numbers In uscendIng order. (8 )
II) WrILe u progrum Lo unpuck u Lwo dIgIL BCD number sLored uL memory IocuLIon
1CooH. (8)
q. ExpIuIn LIe BCD Lo DecImuI code conversIon LecInIque und wrILe 8o8 ussembIy
Iunguuge progrum Ior LIe sume. (16)
. ExpIuIn LIe BCD Lo Seven SegmenL code conversIon LecInIque und wrILe 8o8 ussembIy
Iunguuge progrum Ior LIe sume. (16)
6. I) WrILe u progrum Lo cuIcuIuLe LIe IucLorIuI oI u number beLween o Lo 8. (8)
II) WrILe u progrum Lo IInd LIe number oI neguLIve, zero und posILIve numbers. (8)

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