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COMPONENTS OF CULTURE Norms -often described as social norms -guides or models of behavior which tell what is proper and

what is not, appropriate or inappropriate, right or wrong -set limits within which individuals may seek alternatives or ways to achieve goals -regulates peoples behavior in a given society -come in the form of rules, standards, or prescriptions followed by people -for instance : norms of conduct for doctors,teachers, military, engineers, nurses etc Forms of social Norms: Folkways customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper. Customary ways: repetitive or typical habits and patterns expected behavior followed within a group of community Gained the support of public opinion and tradition; serve as regulators of peoples sentiments and attitudes toward given issue or topics Produces habits in individuals and customs in the group Unconsciously set in operation; like instinctive ways of animals developed out of experience Examples: shaking of hands, taking a bath frequently and regularly, keeping ones lawn cut and orderly; not drinking liquor in the churchconsidered the right way not rigidly enforced by society and sanctions are ridicule, raised eyebrows, critical and sarcastic remarks,disapproval, or embarrassment to those who do not confrm

Mores -defines what is morally right and what is morally wrong -folkways with ethical and moral significance strongly held and emphasized -associated with strong feelings of right or wrong -embodies codes of ethics and standards of morality -include standards on sex behavior, family relations, attitudes toward authority, religion and the unfortunate sectors of society -violations of mores result in strong disapproval and even severe punishment -persons who violate mores are ostracized, imprisoned or killed

Laws -enforced by a special political organization; enforcing agencies are police, courts -regulates peoples behavior or conduct differs from folkways and mores: -enforced by poli org -results of conscious thought and deliberate planning -more adaptable to changing conditions -degree of disapproval and punishment depend on which law was violated -mores are incorporated into law; laws more effective when rooted in mores Values represents standards use to evaluate desirability of things defines what is right, good and moral major value orientations of many society:

1. achievement and success emphasis on personal achievements, especially occupational success; admiring rags-to-riches stories and the value of a selfmade man. 2. activity and work- works as a means to success and an end in itself; placing high value to work and dedication to it. 3. moral orientation- judging people through ethical principles 4. humanitarianism- material generosity; helping others individually and collectively thru organized charities and philanthropies 5. efficiency and practicality- efficiency as standard by which people judge activities; emphasis on efficiency is associated with the importance they place on practicality and technology In the Filipino setting, the following values are held highly: 1. 2. 3. 4. emotional closeness and security in the family authority value economic and social betterment patience, suffering, endurance

In schools: The overarching value is human dignity- core values are health truth love spirituality social responsibility

economic efficiency nationalism and global solidarity

Language -refers to a system of symbols that have specific and arbitrary meaning in a given society -it sets human beings from other species -enables to talk about past and future -it makes possible to learn others experiences Fashion,fads, crazes -short lived people are expected social to comply with -may operate as a force for social change -examples: new style of clothes, bags, shows, and hairdo -may also include new style of houses, cars, appliances , shows and even music -prestige and status of a person depends on the use of these new styles.

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