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Team Leader Techniques

Unit Standard 242819 Motivate and build a team

Anthony Hill

Team Leader Techniques

Unit Standard 242819

Anthony Hill 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. First Published 2007

Published by Future Managers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 13914, Mowbray, 7705 Tel (021) 462 3572 Fax (021) 462 3681 E-mail: Website:


Motivate and build a team
After completing this unit standard, you should be able to: explain the importance of motivating a team demonstrate an understanding of yourself (placing yourself in the position of a team leader) and team members in the workplace apply theories of motivation and group dynamics implement a plan of action to strengthen a team provide feedback and recognize achievements

Unit Standard 242819

Specific Outcome 1 Explain the importance of motivating a team

Assessment criteria
After completing this outcome, you should be able to explain: the reasons why motivation is important what the indicators of motivation are (according to theory and practice)


Why is motivation so important?

A team leader can be defined as someone who is able to inspire people to work enthusiastically and effectively as a team in order to accomplish organisational objectives? One of the key concepts in this definition is that of inspiring people to work enthusiastically. Why is it so important that the team leader inspires team members to work enthusiastically? Well, the overwhelming evidence is that sustainable success in the world of work is dependant on how an organisations human resources are motivated to perform! The best companies in the world: constantly measure the satisfaction of their people by means of attitude surveys reward the performance of their people by linking pay to performance promote their people from within whenever possible spend a high percentage of their payroll on the training & career development of their people In other words these top companies have taken specific actions that they believe will result in motivated employees who will want to put in more effort to help the organisation successfully achieve its goals. At the same time, there is also consistent evidence that successful organisations make sure that they dont invest money, effort and time in anything without achieving a return on this investment. Therefore we can accept that these organisations are confident that rewarding, promoting and developing their employees are appropriate mechanisms to help them achieve desired results.

Unit Standard 242819

1.1 Understanding the needs of team members

People are motivated by many different things but most importantly, I think were motivated by a sense of excitement! (Mark Shuttleworth: Entepreneur and first South African in Space) What leads to the confidence that top companies have that they are using the best motivators? It is simply that they believe that they are fulfilling individual needs by providing a chosen range of rewards. These rewards may be in the tangible form of money and benefits such as cars (being paid for performance), or in the form of intrinsic feelings of achievement and recognition (promotion), self-fulfilment (training & career development). Whatever it is that 'pushes an individuals buttons'; it is a reality in the world of work that organisations believe that individual employees are motivated to perform because they expect that better performance will lead to some form of reward for their efforts. Obviously it then makes sense to gain a sound understanding of these individual needs before taking action to motivate employees. Some of these needs appear to be fairly obvious. There are a number of examples for example: a) Employees find that being part of a team satisfies their needs for: Security (gaining confidence as part of a team on whom they can count for support) Affiliation (feeling part of a team) Status (being part of a winning team leads to shared recognition) Self-esteem (being part of a team builds a feeling of self-worth) b) Many employees have a need to be empowered, where they are recognised for productivity improvements, given daily feedback on their achievements and kept informed of how they, as individual team members, contribute to organisational success. Motivating employees in an organisation is so important because all the evidence suggests that it directly leads to improved organisational performance and subsequent sustainable success. The secret is to first establish; and then effectively utilise the link between motivators and performance!

1.2 The process of motivation

If you gain an understanding of the process of motivation, then you are in a much better position to understand how to translate needs into motivators. This, in turn, means that you, as the team leader, can, for example, link good communication and positive feedback to more effective team performance. A theorist by the name of Victor Vroom developed a model that does, in fact, link needs (for example, respect) to a desired outcome (for example, performance). This is illustrated in exhibit 1.

Unit Standard 242819

Exhibit 1: Vrooms expectancy model of motivation Expectancy Motivational Force = An individuals expectation that he/she can perform a certain task to a certain standard Instrumentality How instrumental achieving this standard will be in leading to a specific outcome Valence How much value the individual attaches to the specific outcome in question

This model is best explained by a workplace analogy

Assume that you have been employed by an organisation in a temporary administrative capacity. You are hoping that they will offer you a permanent job, because you have been unemployed for the past six months. The job requires you to generate a lot of activity reports on Excel spreadsheets. The manager of the department where you are working is very fussy about accurate reports being submitted on time. You have heard that the last permanent person who was employed left because she was unable to cope with the pressure. This concerns you because your Excel computer skills are quite weak. In this scenario you have a low expectation that putting more effort into your work will lead to the required standard of performance. Applying Vrooms theory to this analogy: The maximum for expectancy is 1.00 (possible scores range from as low as 0.00 to as high as 1.00). A realistic score for you is 0.25 because of your weak Excel skills. You do, however, know that doing this work well will play a very important role in you being appointed full time. Therefore you score 0.9 for Instrumentality. Valence (the real need), according to Vroom carries a value of between 100 (a negative feeling by the individual) and 100. You are desperate for the job and thus score 100 for Valence. The final score arrived at by multiplying expectancy by instrumentality and then by valence is 22.5 (0.25 x 0.9 x 100). Your motivational force is therefore low. This is because as motivated as you are to get the job, knowing that you dont possess sufficient skill in the critical part of the job i.e. producing accurate Excel spreadsheets, makes you less expectant and therefore less motivated to put in the extra effort!

Unit Standard 242819

If you had no experience of Excel whatsoever, your expectancy score might even be zero! In this case your motivational force score will be 0 (since anything multiplied by a zero = zero) and you are unlikely to put in any extra effort. Of course if you have a strong sense of self-belief, you may well take a crash course in Excel while temping. This might increase your expectancy score to as high as .90, and suddenly your motivational force stands at a high score of 81! When setting performance objectives and standards one of the key elements is that, although they should be challenging, they should not be unrealistic. If this happens, team members are likely to become de-motivated and give up. In other words their expectation of meeting required standards will remain low as long as these standards are unrealistically high! The simplicity of this theory is of great value in helping us to understand the process required to translate a need into an action that will motivate team members.


Content theories of motivation

Content theories of motivation help us answer the question What motivates people? If we are able to understand the causes of motivation, then we are in a good position to immediately know when a team member is motivated to perform.

2.1 Maslows hierarchy of needs

Nearly sixty years ago, a psychologist by the name of Abraham Maslow hypothesized that people only develop certain needs (that he termed higher-order needs) when other (lower-order) needs have been satisfied. He subsequently developed a hierarchy of needs that has become the most widely known theory of motivation in the world. Although criticised over the past few years, Maslows Hierarchy (illustrated in exhibit 2) still provides an excellent, user-friendly explanation of what motivates us.

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Exhibit 2: Maslows hierarchy of needs

Selfactualisation needs (personal growth & self-fulfilment) Esteem needs (self respect, autonomy, recognition, status, prestige) Social needs (acceptance, feeling of belonging, group affiliation) Safety needs (feeling of security, protection from harm) Physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sleep, shelter) What this theory implies is that, although we may be motivated by a fairly wide variety of needs, we wont be motivated by safety issues until our basic physiological needs are satisfied, and being socially accepted doesnt become a need unless our lower-order needs for shelter and safety have been, and continue to be satisfied. To ensure that we are completely clear about this in the world of work, lets look at another analogy.

Maslows hierarchy explained by a workplace analogy Assume that you are 30 years of age and live in Gugulethu, Cape Town. You have a family to support and are unemployed. You get up at 5am every morning to go and stand outside the gates of a factory in the hope of a casual job. What are your needs? Clearly your primary focus is to put bread on the table for your family you are driven by hunger and the need for shelter. Because the factory has urgent orders to produce, you are lucky enough to get a casual job for three days a week for the next month. Your basic physiological needs have been satisfied and your focus now is on safety i.e. the security of a potential permanent job. You work very diligently and are noticed by the foreman for your accurate work, good timekeeping and positive attitude.

Unit Standard 242819

The company wins a new export contract and is able to offer you a permanent job. After a couple of weeks, you start to make an effort to get to know your work colleagues better as you become part of a formal work team. This is because your physiological and safety needs have been satisfied and you are now motivated by higher-order social needs you want to feel that you belong. You continue to work hard and are eager to learn new skills. After six months the foreman calls you into the office and informs you that you have been nominated to attend a training course for team leaders. This fulfils your need for recognition and status after only six months you have been identified as having leadership potential! You feel grateful to the organisation for giving you this opportunity and are motivated to prove to them that their confidence is not misplaced by putting even more effort into your work. After another two years, you have been promoted, are on top of your job and have started to study part-time. You have always wanted to do a degree in order to prove to yourself that youve got what it takes. You dont feel the need to prove anything to other people - your needs now are for self-actualisation. You have moved to the top of the hierarchy!

A critical issue to remember in Maslows theory is that, as individuals will not be motivated by higher-order needs such as status when in need of protection from harm (safety need), it is equally true that lower-order needs can become a priority again if personal circumstances change. Imagine the university professor who has achieved everything she wishes to and focuses very much on self-actualisation needs by conducting research that interests her. Due to restructuring her post becomes redundant and she loses her job. Does her primary focus remain at the self-actualisation level? Highly unlikely! She has to worry about earning an income to make a living. We are back to lower-order physiological and safety needs as priorities. Maslows hierarchy remains a valuable tool for managers in the world of work to understand three key principles. These are: not all individuals are motivated by the same things personal circumstances have a powerful impact on individual needs the less organisations generalise about what motivates people and the more they attempt to understand individual needs, the better they are able to 'inspire employees to work enthusiastically'. Performing Activity 1 will help you to understand how your needs tie in with this theory.

Unit Standard 242819

Activity 1 Step 1: Rate what your personal needs on a scale of 1 5, 1 = not at all important, 2 = not important, 3 = neutral, 4 = important and 5 = very important. Step 2: List which of these needs are Physiological (P), Safety (S), Social (So), Esteem (E) or Self-Actualisation (A). Needs 1. Interesting work 2. Job security 3. Recognition for work performed 4. A good salary 5. Pleasant working conditions 6. Help with my personal problems 7. Opportunities for promotion 8. More responsibility 9. A good Pension Plan and Medical Aid 10. Being allowed to work independently What are your highest needs? Add up your scores for each type of need. This should give you an indication of where you are on the hierarchy. Rating Need Type

2.2 Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory

Also known as the two-factor theory, this explains how to distinguish between those factors that contribute to satisfaction in the world of work (the motivators) and those that dont necessarily motivate individual employees but have to remain in place to avoid individuals becoming dissatisfied (the hygiene factors). Frederick Herzberg conducted extensive research into what job factors led to satisfaction and what factors created dissatisfaction. From this, he formulated a scale (illustrated in exhibit 3) highlighting the difference between hygiene factors (dissatisfiers) and motivators (satisfiers).

Unit Standard 242819

Exhibit 3: Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory Hygiene Factors Motivators

Achievement Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Growth Security Status Relationships Salary Work Conditions Supervision

Lets explore this further. What Herzberg suggests is that removing a dissatisfier such as poor working conditions will not increase employee motivation. In fact, it will be difficult to rely on identified motivators such as work itself to create a motivated workforce, if poor conditions continue to exist. In other words, hygiene factors are an essential foundation for motivation to take place even though they dont, in themselves, motivate people at work. Although Herzbergs theory has also been criticised in regard to the validity of his research design and results, it has made a couple of major contributions to understanding the content of motivation. The first of these has been to create awareness that money is not always the most important motivator in the world of work. Achievement, recognition and opportunities for personal growth are globally recognised as motivators and yet dont automatically mean more money is paid out to the individuals concerned. Lets use another analogy to ensure we understand this. Motivators vs hygiene factors explained by a workplace analogy
Assume that you are a team leader in a factory who has worked very hard to achieve your performance targets over the past year. Your boss calls you in and tells you that you have been awarded a fifteen percent increase in salary. You feel great! You find out that the average increase has been six percent and that the above average performers have been awarded between eight and ten percent. Now you are really motivated you feel like putting in a huge effort to show the organisation just how much you appreciate your increase. Three months later your new higher salary is what you expect to receive each month. It has become a hygiene factor.


Unit Standard 242819

The second major contribution has been to clarify that there is a difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This is particularly well illustrated by the range of rewards used by organisations to motivate their employees. We saw earlier that these rewards may be in the tangible form of money and material acquisitions such as cars, or in the form of feelings of achievement and self-fulfilment. Herzbergs theory has helped significantly in developing a clearer understanding of what comprises reward. Two key descriptors have emerged to explain the types of rewards that motivate people in the world of work. Intrinsic rewards describe the feelings of self-fulfilment and enjoyment that the individual employee gains from the job itself. In response to this, many organisations have reviewed the content of jobs in order to make them more stimulating and to provide opportunities for growth. Extrinsic rewards describe the rewards gained from sources other than the job, such as direct financial compensation and a feeling of being part of the organisation. Extrinsic rewards can be split further into financial and non-financial rewards. There is, for example, a difference between a salary (financial reward), and a large executive office (non-financial status reward). Exhibit 4 provides a model to explain the concepts of internal and external motivation in the form of rewards. Here it can be clearly seen that intrinsic rewards, for example, fit nicely into Maslows self-actualisation needs and the strongest motivators of Herzbergs model. Non-financial extrinsic rewards meet status needs and so on.

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Exhibit 4: Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

Rewards Intrinsic Rewards Opportunities for personal growth Being given more job responsibility Opportunity to participate in decisions affecting the organisation Job Enrichment Rewards for Performance Merit increases Performance Bonuses Shares Extrinsic Rewards



Rewards for Belonging to the Organisation Basic Salary Medical Aid Pension Plan Car Scheme

Status Rewards Job Title Executive Office Private Parking Personal assistant

Social Rewards Public Recognition Being asked for advice based on recognition of expertise

2.3 McClellands nAch theory

Team roles can vary between members. Some team members are goal achievers, others team builders and others power seekers. These roles are based on the work done by David McClelland and his associates who identified three basic needs that they believed are manifested by individuals in the world of work. The need for achievement (nAch): a desire to excel in comparison to others and to be seen as successful. The need for affiliation (nAff): a desire to have close relationships, feel accepted and liked by others. The need for power (nPow): a desire to make other people behave in a way that they would not without this influence. Individuals with a high need for achievement tend to be excellent as entrepreneurs who start up small businesses or as employees, such as sales representatives, who are allowed to operate independently to attain realistic objectives. They are not, however, necessarily good managers who tend to have a stronger need for power rather than for achievement, and who are not particularly motivated by having close interpersonal relationships.


Unit Standard 242819

As with Maslow and Herzbergs theories, the primary value of this theory is in assisting organisations to tap into varying individual needs and then utilise this knowledge to apply appropriate motivational mechanisms. For example employees with strong affiliation needs will respond positively to the opportunity to work as a member of a team in a structured environment. On the other hand, those individuals with a strong need for achievement will be motivated by the opportunity to work autonomously and use their initiative. The predominant mindset in the world of work over the past thirty to forty years has been that nAch and nPow are what its all about. The employee who is individualistic, competitive and displays a strong desire to get ahead has been valued. While this is still valid to a point, more and more successful organisations have seen the value that genuine teamwork has added to achieving organisational goals. Employees who has a high nAff, adds another dimension to a team. These individuals are more likely to seek consensus and therefore help to ensure that all team members support a decision. This, in turn, means that they are more motivated to implement it successfully. Recent research in the USA, has answered the key question of what motivates people to work. Use the next activity to establish the correct answer and to reinforce the learning from these content theories.

Activity 2 Answer the question What motivates people to work? by ticking () the appropriate box. A. Pay and benefits compared to other people of their own age B. Pay and benefits the higher the better C. Pay and benefits compared to other opportunities D. Only pay benefits dont count E. Quality of jobs and quality of the organisation I work for Of course the answer is E! This reinforces Herzbergs contention of what are motivators and what are hygiene factors.

Unit Standard 242819



Workplace indicators of motivation

All these theories explain what organisations have to understand about human needs that consistently provide the foundation for motivating employees in the world of work. As a team leader, you can be sure that, although we are all different as individuals, team members will generally be motivated by recognition for good performance, opportunities for personal growth, being empowered to take decisions and taking on more interesting work. In the workplace, Visual management will provide signs of possible de-motivation such as generally higher levels of absenteeism, lower efficiency and an increase in quality problems. Team review meetings will indicate directly how motivated team members are by the nature of their questions and responses. Complaints about performance standards being too difficult to achieve will be indicators that team members have a low level of expectancy and are thus not highly motivated to achieve standards. Formal performance appraisal Interviews will provide a useful opportunity for team members to focus on their own development needs. Asking for company support to study for a course in management, is an indicator of motivation to succeed. The best indicator that you will ever have that a particular set of motivators is working will be continuous improvement in performance. That is why gaining the commitment of team members to achieving plans, targets and standards are so important; and why the most successful organisations in the world spend so much time and effort in doing things that they believe will motivate their employees! There is, however, an important way of establishing whether or not team members are motivated without having to wait until after a performance review period to find out that targets have not been achieved due to low levels of motivation. ASK THEM! This is not as simple as it appears. If, for example, team members feel that it is your poor communication, as the team leader, that is the problem then they are highly unlikely to tell you that! If, on the other hand, it is a company policy on leave that is the problem, then you will not be able to do much about it other than report it to your boss. The solution is to conduct an attitude survey. We saw earlier that top companies constantly measure the satisfaction of their people by means of attitude surveys. By doing so, they are able to see what is working and what is not and whether or not it supports the achievement of organisational goals. If surveys start to indicate that employees feel communication and trust are breaking down and people are working as individuals instead of as teams, management are able to take action.


Unit Standard 242819

Employee survey results such as those illustrated in exhibit 5, provide an organisation with an objective assessment of how motivated employees are. Exhibit 5: Employee attitude survey results Survey Category Product Quality Financial Compensation Training Advancement Opportunities Teamwork Empowerment Communication From this survey it is evident that employees view the organisation in question as one that pays well, trains its employees and is committed to quality and excellence. However, they obviously believe that teamwork and communication need to be improved and are hinting that greater empowerment could facilitate this. The organisation that is willing to subject itself to this honest feedback from its own employees and, most importantly to act on it can only grow to become an organisation that successfully links their motivation to achieving improved performance. Negative perceptions Positive perceptions

Unit Standard 242819



Unit Standard 242819

Specific Outcome 2 Demonstrate an understanding of oneself and team members in the workplace
Assessment criteria
After completing this outcome, you should, in the position of a team leader, be able to identify: your own strengths and areas for development, based on self-reflection and feedback the strengths and areas of development for team members, based on observation and feedback



Its not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves! (Sir Edmund Hillary: the first person to climb Mount Everest) We have seen earlier that motivating employees in an organisation is so important because the evidence suggests that it directly leads to improved organisational performance. In other words, inspiring people to work enthusiastically is important to organisational success. However, in the definition of a Team Leader you saw that team members are ALSO required to work effectively. In other words it is no use having motivated employees going in the wrong direction! It is therefore critical to build a motivated and effective team. The first step in building an effective team is to understand how competent the Team Leader and team members are.


Individual competence

Competence comprises abilities, knowledge, skills as well as the personality, values and attitudes of individuals. Reviewing each of these components in turn will help us to understand this important concept.

2.1 Components of competence

2.1.1 Ability Ability refers to our capacity to: acquire knowledge apply this knowledge perform functional tasks

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Although we all have physical as well as mental abilities, the term ability in the world of work tends to be viewed as our cognitive ability to identify, analyse and choose appropriate alternatives to solve problems. In other words, ability is normally viewed as our mental or intellectual capability. However defined, ability is a core component of competence. 2.1.2 Knowledge Knowledge refers to our personal database of information acquired from: formal study interacting with other people media exposure (e.g. newspapers, radio, television) 2.1.3 Skills Skills refer to how well we apply: our natural aptitudes (e.g. mechanical aptitude) our natural talents (e.g. artistic talent) learned processes (e.g. using a computer) Although closely aligned to the concept of ability, skill is purposely separated to emphasize a subtle but important difference. Ability does not have to be applied to be present whereas a skill normally requires practice to be retained. 2.1.4 Personality Personality refers to our unique: approach to our environment and behaviour towards other people developed as a result of the interaction between our heredity - determined by our biological parents and, our environment particularly the influence of our parents, friends and wider social group during our childhood 2.1.5 Values Values refer to the: guiding beliefs and principles of our lives personal rules by which we want to live Personal values mean that we have taken a decision that a certain way of behaving is preferable to another. Once again, the influence of our family, friends and culture during our formative years plays a powerful role in developing these values.


Unit Standard 242819

2.1.6 Attitudes Attitudes refer to the: opinions we hold about people, issues and situations strength of feeling we have in regard to these opinions intentions we have to behave in a certain way because of these opinions Although not as enduring as values, attitudes are similar in that they are normally developed through the influence of important people in our lives and are manifested in how we interact with other people. Lets look at a real life analogy to illustrate how each of these components contributes to becoming competent. Becoming Competent Assume that you have just turned 18 and want to get your Drivers Licence. Firstly you need the inherent ability to drive a car. In other words you have good vision, a certain level of co-ordination between arms and legs and an understanding of what is required to drive the car. However, this alone will not make you competent to drive a car on the road. You also need to acquire knowledge. For example, you have to understand what will happen if the brakes are applied to bring the car to a halt while leaving the car in gear. (Of course you know that the car will stall!) You also need to know what the meaning of the various road signs are. This, as we know, will initially be in the form of a Learners Licence where you have to prove a certain level of knowledge before being allowed out onto the road. Once on the road, you have to, by means of tuition and practice, acquire the skill to not only drive the car but also to drive it safely in traffic according to the rules of the road. However, even if you have the inherent ability, have learnt the required theory and have demonstrated during a series of driving lessons that you have acquired the necessary skill, it is still possible to fail the driving test and therefore not obtain a licence the symbol of competence. There are many examples of people who fail a driving test because they panic and then make errors or forget to perform key actions (such as using the rear view mirror). The reasons for getting into a panic or making mistakes will likely be a result of certain personality traits such as a lack of confidence or the inability to use initiative in a difficult traffic situation.

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What if this happens to you and you decide to give up after failing the first time? This would be an indication of a lack of belief in yourself, and could be viewed as you having a negative attitude towards getting your licence. Finally, what if, after trying and failing a number of times, you are offered the opportunity to buy a licence? You feel offended by this offer and refuse in spite of your desire to gain a licence. We can accept that this is because of your values of honesty and integrity. From an organisations perspective, if you cannot obtain a licence, you will obviously not be considered sufficiently competent to be appointed as a driver (nor to any occupation requiring this competence). Fortunately there is always the opportunity for you to match other competencies that you do possess with the needs of an organisation a case of different strokes for different folks!

2.2 Individual differences in competence

All of us are unique! The next time you hear someone say that someone or something is quite unique, remind yourself (and the other person if you want to!) that unique means one of a kind. It cannot be replicated. This is pretty powerful because it means that each of us have different personalities, values, attitudes, abilities, levels of knowledge and skills as well as our physiological differences in gender, height, weight, build, or complexion. As important as our physical differences are, organisations are much more interested in our other characteristics of personality, values, attitudes, abilities, knowledge and skills that together add up to our potential to make a contribution to their success. In other words, what is important to the organisation is the individual competence levels of the team leader and team members. Lets explore this further. All human beings have inherent but different potential to learn and grow. The potential that lies within each one of us, provides us with our unique foundation for personal growth and advancement in life. Understanding and using this potential provides us with the opportunity to make our contribution to any family, social circle, society and organisation of which we are part. Knowing this simple truth is one thing - to harness our potential to achieve our dreams is another! Fortunately it is within the organisational context that opportunities arise to do just this. At the same time do remember that understanding your potential will not automatically create a better job for you, or provide you with sudden extra income. It will, however, prepare you to take on the challenge of adding value to any organisation of which you are a part of while allowing you to stay focused on your own aspirations. 20 Unit Standard 242819

Therefore try, as you prepare for the world of work to remember the following vital personal rules. The first personal rule for the world of work is know yourself. This is followed closely by the second personal rule dont try to be what you are not. The last personal rule is focus on building your strengths rather than trying to eliminate your perceived weaknesses. The following great words of wisdom from perhaps the most respected leader in the world today former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of South Africa - reinforce these rules: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure! It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesnt serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in EVERYONE! Quoted by Nelson Mandela: 1994 Inaugural Speech ( To return to the organisational perspective for a moment, it is evident that top management is interested in the competence of individuals to perform! Competence in the workplace is therefore about individuals demonstrating that they are able to perform to the required level. As with the earlier analogy of learning to drive a car, the individual competence required by an organisation comprises an appropriate combination of the willingness and motivation to perform required tasks and activities, as well as the ability, knowledge and skill to do so. The emphasis on an appropriate combination is particularly relevant. Some of us will grasp new concepts quicker than others who may, on the other hand display a greater aptitude for working with their hands. Some of us feel naturally at ease in the company of other people, while others are happier working on their own. Some of us feel driven to succeed while others are more laid back in their approach to life. The good news is that organisations need different competencies for different applications. The successful sales representative enjoys interacting with people and negotiating deals with them, but doesnt necessarily require an in-depth understanding of financial ratios. The computer programmer doesnt have to be outgoing and communicative to be successful at his or her job, but certainly requires the ability to apply the logical reasoning developed through a sound understanding of mathematical concepts.

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Differences in individual competence, therefore, provide an organisation with a range of opportunities to utilise these differences to the mutual advantage of the individual and organisation. Individuals entering the world of work would do well to remember this diversity is strength! As with individual differences, not all competencies are of equal value to performing a job effectively. The next activity will help you to understand this. Activity 3 Assume that you are the Regional Sales Manager for the Chocolot range of confectionery. Prioritise the competencies you require in your Sales Representatives on a scale of 1 5, where 1 = not important, 2 = sometimes required, 3 = useful, 4 = important and 5 = essential. Try not to rate more than four competencies as 5 (essential). Circle your choices. Competence Selling Skills Analytical Ability Time Management Decisiveness Planning Organising Product Knowledge Negotiation Skills Empathy Assertiveness Verbal Communication Mental Alertness The point of this exercise is to illustrate the principle that the competence of the team leader as well as those of team members MUST be linked to the competencies required by the job in question. In summary, to understand the competencies required by a team leader, as well as those of team members, you have to understand: what competencies are which competencies are required for a specific job situation which of these competencies you possess how you can develop the specific competencies required Rating 1 2 3 4 5


Unit Standard 242819


Understanding your own competence as team leader

We saw earlier that competence comprises abilities, knowledge, skills as well as personality, values and attitudes. A good place to begin understanding your own level of competence is to conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis.

3.1 Identifying your own strengths and development needs

3.1.1 A personal SWOT analysis A SWOT Analysis is used a lot in the business environment to assist organisations with their strategic planning. It represents an analysis of: the current internal strengths & weaknesses of the organisation the external opportunities & threats present in the environment Therefore, just as in a business, reviewing your current strengths and areas for development provides you with a realistic foundation for developing the competence required to be an effective team leader. This reality check helps you to build on your personal strengths and to work on appropriate development areas. The previous example of the introverted computer programmer reinforces this point. There is very little value in trying to develop an outgoing, social personality because it is valued in sales people. A much better investment will be to develop logical reasoning skills to add more value in the programmers domain of expertise. The next activity will help you to gain a better understanding of this by identifying your own strengths and development areas.

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Activity 4 Add your list of personal strengths and development needs to the examples provided. If you are serious about this exercise, ask two or three of your close friends or family members to also write down how they view your strengths and development needs. Then ask them to place their responses in a sealed envelope and give it back to you. Then compare your list to theirs. This is a powerful exercise that can help you plan your own future in a more realistic manner! My Personal Strengths Examples good at studying excellent computer skills outgoing personality creative energy speak three languages leadership skills developed at school 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. My Development Needs Examples poor at planning ahead poor time management poor with financial data no clear career goals tendency to make decisions too quickly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Add your own: Add your own:


Unit Standard 242819

How useful was this exercise to you? Although this is an exercise in self-reflection (i.e. rating yourself), it has been widely used in business with great success. Of course, if you went to the trouble to get feedback from friends or family members, this will add value to this important learning, which will clarify what strengths you can build on or what development areas you can successfully work on. 3.1.2 Understanding locus of control Earlier we also saw that personality is part of what makes up individual competence. The fact that many successful organisations require job applicants to undergo psychological assessments before employing them is an indicator of its importance. However, personality is part of our core being not a skill that we can learn or that is likely to change with a new level of knowledge. The good news is that, while we cannot change our inherent personality, there is one particular area of behaviour that can be developed in a positive way. This is the concept of locus of control. A process of feedback and self-reflection is needed (that we shall cover later), but the first step is to understand this very important concept in order to assist an organisation to achieve sustainable success. Many organisations find themselves with employees at all levels who appear to have everything that it takes to be successful, yet never seem to get ahead. You can ask the following question of yourself as well as members of a workplace team. What is it that differentiates successful from average employees? Well sometimes it is their skill, knowledge and intellectual ability, but sometimes it can be put down to a lack of drive an apparent inability to display initiative and take responsibility. This, according to a psychologist by the name of Julian Rotter, is a manifestation of what he termed a locus of control which is either: an external locus of control where individuals tend to believe that their level of performance is beyond their control and is due, rather, to external factors such as management decisions, bad luck and environmental factors, OR, an internal locus of control that reflects the viewpoint of individuals who attribute outcomes to their own actions, take full responsibility for these actions (including poor performance) and believe that they are in charge of their own destiny. Which type of employees do you think an organisation, striving to be successful would prefer? Those with an internal locus of control of course! Performing the next self activity should reinforce your understanding of Locus of Control.

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Activity 5 Instructions: Circle either a or b for each of the following statements according to how you see yourself. There are no wrong or right answers, but to gain value from this exercise, try to be honest as possible. 1. a. Many of the unhappy things in peoples lives are due to bad luck b. The misfortunes that people have result from their own mistakes 2. a. A persons value often goes unnoticed no matter how hard he or she tries b. In the long run, people get the respect that they deserve 3. a. You cannot be come an effective leader if you dont get the right breaks in life b. If you are competent but dont become a leader, its because you didnt take advantage of your opportunities 4. a. I believe that what will happen will just happen b. Trusting fate has never turned out as well for me as making firm decisions and then taking action based on these decisions 5. a. In the long run, the bad things that happen to us are balanced by the good ones b. Most misfortune is due to a lack of competence, ignorance or just pure laziness To score this questionnaire, award yourself 1 point for all the as circled, and 3 points for all the bs circled. If you have a score of 5 7, you are likely to have an external locus of control and if you score between 13 15, you are likely to have a strong internal locus of control. A score from 8 12 indicates a balance between an internal and external locus of control. NB: Remember, this is NOT a psychological test merely an exercise to help you understand this concept better!

3.2 Utilising performance appraisal and feedback

You should note that immediate reflection and feedback on performance ensures: short-term action plans for improving performance are developed motivation is maintained You should also remember that, to be really effective, reflection and feedback should follow a formal process. Making an appointment with your lecturer to review your academic results, is much more effective than asking questions after lectures! The same principle applies in the workplace. A formal performance appraisal will focus the attention of both parties and ensure that the process is serious and is more likely to lead to practical action. If you are performing poorly, then obtaining feedback on what the reasons are is the first step in improving your performance. If it is due to a lack of competence, the solution could be training and development. An example could be the inability to lead team meetings and thus ineffectively 26 Unit Standard 242819

communicate production requirements to team members. This need can become a personal development objective for you. If it is that your competency profile is not suitable for the job in question, then it may be an opportunity to develop plans for a change in career direction. If, on the other hand, you are performing well, positive feedback will reinforce your good performance as you become motivated by this recognition. Whatever, the action, formal performance appraisal and feedback is one of the most powerful tools available in the world of work to help you develop a better understanding of yourself and your level of competence. It is one of the best motivators we know!


Understanding the competence levels of team members

We saw earlier that all of us are unique. Each of us has different personalities, values, attitudes, abilities, levels of knowledge and skills. In other words, team members: are not all motivated by the same things do not all possess the same abilities, knowledge and skills have different personalities, values and attitudes If you place yourself in the position of a Team Leader who has to keep a team of diverse people motivated and focused, you need to have as much knowledge of individual team members as possible in order to build an effective team. The simplest and most accessible way of gaining this knowledge is to utilise the practical workplace tools already in place.

4.1 Utilising practical workplace tools

4.1.1 Visual management Although the focus of visual management is primarily on the team, this tool also covers important individual issues such as skills. For example, the team leader is able to observe the progress on individual skills development and take the required action, whether it is counselling, coaching or sending the team member in question for training. One of the certainties is that team members are likely to be motivated to perform better by the attention given.

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4.1.2 Team review meetings Team review meetings can be extremely effective in providing a foundation for action. Exhibit 6 illustrates how a team leader can utilise this tool to better understand team member competence and then take appropriate action. Because the focus of the meeting is one of reviewing past performance, exploring what can be done to rectify problems and devise plans and actions to make improvements, it highlights individual competence. If, for example, an operator is consistently making more errors than other team members performing the same function, it will come out in the meeting. Exhibit 6: Utilising team meetings to identify competence Utilising the Team Meeting Agenda The Meeting Agenda covers: past performance future objectives who is responsible for action due dates Developing Action Plans Action Plans specify: who is responsible for what actions by when dates The Team Leader is able to see from performance data where the operator is not achieving standard and then decide together on action to be taken e.g. training followed by coaching. The Team Leader is able to see from performance data where the operator is not achieving standard and then decide together on action to be taken e.g. training followed by coaching.

4.1.3 Performance appraisal As with the team leader, receiving formal performance appraisal feedback on how they have contributed as individuals to the overall team performance, will lead to improved performance. Whether it is poor performance that needs to be rectified or excellent performance that should be reinforced, the appraisal and feedback loop is one of the best workplace tools available for identifying, and then acting on the development needs as well as the strengths of team members. Remember that this is normally an individual process, where each members contribution is addressed separately.


Unit Standard 242819

4.2 Workplace facilitation

4.2.1 A personal SWOT analysis A Personal SWOT Analysis is equally applicable to team members as it is to the Team Leader and will also clarify what strengths team members can build on or what development areas they can work on. However, this is not something that should just be left to each individual to complete. Firstly, not all team members may have the understanding or skills to do this important exercise properly. Secondly, it needs to be placed in the context of the work situation. Therefore it is a process that should be facilitated by a competent facilitator (e.g. by someone from the Training Department of an organisation or by an external consultant). Most importantly, it is something that should be followed up by a team exercise called Stop start continue. 4.2.2 Stop start - continue The personal SWOT analysis provides a foundation for individual learning but, if left there, adds little value to the team. Stop start - continue is a powerful feedback mechanism that, if properly facilitated, will ensure personal growth and the building of a cohesive team. The following activity will help you understand this concept. To be of value, however, it must be facilitated either by your lecturer on this course or by a trained facilitator. Activity 6 Step 1: Working on your OWN, review your SWOT Analysis and then write down selected strengths and development areas in the spaces provided. Step 2: Alongside each of these write in the actions you need to undertake in order to help you with the journey of personal and team growth. Step 3: In a Team of NO MORE THAN SIX PEOPLE, share your strength or development need and intended actions. Please note that it is very important that you use the full sentence in describing what you are going to stop, start or continue. Step 4: Complete your sharing and then ask other team members for feedback and contract with them for support to achieve your objectives. NB: In this activity you may share as much OR as little as you wish. You are NOT obliged to share personal information that you dont want to it is your right not to do so. However, experience has shown this to be a very meaningful and valuable exercise.

Unit Standard 242819


My Strengths:

I need to continue

My Development Areas:

I need to stop

I need to start

Examples of Stop start continue are: I need to continue showing concern for my friends and colleagues and being a good listener. I need to stop procrastinating before taking important but difficult decisions. I need to start asking for help when I cant solve a problem, instead of battling on my own because Im too proud to admit I need help.

Utilising this understanding of competence

Specific Outcome 4 of this unit standard will focus on implementing a plan of action to strengthen a team. Such a plan can only be successful if there is a solid understanding of the competence levels of both the team leader and team members. Once this understanding is in place, it can be utilised to identify the relevant needs for: skills training - where performance is below standard formal education - to equip people with relevant knowledge on-the-job development - where promotion opportunities exist


Unit Standard 242819

Specific Outcome 3 Apply theories of motivation and group dynamics in the workplace
Assessment criteria
After completing this outcome, you should be able to apply: relevant theories of motivation, providing practical examples the elements of group dynamics, according to theory and practice



We have already covered a number of theories that explain why motivation is so important to an organisation. Maslows hierarchy, Herzbergs two factor theory and McClellands nAch nAff theory have clarified what needs will trigger the motivation to perform. However, the theory that has best explained the application of motivation in practice has been Vrooms expectancy theory, which clarifies how the realities of the workplace impact on needs.


Relevant theories of motivation

2.1 Porter and Lawlers expectancy model

Two organisational behaviour researchers, Lyman Porter and Ed Lawler III, extended the boundaries of Vrooms model. The best way to explain this expectancy theory is to review exhibit 7. Exhibit 7: Porter and Lawlers expectancy model
(A) Value of the reward (Valence) Satisfaction (D) Abilities and Traits (G) Intrinsic rewards

(C) Effort

(F) Performance

(H) Extrinsic rewards (B) Perception that effort will lead to the probability of reward & (Expectancy Instrumentality) (E) Role Perceptions

(I) Perceived Equity

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From the model it is clear that: (A) represents the value to the individual of the potential reward for performance (valence in Vrooms theory), (B) represents the expectancy and instrumentality components of Vrooms theory, and that, (C) represents the amount of effort that the individual is prepared to put in as a result of this combination. However, Porter and Lawler explained that, even if the motivational force is high and thus the individual is prepared to put in a lot of effort, this doesnt automatically lead to the desired result from an organisations perspective. Effective performance is ALSO dependent on the individuals abilities and personality traits (i.e. his or her level of competence) indicated by capsule (D). They also explained that, even if individual employees are willing and able, they might not put everything into a particular task if it is not perceived to be their role in the organisation (capsule E). For example, team members may not take certain decisions that could enhance performance because they perceive that they dont have the authority to do so. (F) is, of course, the desired performance outcome. (G) and (H) indicate that the initial value that led to the individual being motivated to perform is rewarded by both intrinsic factors (self-fulfilment, recognition) and extrinsic factors (performance bonus, potential promotion) linking to Herzbergs theory. (I) indicates that, even if the rewards are valued, individuals are not likely to remain motivated if they perceive that there is unfairness in the reward for performance. Take the example of a performance bonus where the team member concerned believes that he or she has contributed the most to achieving the performance objective. If the other team members receive exactly the same bonus, it might create a perception of inequity and reduce the individuals level of motivation. Finally, capsule (J) indicates that all these factors have contributed to fulfilling a need. The individual is satisfied. An interesting point here is that if this process leads to a high level of satisfaction, then it is likely to increase the original levels of valence and instrumentality. In other words, fulfilled needs reinforce and strengthen motivational force!


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2.2 Adams equity theory

Capsule (I) in Porter and Lawlers model leads directly to another relevant process theory. A psychologist by the name of J. Stacey Adams explored the fact that people at work do not operate in a vacuum. The whole theme of this course is that individual employees function within the context of a team, within a department, within an organisation. This context provides constant opportunities for individuals to compare their own performance with that of others. Within this context, should any team member believe that his or her level of effort and productivity is superior to that of other team members, it will clearly lead to an expectation of superior rewards! If, for example, the employee in question is awarded precisely the same salary increase as the other team members, then this individual is likely to perceive that there is a lack of equity. In other words, the individual believes that the ratio of the outcome (the salary increase) to the input (his/her effort and productivity) in relation to that received by the other employees should be greater in his or her case. Exhibit 8 illustrates this equity model. Exhibit 8: Adams equity model of motivation Perception of Own Outcomes Perception of Own Inputs Perception of Others Outcomes Perception of Others Inputs

2.3 Other theory constructs

2.3.1 Goal setting Setting goals/objectives is a process that is an integral part of virtually every theory on motivation. Most people are motivated to perform their jobs well when they have clearly-defined and specific goals or objectives to aim for. Edwin Locke built up a goal-setting theory that suggests just this people at work will perform better if they have a definite goal to strive for. Learner Tip In the world of work some individuals and organisations tend to use the word goal when referring to future measurable results that they wish to achieve. Others prefer the term objective. Keep reminding yourself that these are essentially the same thing and may be used interchangeably. For the sake of clarity it is sometimes useful to use the term goal when focusing on the long-term and objective when focusing on the short-term.

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Key points from goal-setting theory that reinforce what we have covered so far are: Specific goals lead to higher performance than general goals. Performance generally increases when goals stretch the individual concerned, i.e. they are not too easily attainable. Improved performance will only occur if the individual concerned accepts the goals. This normally requires participation in setting them. Goals work best when used to measure and evaluate performance. Goals should have a direct link to feedback and rewards. In other words, in order to motivate employees towards improving their performance, goals/objectives should conform to the SMART principles which are: S pecific M easurable A greed R ealistic T ime-related 2.3.2 Reinforcement A very well known behaviourist by the name of B.F. Skinner, focused on what is termed operant conditioning to explain behaviour in the world of work. This, in essence, means that learning takes place as a result of behaviour. If, for example, a team member behaves in a certain way (e.g. submitting accurate reports on time) and is rewarded for this behaviour (e.g. a higher performance evaluation), then it is likely that this behaviour will be repeated - the behaviour is reinforced! The implication for team leaders and an organisation wanting to motivate their employees is to positively reinforce desired behaviour. Reinforcement is not, however, restricted to a positive approach. The theory indicates that we can also be motivated by negative reinforcement. This occurs when an undesirable situation is removed in response to desired behaviour on the part of the individual. An example would be a team member having a written warning for late-coming and then not coming late for the next three months. The reinforcement here would be to remove the disciplinary action from the employees personal record. The desired behaviour is good time keeping the reinforcement is the removal of the negative warning. Finally there are the concepts of extinction and punishment. These mechanisms are used when undesirable behaviour persists. The first requires the removal of reward (e.g. not responding to jokes in bad taste will lead to the joke teller no longer having a receptive audience).


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The latter is a more direct response for example, taking away keys to the office as a result of it being left in a mess. Reinforcement goes hand-in-hand with goal-setting. One of the key principles of setting goals or objectives is to have a direct link to feedback and rewards, which are, in effect, reinforcement mechanisms.


Applying relevant theories in the workplace

Motivational theory provides a valuable foundation for taking action in an organisation to motivate people to work harder and smarter to help shape the success of that organisation. There are a number of strategies that are implemented with the specific goal in mind of achieving just this. We shall focus on two: Making the job more meaningful by means of job redesign and Incorporating theoretical concepts into performance management

3.1 Job redesign

Motivation theory will be very difficult to apply in the world of work if individual jobs are poorly designed or are so rigidly defined that they prevent individual employees from using their initiative to complete tasks in a more effective way. Therefore the focus today is often on how to redesign jobs in order to motivate employees. The efficacy of this approach is based on the principle that jobs should increasingly be designed to improve employee satisfaction and thus motivate them to work smarter! Hackman and Oldham developed a job characteristics model (explained in exhibit 9) explaining the key job design characteristics required to sustain employee satisfaction with a particular job.

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Exhibit 9: Job characteristics that motivate employees Characteristic Skill Variety Description The extent to which a particular job requires different competence Clarity where the specific tasks making up a particular job start and where they finish The significance role that the job plays in achieving organisational objectives The level of discretion and independence that an individual employee is given to decide how to perform a particular job The extent to which results are directly linked to the individuals job performance and communicated clearly to that individual Team members experiencing meaningfulness Leading to:

Task Identity

Task Significance Autonomy

Team members feeling responsible for job outputs The extent to which team members are given knowledge of job outputs


(from Hackman & Oldham 1980)

In reaction to these characteristics, organisations have attempted to redesign jobs in order to stimulate employee motivation and so ensure more effective implementation of organisational strategies. Exhibit 10 illustrates how these job redesign efforts can potentially lead to an increase in skills, variety, task significance etc. and subsequently motivate employees to improve their job performance. These approaches reinforce the principle that effective motivation of employees needs well-designed jobs.


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Exhibit 10: Job redesign approaches to motivate employees Job Redesign Approach Job Rotation (Horizontal redesign) Job Enlargement (Horizontal redesign) Job Enrichment (Vertical redesign) Description Rotating team members from one job to another without altering the intrinsic job content Expanding the number of tasks making up a particular job Increasing job depth by giving team members more discretion, autonomy and control over their job Leading to: The opportunity to develop skills variety particularly the different skills required by other jobs The opportunity to develop skills variety but within the parameters of current task significance The opportunity to gain autonomy to perform work at the next level i.e. taking on responsibilities of the Team Leader

3.2 Performance management

It is important to note that if an organisation wants to achieve the goal of becoming and remaining competitive there needs to be a performance management system in place to integrate employee performance with organisational performance develop the competence of employees to achieve this performance reward employees for their contributions to organisational success It remains one of the single most powerful tools available to an organisation wishing to gain strong employee commitment. The more that high performing employees feel they are fairly rewarded for their performance the more likely they are to remain content within the organisation. Equally, a good system will ensure that non-performers are not rewarded (and are thus more likely to move out!) It also addresses the principles of equity theory in that individuals are more likely to accept why they are being rewarded within a system that insists on formal feedback and rewards measurable performance. ALL employees no matter what level of seniority want to know how they are performing in relation to standards set and relative to other employees. It addresses the need we all have for self-esteem.

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Applying the elements of group dynamics

4.1 The challenges of getting a team to work effectively

Although we have seen earlier in this unit standard that diversity is a strength because the team leader has the opportunity to utilise differences in personality, values, attitudes, abilities, levels of knowledge and skills; this also creates challenges. You should note that in the early stages of team development, each member is likely to have concerns, fears and aspirations (forming). Also, that conflict is likely to arise as individual differences are manifested in behaviour (storming). This is where leadership qualities are needed to manage the behavioural dynamics within the team that influence team effectiveness. This means building on individual diversity instead of expecting that everyone agrees with each other and accepting that conflict is natural without allowing disruptive, power-seeking individuals to negatively influence the team. One of the most important tasks that you as the team leader must undertake is to gain a good understanding of the individuals who make up your team. The more you understand the more you can adapt your approach to leading these individuals in a team situation.

4.2 Understanding team values

Values are perhaps the most difficult component of individual difference to classify, in that they are not unique abilities or skills or personality traits. In fact, many of us share the same or similar values. Yet values are a powerful factor influencing the way individuals behave in the world of work. They often provide the critical foundation that individuals use to decide whether or not they are willing to go the extra mile in helping their team and their organisation to achieve goals. If an individual does not believe in the same values as the organisation, they are less likely to apply their abilities, knowledge and skill to the same extent leading to a lower level of performance. However many values team members may have, some are consistently more important than others - these are core values. It is these beliefs that most individuals will not give up under any circumstances. Lets make sure that you clearly understand this very important concept by performing the next activity.


Unit Standard 242819

Activity 7 Instructions: Step 1: using the list of possible values to be found on the next page, select 20 values that are the most important to you. List these 20 values on the table to be found on the page that follows. Step 2: delete 10 values that you would give up if you were forced to make a choice. Step 3: review this list of 10 values and delete 5 more that you would give up if you were forced to. Step 4: you are now left with your 5 most important values. Rank these in order of importance i.e. #1 is the most important and #5 is the least important. Step 5: review your list of Core Values to ensure that your priority order is correct by applying the following simple test. If I had to choose between two conflicting values e.g. honesty or loyalty or two complementary values e.g. status or recognition, which of the two would I give up? Step 6: list your final Core Values in priority order in the space provided below and write down what each means to you e.g. dignity might mean showing respect for the worth of others and expecting the same in return. My possible values Values Achievement Autonomy Ambition Challenge Democracy Dignity Ethics Empowerment Equality Excellence Family Freedom Friendship Health Honesty Independence Inner harmony Integrity Choice Values Intelligence Knowledge Loyalty Love Meaningful work Personal growth Personal wealth Physical challenge Power Privacy Recognition Religion Reputation Service to others Security Status Trust Wisdom Choice

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My 20 most important values: Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Priority 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Value Priority

These are the rules that I live by - the 'things' that I shall not violate either to achieve short-term success or when I am confronted with difficult decisions. These are the rules that I value now and will live by even when circumstances become difficult. My Core Personal Values Core Values 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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Deciding on your core values is quite a difficult exercise isnt it? One of the reasons is that they are VERY IMPORTANT to you! If you feel strongly about your values, then you can reasonably expect each team member to feel equally strongly about their own values. Differences in values as with differences in competence add to the diversity of individuals in an organisation. Once again, this can be used as an opportunity rather than viewed as a barrier to cooperation. One of the ways to do this is to take the time and effort to establish SHARED VALUES in your team. Because it is such a personal issue, it is also a process that should be facilitated by a competent facilitator, i.e. the Training Department or an external consultant.

4.3 Understanding team diversity

Let us be clear about values. These are NOT skills that we can learn and change easily if at all! They are, at the same time, the foundation for individual diversity in the world of work. If we also take into account the impact of belonging to specific communities, which have a different set of values, cultural standards and religious beliefs, then understanding diversity has got to be an important step in managing group dynamics. This doesnt mean that all employees in an organisation should be sent on diversity training workshops to 'understand one another better', but it does mean that a team leader should consider the impact of diversity on decisions. Often managers decide to implement an idea that will help the organisation achieve its objectives but are then dismayed that employee reaction is not positive. This may be due to individual differences or it may be due to group issues that are not taken into consideration. Lets take the example of Youth Day, June 16th falling on a Wednesday. A production manager may decide that it is totally unproductive to run the factory for 2 days of a 5 day shift, stop production for 1 day and then start up again for the last 2 days of the week. The manager is probably correct. A communication is then sent out to employees stating that the factory will run on the 16th, that everyone will be paid double time in accordance with legislation and that a long weekend will be given at an appropriate time. The reaction of a large part of the workforce is negative and the manager cannot understand why until someone explains the historical significance of June 16 to many South Africans. Understanding issues such as these makes it so much easier for team leaders to ensure successful teamwork.

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The good news is that one of the reasons why South African managers are so successful in many other countries is precisely because they have learnt to manage issues of diversity in South Africa! Learner Tip In the workplace it will be very useful to remember the reality that: misunderstandings are likely to occur in a multi-cultural situation communication styles need to be adapted when a communication problem arises even within a small team there will be differences ethnically-based assumptions, stereotyping and inappropriate statements will occur and need to be managed

4.4 Dealing with resistance in the team

Because people bring their values, attitudes and perceptions to the workplace, there may be resistance in the team to the introduction of new targets, new SOPs or just new ideas. This may have nothing to do with the organisation but relate to personal interests. Negative reaction may surface in many forms. In the workplace it is often manifested in increased absenteeism and grievances, lack of motivation, sabotage of processes and job resignations. If we scratch the surface we will probably find that some of the likely reasons are: uncertainty - leading to fear that could be real or imaginary. In many instances, the office 'grapevine' is overloaded with rumours that increase employee feelings of uncertainty and insecurity. For example, the introduction of new technology may cause some individuals to feel that their expertise is being threatened. This will create fear and result in resistance to the new technology. fear that jobs will be lost or changed, resulting in possible retrenchment and loss of income (for example, improved technology has often caused people to become redundant). disruption to relationships - where informal relationships which develop in the team can be disrupted or destroyed by changes in technology, products, markets and people. perceived loss of power where people who are comfortable with their position of power may resent new ideas and often pretend to support them, but actually work hard to ensure they dont happen. inertia where group members know that they need to change but are too comfortable with the current status.


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Some of the ways that the team leader can change resistance into acceptance and eventually, commitment to new ideas are by: building trust - if team members trust the team leader, they are less likely to be threatened by any proposed changes. communicating consistently and openly to reduce incorrect perceptions and ambiguity. Even bad news is accepted more readily when it is presented as a clear message giving the facts. involving team members in the decision. Employees will not resist decisions that they own. explaining the benefits of the idea. Team members are far more likely to accept a new idea if they can see how they will benefit from it for example, increased autonomy in the job.

4.5 Utilising team dynamics to build a high performance team culture

Understanding the dynamics of values, diversity and issues such as resistance to change provide an essential foundation for building a high performance team culture. A culture in an organisation is not something tangible - that we can touch or see, but rather a set of values and beliefs that are shared throughout the organisation to such an extent that they influence individual employees to behave in a certain way. Exhibit 11 illustrates the key elements of an organisational culture as well as the behaviour that manifests a high performance culture. Exhibit 11: Key elements of an organisational culture An Organisational Culture must: endure over time be shared by a significant number of employees provide informal rules of behaviour provide a unique identity for the organisation be manifested by symbols such as a common language, slogans and dress code not be easy to change A High Performance Culture requires: a shared vision that everyone understands and supports alignment where employees feel committed to organisational goals a strong customer orientation where everyone knows that they exist to serve its customers an obsession with quality with everyone working towards product and service quality innovation where all employees constantly come up with new ideas to improve team productivity respect for individuals where all employees feel empowered to make a contribution

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Make sure you clearly understand these very important concepts by performing the next activity. Activity 8 Think of the high school you attended or a club that you belong to. What are practical examples of symbols, slogans, and common words or phrases used that provide an identity for the school or club?

Organisations use these symbols, slogans and common words in their formal documentation such as advertisements, policy manuals, induction programmes and training manuals. However, the underlying beliefs and values behind these symbols, slogans and phrases that are open to employees of the organisation are like the tip of an ice berg. Below the water there are normally a host of other values and dynamics which sometimes have the most influence. These 'unwritten rules' can either prevent an organisation from achieving its objectives or can alternatively be the real buildingblock of a high performance culture. Exhibit 12 illustrates this crucial concept. Exhibit 12: The iceberg of business culture

Explicit beliefs and rules etc -------------------------------------------------------------------- water level

The hidden rules and agendas. The covert politics which tend to really influence what goes on in the organisation


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A culture can be strong or weak. If it is weak, it unlikely to make any difference to how a business performs. On the other hand a strong culture will have a large influence on how the business performs. A strong, healthy culture that is supportive of organisational objectives greatly assists the organisation to achieve these objectives. A low performance, unhealthy culture that is characterised by internal politics, competition and unwillingness to work together, will hinder objective achievement. Any team in any organisation will fail unless it is supported by a strong, healthy culture.

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Unit Standard 242819

Specific Outcome 4 Implement a plan of action to strengthen a team

Assessment criteria
After completing this outcome, you should be able to implement: an action plan by obtaining team commitment the effective execution of the action plan monitor and amend the action plan as required


Obtaining team commitment to action plans

If we provide a team with SMART objectives, realistic standards and a performance plan with clearly-defined targets, then we have a strong foundation for gaining the commitment of team members. Team members are also much more likely to enthusiastically support and implement decisions that they have participated in taking. You should also remember that empowerment mechanisms such as properly implemented green area and visual management systems are likely to be excellent tools in obtaining commitment from team members. Setting objectives, empowering teams to take decisions and providing them with immediate feedback do not, on their own, lead to implementation. You saw that translating excellent plans and high levels of commitment into action required a formal team review meeting in which the most important output is always the action plan that specifies who is responsible for what actions and by when. A formal action plan is a highly effective way of gaining commitment to achieving team objectives but then needs to be successfully executed, monitored and amended as circumstances change in order for these objectives to be attained.


Executing, monitoring & amending action plans

It is important to note the value of utilising the principles of controlling in implementing, monitoring and evaluating performance against team objectives and organisational standards by: measuring and monitoring performance against standards, identifying variances from standard and taking corrective action

Unit Standard 242819


Action plans are the ideal business tool for applying these principles in the world of work. The activities that follows should provide you with an understanding of how to execute, monitor and, where necessary, amend an action plan; and where: the focus of Activity 8 is executing the initial plan the focus of Activity 9 is utilising the plan to monitor progress the focus of Activity 10 is amending the plan Activity 8 Step 1: Review the Action Plan found below. Step 2: Enter what you think are realistic due dates for each action.
Skills Training Action Plan Action required Action by 1. Conduct training needs analysis 2. Identify top training priorities 3. Determine required training outcomes 4. Agree on training dates with managers 5. Book training venues and facilitators 6. Advise nominated employees of training dates 7. Conduct training courses and assess competence 8. Evaluate value of training course 9. Apply new skills in the workplace 10. Rate job performance and compare before & after training TO LM/ TM LM/ TM LM/ TM TO TO FA TR/ TO TR LM/ TM 1 2 Due Dates (Week Nos) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



= = = = = =

Training Manager Training Officer Trainees Facilitators Line Managers Planned Dates

How did you find this activity? In any action plan there is always a sequence of actions to be taken by relevant people. If you look forward to Activity 9, you will see that by week 7 not all the deadlines have been met. As part of the monitoring process, you should complete step 2 of the activity. 48 Unit Standard 242819

Activity 9 Step 1: Review the achievement of due dates. Step 2: Write in the space below what action you would take as the Training Manager in this situation.

Skills Training Action Plan Review: Week 7 Action required Action by TO LM/ TM LM/ TM LM/ TM TO TO FA TR/TO TR LM/ TM X Due Dates (Week Nos) 1 X X X X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Conduct training needs analysis 2. Identify top training priorities 3. Determine required training outcomes 4. Agree on training dates with managers 5. Book training venues and facilitators 6. Advise nominated employees of training dates 7. Conduct training courses and assess competence 8. Evaluate value of training course 9. Apply new skills in the workplace 10. Rate job performance and compare before & after training Key: TM TO TR FA LM = = = = = = =

Training Manager Training Officer Trainees Facilitators Line Managers Planned Dates Planned Dates Achieved

Monitoring is more than just measuring actual progress and comparing it to required due dates. It encompasses regular reviews using the original action plan as the standard.

Unit Standard 242819


In this case, monitoring progress highlights the impact of not booking the training venues and the effect it has on delaying the delivery of training. It is already week 7 and training should have started in week 5! This, in turn, will delay the implementation of all subsequent steps. Irrespective of the reasons for the problem, it is no good just hoping for the best. It is also not a good idea to merely adjust the timing schedule. The venues need to be rebooked and may not be available for a while. In this case the schedule requires amendment. Activity 10 Update the plan based on what you saw in Activity 9.
Amended Skills Training Action Plan Action required Action by TO LM/ TM LM/ TM LM/ TM TO TO FA TR/TO TR LM/ TM Due Dates (Week Nos) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Conduct training needs analysis 2. Identify top training priorities 3. Determine required training outcomes 4. Agree on training dates with managers 5. Book training venues and facilitators 6. Advise nominated employees of training dates 7. Conduct training courses and assess competence 8. Evaluate value of training course 9. Apply new skills in the workplace 10. Rate job performance and compare before & after training

Key: TM = Training Manager TR = Trainees LM = Line Managers

TO = Training Officer FA = Facilitators X = Planned Dates

Was this activity useful to you? Did you remember to re-enter planned dates already achieved? An action plan that is not constantly monitored and amended to reflect the realities of the situation remains a paper exercise a nice idea that doesnt lead to the required outcomes.


Unit Standard 242819

Specific Outcome 5 Provide feedback and recognise achievements

Assessment criteria
After completing this outcome, you should be able to provide: feedback to team members based on observation recognition to team members who have contributed to the team


Observing team dynamics

here is a difference between the content of the decisions and actions we take in the world of work (the what) and the process we use to take decisions and implement them (the how). You also saw that the strongest influence on the effectiveness of the process is the behavioural dynamics within the team. By utilising the positive dynamics of goalachievement roles (e.g. information seekers, energisers) and team-building roles (e.g. harmonisers, expediters), the process becomes more effective. How do you, as a team leader identify these roles in the first place? The answer is by observing people at work. One of the best opportunities to do this is, is during the team review meetings. The key is to observe which team members are adding value by: providing new ideas on how to move ahead finding information needed to solve the problem helping resolve conflict stopping dominant individuals from taking over discussions and which team members are disrupting the process by: stopping new ideas with continual negative reactions focusing more on their contribution than on achieving team goals Of course, as the team leader, it is your responsibility to lead the meeting and you have to focus your attention on the meeting agenda and the information being communicated. However, you will find that one of the most powerful tools to assist you with observation in the world of work is the simple task of MAKING NOTES! This is what many human resource practitioners refer to as recording critical incidents and consists simply of making notes about specific comments and actions as you observe them happening. You dont have to record every word or action but you should write down sufficient information that you need for the feedback you have to give to individual team members as well as to the team as a whole. The reason that these are called critical incidents, is that they are specific incidents that provide critical information to the team leader when providing feedback. Unit Standard 242819 51

If you tell a team member that they have a bad attitude towards customers, what does this actually mean? What do you do if they ask for specific examples of this bad attitude? On the other hand, if you are able to say; Jim, do you remember last Monday when that customer asked you for help and you replied that you were busy with another customer? Well, Im afraid that this is an example of your general attitude towards customers that I have observed lately. Here you have a clear example of the point that you want to make during a feedback session. To get back to the interaction of individuals working in a team, the meeting is an obvious opportunity to observe behaviour dynamics. There are, however, other ways of observing behaviour. The next activity will be of help to you in understanding group dynamics that is not something you see taking place in front of you.

Activity 11 Step 1: On your own, review the Visual Management System example overleaf. Step 2: Also on your own, make notes on the following: a. Which 1 day of the week does the team consistently meet standard? b. Why do you think this is? c. What can you do about improving team output? Step 3: In a team of 4 to 7 people, discuss the group dynamics you have observed by reviewing the information made available by the system.


Unit Standard 242819

Daily Warehouse Orders Despatched per Employee

50 Standard 40 30 20 10


If you have struggled with this activity, please consult your lecturer. The information provided is based on a real life situation and is a manifestation of a message that the team of warehouse employees is giving to management. What is important is that the observation of team dynamics in the workplace is not restricted to the process of directly watching people perform daily tasks.


Providing feedback to team members based on observation

2.1 Feedback Steps

Feedback should follow a formal process, which ensures that team members have their attention focused on learning from the feedback and thus improving performance. The specific steps were to: 1. review the purpose of the discussion 2. reflect on actual performance compared to standard 3. seek reasons for variances 4. discuss problems preventing the team from meeting standards 5. develop future action plans to rectify poor performance or to enhance previous good performance

Unit Standard 242819


This approach means that, as the team leader, you should: invite team members to speak first. This fosters the skills of self-criticism and protects self-respect. be specific rather than general. To be told that one is disorganised will probably not be as useful as to be told When you lost your place during the lecture and couldnt find the right notes, I found it distracting. balance positive and negative feedback. Positive feedback on its own allows no room for improvement and negative feedback on its own is discouraging. direct your feedback towards behaviour that can be controlled. It is not helpful, for example, to comment on someones way of talking.

2.2 A framework for structuring feedback

As important as the formal process is to ensuring effective feedback; utilising a common frame of reference is equally valuable in ensuring that the action plan is the appropriate one for the circumstances. Mager and Pipe developed a model over 30 years ago that provides a very useful framework for giving feedback to team members. Following this model ensures that the team leader not only provides feedback but also takes responsibility for the development of team members. The actions on the action plan are not always the responsibility of the individual team members the team leader is also responsible for making sure that required outcomes are achieved! Of particular importance is to establish whether or not performance can be improved by training as opposed to other interventions. Exhibit 13 illustrates this crucial concept.


Unit Standard 242819

Exhibit 13: The feedback model

Describe Performance Discrepancy

No Ignore Important?



Skills Deficiency No Performance punished?


Used to do it?


Arrange Formal Training No Yes Used often? Arrange practice


Remove punishment

Used often

Nonperformance rewarded?


Arrange consequences Yes

Performance matters?


Arrange feedback

Arrange positive consequences Yes


Remove obstacles

To ensure that we are completely clear about this in the world of work, lets look at another analogy. Unit Standard 242819 55

Mager & Pipes Model explained by a workplace analogy

Assume that you are the Team Leader of a Call Centre in Johannesburg handling Client Queries for a Cellular Phone Company. You have received a number of complaints from clients about how ineffective some of the Call Centre Operators are in handling their queries. The first question that the Model requires you to ask is the following: Is the performance discrepancy important? If some of the complaints were to do with problems such as unavailability of certain new models in their area, it is not something that your team members can do anything about other than explain the reasons given by the company. This is not important in how the service levels of the team are maintained and so may be ignored. The next issue is the critical one of is it a lack of knowledge, skill or ability OR rather a behavioural problem e.g. a bad attitude? To determine if it is a skills deficiency, you could ask the question could the team member perform the task/function if his/her life depended on it? Obviously if the answer is NO (e.g. a new product range has been launched and the operator hasnt been for product knowledge training) then there is a skills problem that needs to be addressed by means of appropriate training! However the model also requires you to ask did the employee know how to perform the function in the past?. If, for example, the problem has to do with not providing the client with the correct procedure for activating international roaming, then the answer is YES. In this case perhaps the team member has forgotten some of the tasks because it is not a frequent query, so the best solution is to arrange practice rather than spending money on comprehensive re-training. If the employee gets these questions frequently, then further performance feedback is appropriate before just rushing off to train. To determine if it is a behaviour problem, then the model requires you to not just jump to the conclusion that it is an attitude problem, but rather to ask the question if the performance problem was not due to a lack of skill, could there be reasons other than a poor attitude? Firstly, is performance punished? An example of this would be an operator using initiative to help a client with a crisis and then being scolded for not adhering strictly to the Standard Operating Procedure in the Manual. Allowing the team member to use initiative removes the punishment and enhances a feeling of self-worth. Secondly, is there is a reward for not performing to standard? For example, if team members have not traditionally been disciplined for poor client service, then they are receiving the reward of being able to maintain below-standard performance without any sanction. (Fortunately most Cellphone companies have systems in place to monitor and then exert discipline for poor performance). 56 Unit Standard 242819

Thirdly, does performance really matter? If there are no incentives for performing well then it may be a simple issue of developing better performance standards and implementing incentives to meet these standards. Lastly, are there obstacles to performing up to standard? If there is a problem of inadequate operators per shift which leads to clients waiting for too long before there is a response, then removing these obstacles by employing sufficient operators will solve the problem. This might not be within your authority to decide, but it can be taken into account when giving feedback to team members. People remain motivated when they know they are not being held responsible for factors outside of their control.

Many managers in the world of work see training or alternatively taking disciplinary action as simple solutions to improve performance. Providing continuous feedback on a formal, structured basis ensures that the team leader maintains motivation by focusing on the real issues and addressing these (not necessarily by means of training) and utilising the opportunity to gain valuable inputs from team members.


Providing recognition to team members who have contributed to the team

There is an expression that is equally useful in the context of the world of work as it is in sport. It is: Feedback is the breakfast of champions! If you believe that feedback is a motivator in its own right, then you have understood both this expression and the information on motivation provided in this unit standard. Giving team members feedback provides a signal that says; you and the work that you do are both important enough for me to take the time to provide feedback on how I view your contribution. If, however, this feedback is not specific then it will be limited in reinforcing good performance or improving poor performance.

3.1 Specific recognition

In the world of work it is interesting to note that a lot of effort goes into providing feedback on poor performance compared to the time taken to give positive feedback for contributions made. Many employees complain about a blame culture that exists in their organisation and that management only talk to us when there is a problem! This widespread perception is based on a lack of feedback when employees have made a positive contribution.

Unit Standard 242819


However, recognising employees by making broad statements thanking them for their loyalty and commitment has very limited impact! We saw earlier that recording critical incidents enabled the team leader to provide specific feedback by using these incidents to illustrate a general performance issue. This must be the approach to recognising team members recognition must be sincere and related to specific valueadding contributions. Whether the feedback is one-on-one such as: Sipho, I have called you in to thank you for working overtime on Tuesday when I asked you at very short notice. I know you missed your normal lift because of the overtime. This is an example of your commitment and I will make a note of it and send it to HR to place on your Personal File. Thanks a lot! or it is in a team situation such as: Guys, I want to specifically thank Sipho for stepping in last Tuesday when Kobus was off sick. He really helped us meet our targets. Sipho, you set an example for all of us thanks a lot! it is a powerful form of recognition that we know is a real motivator!

3.2 Forms of recognition

Recognition takes many forms. It may be a simple as verbal feedback on a specific performance accomplishment or may be a complex scheme that offers incentive bonuses. You may remember that exhibit 4 identified a number of rewards both intrinsic and extrinsic. All of these can be utilised to provide team members with recognition for their achievements. Exhibit 14 provides a list of actions that can be used to recognise team members who have contributed to the team. Exhibit 14: Actions taken to recognise team members


Provide opportunities for personal growth Offer more job responsibility Allow more participation in decision-making Create opportunities for job enrichment Change the Job Title Public Recognition Allow extra time off

Financial Award a high merit increase in salary Offer performance bonuses Offer share options Implement a Suggestion Scheme Offer free trips or entertainment


Unit Standard 242819

Many organisations have strict policies in regard to recognising achievement by financial means. The main reasons for these are either that; individuals have abused a system in the past, or that it has been difficult to administer in such a way as to keep it fair. Non-financial forms of recognition are not nearly as complex or as expensive to implement and yet act as definite motivators, IF applied creatively and consistently. These two factors are very important to ensure that recognition leads to motivation and, in turn, to continuous improvement in performance. You can step into many organisations and find photos and rolls of honour recognising the Employee of the Year and Best Newcomer etc. that have stopped being used more than 3 years ago! Once a formal way of recognising employees has been introduced, it must be maintained and updated with fresh ideas to make it effective. Within a team context, one of the most powerful forms of recognition is awarding extra time off on full pay to those team members who have made an extra contribution. This is not as simplistic as it may sound. Formally announcing at the Thursday morning team review meeting that Zoleka will be able to leave work at 12h00 on Friday because of her specific contribution to meeting the debt collection targets for this month is a really meaningful reward. She will be able to do things on Friday that would normally have taken up part of her week-end, and which is now free for her to plan social activities. The benefits to the organisation of having a highly-motivated employee working hard to achieve team targets far outweighs the cost of paying her for a few hours when not present at work.

3.3 Celebrating success

Finally, as much as formal recognition is a powerful motivator, celebrating it with other team members takes it to another level. Exhibit 15 provides examples of celebrating the success of individuals who have made that extra contribution to the team.

Unit Standard 242819


Exhibit 15: Celebrating success in a team

Examples of recognising the contribution of individual team members

Employee of the Month Awards: Team members vote on who has made the biggest contribution to team success. Each recipient is presented with a special badge and has their photo prominently displayed in the workplace. This is particularly effective in a team dealing with customers who often add their own congratulations, thus increasing the persons feeling of achievement. This is an example of short-term recognition. At the end of the month team members vote again on who will be next months award recipient. Status Awards: Executive Management decide on specific criteria for awarding team members a certain status in recognition of their contribution. The celebration is normally in the form of a formal function at which recipients receive a trophy or framed certificate. The awards are publicized throughout the organisation. This is an example of long-term recognition. The status award is kept by the individual for ever. For example, Pam Golding Properties, one of the largest property groups in South Africa has Gold Club Awards for their agents who have achieved and maintained a consistently high level of excellent service and have adhered to the strictest principles of ethical conduct.


Unit Standard 242819

Unit standard: Learning reinforcement exercise

Answer the following questions by writing your answers in the space provided - using your own words. Try to complete the whole exercise before you look up the right answers. 1. Sustainable s in the world of work depends on how an organisation human resources are to perform. The best companies in the world do the following in order to keep their people motivated: a) b) c) d) Vrooms expectancy model require that e , i and v are all in place in order to have a strong level of m . In Maslows hierarchy of needs: a) b) c) d) e) The first level of needs are p The second level of needs are for s After that the need for s has to be satisfied The forth level is for s e and The highest level is for s a



4. 5.

Herzberg, on the other hand, felt that although some factors were , others were only h factors. He felt that most of the successful motivators are I such as recognition and personal growth. 61

Unit Standard 242819


McClelland proposed that the individual with a high need for a has a desire to excel in comparison to others and that the individual with a high need for a has a desire for close relationships and to feel accepted. An important way of establishing whether or not team members are motivated within an organisation, is to conduct an Employee a s Competence comprises: a. b. c. d. e. f. A S K P V and, A


8. 9.

Conducting a p s a helps us to build on our personal strengths and to work on appropriate development areas.

10. People who have an locus of control, tend to believe that their performance is often influenced by factors beyond their control such as bad luck or poor management. On the other hand, those who have an locus of control, take full responsibility for their performance. 11. In the stop-start-continue exercise, stop means , start means and continue means


Unit Standard 242819

12. In Adams equity theory, high performing employees expect a greater/smaller salary increase in relation to their own i compared to that received by other employees whose i is, in their perception, lower. 13. Making a job more meaningful by means of j r should lead to improved employee s and thus m them to work smarter. A well-designed job should provide employees with s v , t i , t s , a and f 14. A team leader can really build a team by reducing resistance. This can be done by: building t communicating c and o involving t m in decisions

15. A high performance culture includes a shared v that everyone supports, a strong c o , an obsession with q and continuous i where all employees feel empowered to make a contribution. 16. Effective execution of action plans requires: the allocation of r amongst team members specific d d mechanisms to m progress and, when required, making a to the plan.

17. C i provide clear examples of the point that you want to make during a feedback session. 18. Recognition can be provided by f or non means.

Unit Standard 242819



The specific steps used during a formal feedback process are: 1. review the 2. reflect on compared to 3. seek for v 4. discuss preventing the team from 5. develop future A P to rectify poor or to enhance good

20. Status awards are an example of term recognition for contribution to team performance.


Unit Standard 242819

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