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Qawwali Program October 2012

Qawwali: Singing for the One

A workshop about singing qawwali and exploring its poetic dimensions
In his qawwali workshops, Kiran Rana connects us to Sufi poetry and music in a direct and powerful way. Participants are invited to not just listen but to participate. This October the Sufi Way in Holland will present an intimate workshop by Kiran that can be attended by anyone.

Friday evening (open evening), October 19, 18.30 pm to Sunday, October 21, 17:00 pm at De Engel, Csar Francklaan 13, Huizen
In qawwali, mystical poetry and utterances are sung in a flowing style of solo and group passages, with improvisations and repetition. The music leads to deeper levels of awareness and inner harmony. Much of the singing initially follows a call-and-response format which makes it easy to learn and participate. Participants will learn to sing a traditional or English qawwali with verses, chorus, variations and giren interpolated verses. No prior experience or musical training is required. Bring music instruments if you want. Wear comfortable, loose clothing. The programme is sponsored by the Sufi Way in Holland and will be facilitated by Kiran Rana supported by Elveerah Leschot. Kiran has studied qawwali for many years with Meraj Nizami Qawwal and is a teacher in the Sufi Way. The Sufi Way is an evolving, contemporary spiritual path, open to all, guided by the ideals and goals expressed in the teachings of the Indian mystic Sufi Inayat Khan.

Registration, lodging and more information

Call or email; telephone +31 (0)6 54 34 28 74; email: Email is preferred. There are sleeping places available. More information is available at By payment on postbankrekening 4895129 of the Sufi Way, Amsterdam you are registrated.

Costs are 125 for complete program, 25 for Friday evening with meal and 15 without meal, Saturday 60 and 40 for Sunday. Coffee and tea and meals are included in the full program price. More information about Qawwali programs with Kiran Rana can be found on and also at (click on the Qawwali link for photos of earlier workshops and samples recordings of the programs).

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