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A Glowing Future by Ruth Rendell

I. Expressions under study: obsession to loathe decency to needle to wince to slam the door laconically bruise to burst into sobs to be moved by smth studious efficient Study the words and word combinations above mentioned. Make up sentences of your own to illustrate their usage. Reproduce the situations in which the words and word combinations of the active vocabulary are used in the story. Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words: paranoia, vase, hermetic, studiously, alabaster, decency, linen, to bow, psychological, fever, peculiar, bric-a-brac, fragile, series, to treasure. Give synonyms to: steady, grim, rage, detached, fierce, requisite, belongings. Give antonyms to: even, passionate, greedy, absent-minded, humanity, skillfully. Find English equivalents to: , ,


IV. V. VI.

VIII. Match a word on the left with the word on the right: predatory shiver residents thriller primal speech nauseous pleasure palpable instinct chilling hands defensive push grim nothingness

savage IX.


Answer the following questions and do the given assignments: 1. Dwell upon the title of the story. 2. Speak on the plot structure of the story. 3. What are the characters states of mind in the beginning of the story? In what way do they change as the story progresses? Illustrate your point of view with quotations from the text. What method does the author use in order to depict the characters emotions? 4. What part do Maurices possessions play in the story? Did he return to London only to collect them? Why did his intention to take the stuff away hurt Betsy? 5. Do you think Betsy was right to write the letter to Patricia? What would have happened if Patricia had received it? 6. Comment on the phrase: He liked her to be angry and fierce; it was her love he feared. 7. Comment on the phrase: Self-preservation is the primal instinct, more powerful than love or sorrow, hatred or regret. 8. Comment on the sentences from the point of view of stylistics: a) The first time to say you loved me and missed me and were longing to come back to me and would I wait for you and there wasnt anyone else was there? b) But thats Maurice, thats the man I love, and hes coming back to me and well get married and Im so happy! c) Youd got a residents permit to stay in Australia, youd got a job fixed up, youd met a girl you wanted to marry. d) I loved him, she said aloud, and she clenched her fists. I hated him. 9. There is a saying that men and women are creatures from different planets. Do you share the opinion? 10. Give character sketches of Maurice and Betsy. Think of the situations in which you would use the following: 1. To be more explicit, I mean ... 2. You could have fooled me. 3. How would you have put it? 4. Its a risk I must take. 5. ... isnt the word Id use to describe the way ...


XI. Translate into English using your active vocabulary: 1. , . 2. . 3. , , . .

4. . , . 5. ? , , .

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