Home Then and Now Lesson Plan

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JMU Early, Elementary & Reading Education

Students name: Sarah Miller Cooperating teacher and school: Mrs. Rice, Cub Run E.S. Date and time lesson is to be presented: 10/3/12 11:40am Date written plan is submitted to the practicum teacher: 9/23/12 (Plan must be initialed and dated by the teacher when it is reviewedat least one day in advance.) A. TITLE/TYPE OF LESSON Life at Home/ Social Studies & English B. CONTEXT OF LESSON What pre-assessment did you do that tells you the students readiness, interests, and/or learning preferences? Why is this an appropriate activity for these students at this time? How does this lesson fit in the curriculum sequence? How does this lesson fit with what you know about child development? I have observed how these students learn and what interests them. This is an appropriate activity for these students at this time, as it connects to their lives and builds into other kinds of activities they have been doing. This lesson fits well in the curriculum sequence because it is based on the theme for the week, long ago. The lesson is developmentally appropriate for children this age, at the kindergarten level. The picture book is a simple nonfiction text and the corresponding activities foster their development in all domains.

C. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand what are the broad Know what are the facts, rules, generalizations the students should specific data the students will gain begin to develop? (These are through this lesson? (These knows typically difficult to assess in one must be assessed in your lesson.) lesson.) Everyday life today is different from Stories and families can describe life long ago. events from the past. The past has already happened. Life in the home long ago was very different than what it is for us today. The present is happening now. Descriptions of life in the past and present can be shared by families through pictures and stories.

Do what are the specific thinking behaviors students will be able to do through this lesson? (These will also be assessed in your lesson.) Collect information about past and present from print and non-print sources. Gather and classify the information. Compare the information. Describe a picture that demonstrates the information.

D. ASSESSING LEARNING What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your objectives? Remember every objective must be assessed for every student! The students will correctly illustrate something related to the home from the past and in the present. They will be able to tell me (or show me that they know) the difference. E. RELATED VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING (and NATIONAL STANDARDS if required) History K.2 The student will describe everyday life in the present and in the past and begin to recognize that things change over time. English K.8 The student will expand vocabulary. a) Discuss meanings of words. b) Develop vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.

English K.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. a) Use pictures to identify topic and make predictions. b) Identify text features specific to the topic, such as titles, headings, and pictures. F. MATERIALS NEEDED List all materials that will be needed to teach this lesson. Who will be responsible for securing each item? Handouts and Home Then & Now by Robin Nelson obtained by Ms. Miller Crayons and pencils obtained by materials manager for each table Document camera/ SMART board

G. PROCEDURE (Include a DETAILED description of each step. Write what you will SAY and DO.) Preparation of the learning environment (if required) Gather the class on the rug for whole-group instruction. Have materials ready by the rocking chair. Engage -Introduction of the lesson Create a T chart on the SMART Board to explain past and present. Write "Past" on the left side and "Present" on the right. Have students tell about things they did when they went home from school yesterday. Write these ideas under "Past" on the board. Ideas might include played outside, ate dinner, looked at a book, and brushed teeth. Ask students to tell you activities they did in school today. Write these ideas under "Present" on the board. Reponses might include listening to the teacher, drawing a picture, talking with a friend, and walking in the hall. Read the word past and things the students said they did. Ask for a volunteer to explain what they think the word past means. Explain to students that past means a time that something has already happened and present means something that is happening now. Implementation of the lesson (specific procedures and directions for teacher and students) Introduce the book Home Then & Now. Say then and now are other words for past and present. Pointing to the cover picture, ask what might be going on here? and what are some things in your home? Begin reading. After page 3, say: We are protected by the shelter under which we live. What is your shelter like? Continue reading. After page 5, say: We can easily see in our homes now through energy that forms light, called electricity. What do you think your life would be like if we still did not have electricity? Continue reading. After page 7, say: homes are now made with refrigerators. Why do you think we need something to keep our food cold? Continue reading. After page 9, say: (pointing to page 8, the same picture as on the front of the book) she is indeed cooking over her fireplace. How do you think cooking was done at your grandparents or great grandparents house? Continue reading. After page 11, say: People used to have to go outside to an outhouse to use the potty because homes did not have pipes to carry the water in and out. What if we still had to do that? Continue reading. After reading page 13, say: since there were no pipes, people also had to bathe in a tin tub. Continue reading. After page 15, say: long ago people had to use washboards (point) to scrub their clothes and a mangle (point) to squeeze the water out. Finish reading and point out some of the events on the timeline. After reading: Discuss with the children how home life differed in the past. Go back through and look at the pictures in the book. Ask How would your life be different if you lived long ago? Referring back to the past and present chart, give directions for the independent practice that the students will complete. Tell the students to go to their seats and pass out handouts of a 2-column past and present chart to each student. They will draw and/or write in the left column something

that happened in the past in homes and draw and/or write in the right column something in the present in homes. While the students are working, the teacher in the room will circulate the classroom and observe for understanding, providing assistance where necessary. Students will turn this in as they finish and Ms. Miller will check for comprehension. Closure After everyone has finished, have the children come back to the rug and call on a few students (with hands raised) to share what they drew/wrote. Conclude by saying It is important to understand that things in our life continue to change over time. What happens when we are a lot older, many years from now, will probably be very different then things we experience today. Clean-up (if required) Material managers will put away their tables materials

H. DIFFERENTIATION Describe how you have planned to meet the needs of all students in your classroom with varied learning styles and abilities, English language proficiency, health, physical ability, etc. How will you extend and enrich the learning of students who finish early? How will you support the learning of children struggling with your objectives? I plan to keep the language as simple as possible for all of my learners to understand the content. To accommodate varied learning styles and abilities, I am corresponding instruction to pictures and allowing the students to choose if they want to write or draw with their independent practice. The special education teacher will be in the classroom at this time to provide extra assistance to the special needs student in the class. I will put the book on the book shelve, for extension and enrichment, so those who finish early can look back at it up close. I will provide individual instructional review for those who are struggling with my objectives. I. WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT? Think about this! It may help you avoid an embarrassing situation. Children may have a hard time seeing the pictures because the book is kind of small. If evidence of this occurs, I will shift the focus over to the SMART Board and project the pictures on the screen using the document camera. If the children are still confused about the vocabulary, I will bring up other pictures on the computer (of wood-burning stoves, iceboxes, outhouses, and washboards) for them to see and explain them in more detail. I might need to modify the plan according to how time goes. If we are running out of time, I will talk to Mrs. Rice about a time in the afternoon when we can review and they can finish working on their comparison charts. *REFERENCE Instructional ideas on past and present are taken from pages 65 & 67 of the 2010 History and Social Science Standards of Learning Enhanced Scope and Sequence: Kindergarten Virginia Department of Education http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/scope_sequence/history_socialscience_scope_sequence/2008/scopeseq_hi stsoc_k.pdf

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