Qrsign 2

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Quality Review Sign-off

Programme: Author: Janis Kitson


Project: ASL Internet Site Date:30/11/96

The result of the Formal/Informal Quality Review for Product S.3 Graphics is COMPLETE - the Product meets the Quality Criteria described in its Product Description. OR .... YES

FOLLOW-UP ACTION is required - further work is required before the Product can be considered as meeting the Quality Criteria described in its Product Description. The re-work is expected to be completed within 5 working days from the date of this sign-off. No further formal meeting will be necessary. OR .... RE-SCHEDULE of the meeting is necessary - the Product requires substantial re-work (in excess of 5 working days) and the Quality Review must be re-convened when the re-work is complete .

Comments on the Product:

Reviewers Signature:

Name: Martyn Mayhew

Reviewers Signature:

Name: Kath Madden

Reviewers Signature:

Name: l

Quality Review Chair Signature:

Name: Janis Kitson

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