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Benjamin Rhodes

Contact Information
Benjamin Rhodes 464 Sunflower Rd. Rexburg, ID 83440 208.415.7786

Table of Contents
Event Ad Business Card Letterhead Montage Flier Logos Brochure Imagingv Web Page

Title: Event Ad - Valentine Puppies

Description: Scanned images used, sources, original sizes:

The scanned image I used was that of a puppy found in the July/August issue of Discover magazine on page 68. The image was originally 20 by 40.

Programs: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, Date, Course & Instructor: 2/2/13, Comm 130
Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Process: Once I found the picture I desired in

Create a full-bleed design. Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word. Discover magazine I took that image to an Epson scanner and scanned the image to proper proportions. From there I pulled the image up and inserted it into a word document. I began to arrange the information in a way I thought pleasing tho the eye. When I shared the flier I was creating with others they had a lot to say about what they would like done to it. After listening to many different opinions I attempted to satisfy these requests.

Once I found the picture I desired in Discover magazine I took that image to an Epson scanner and scanned the image to proper proportions. From there I pulled the image up and inserted it into a word document. I began to arrange the information in a way I thought pleasing tho the eye. When I shared the flier I was creating with others they had a lot to say about what they would like done to it. After listening to many different opinions I attempted to satisfy these requests.

Title: Flier Project

Description: Copied images off

line and placed them withing the flyer. Added text boxes which were then used to input the text. Lastly, created colored boxes to facilitate flow.

Programs: Adobe InDesign Date, Course & Instructor: Jan. 26, 2013, Comm 130
Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Apply the design principles and use

appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact. ideas on a sheet of paper of layout ideas. I chose the one that was most visually appealing. Next, I starting recreating the flier on Adobe InDesign. As I was creating it i saw areas where i could improve on and through out time I added a few details to facilitate the flow of the reader and add valuable contrast. In the end I rearranged a few thing to attend the ideas and wants of a few individuals who offered feedback and this is the final product.

Process: I started this project by sketching

Title: Imaging Project

Description: Took a quality style picture. Then, through photoshop

changed the brightness and hue and saturation levels.

Programs: Nikon Point & Shoot Camera, Adobe Photoshop Date, Course & Instructor: 2/9/2013, Comm 130
Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital

camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image. lighting and focal practices, came Photoshop. The rule of thirds needed to be implemented. I decided to make the spiders body and hour glass the main focal point in the top left part of the frame. Then, I desaturated the golden car hood and background it was on and for the final touch, implemented the Diffuse Glow filter to bring your attention even more so to the Black Widow.

Process: After taking a picture utilizing best

Title: Montage Project

Description: Gathered two pictures from Google that would look Programs: Adobe Photoshop Date, Course & Instructor: 2/16/13, Comm 130
Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

good together and that were large enough for a flyer. With photoshop I put them together creating a montage.

Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to

blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography.

Process: I located my images via Google images. I

cropped the images to fit on a 8.511 background. I brought the Write brothers profiles into the first flight image and sized/positioned accordingly. I used about a 50% opacity on the entire profile and a 100% around the hair and faces to clean the blend. I then incorporated my type using a larger and different font to say, Try the impossible which i desired as my focal point.

Title: Logos Project

Description: Created attractive logos using the pen tool in

Illustrator. Also through turning fonts into objects and manipulating them.

Programs: Adobe Illustrator Date, Course & Instructor: 2/24/13, Comm 130
Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Create a variety of

logos to fit a company or personal image. Use the basic tools of Illustrator.

Process: The process I took for this project was to use

real pictures and try and draw them to make my drawings reflect reality. The house, bucket, snow piles, and semi-truck where all inspired from real pictures. After drawing the images in illustrator I needed to organize it in a way that would draw attention to the most appropriate objects and make it visually appealing by matching colors. I also tried to make the letters unique by making them melting or frozen.

Title: Stationery Letterhead

Description: Had to create a new logo fit for the specific company
and present it professionally on the given space using design techniques.

Programs: Adobe Illustrator & InDesign Date, Course & Instructor: 3/2/13, Comm 130 Visual
Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal Process: The process involved in creating this let-

image. Design consistent layouts for a business letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. ter head were first of all, creating a new logo. To do this I went into Illustrator, typed the name of the product, converted it into an object so I could then manipulate the letters. I added various points to the letters allowing me to pull icicles off of all the seriffs. After I made the icicles I had to create snow to put the words in and I did that by using the pen tool and moving the snow to the front making it look like the letter were in the snow.

The business card was the easy part because once I organized all the information on a letter head I arranged it the same way on the business card and added the same vertical dotted line along the right hand side to help with flow. The last thing I did was made the paper light blue to give the whole thing a cold feel.

Title: Stationery Business Card

Description: Had to create a new logo fit for the specific company
and present it professionally on the given space using design techniques.

Programs: Adobe Illustrator & InDesign Date, Course & Instructor: 3/2/13, Comm 130 Visual
Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal

image. Design consistent layouts for a business card. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

Process: The process involved in creating this let-

ter head were first of all, creating a new logo. To do this I went into Illustrator, typed the name of the product, converted it into an object so I could then manipulate the letters. I added various points to the letters allowing me to pull icicles off of all the seriffs. After I made the icicles I had to create snow to put the words in and I did that by using the pen tool and moving the snow to the front making it look like the letter were in the snow.

The business card was the easy part because once I organized all the information on a letter head I arranged it the same way on the business card and added the same vertical dotted line along the right hand side to help with flow. The last thing I did was made the paper light blue to give the whole thing a cold feel.

Title: Web Page

Description: Created HTML code and input it using design

techniques for a visually appealing layout.

Programs: TextWrangler & Photoshop Date, Course & Instructor: 3/16/13, Comm 130 Visual
Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for

a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

Wrangler to create the HTML and created the CSS code using Dreamweaver. For my HTML I received a template from my professor and after changing almost everything on the page I began to understand HTML a lot more. Next, I was given a CSS template and had to change most of it as well. This taught me a lot about CSS and prepared me well to create my own web page. I then took these two documents and added them together to begin my own design. I decided to include the snowflake logo which provided me with font and colors that I wanted to use in the rest of the webpage to continue with repeating elements. I made the background black, the border light blue and the text dark blue to match the flake. For the body copy I used a Old Style font to go with the logo and for the section headers I used a san seriff for contrast.

Process: I created this Web Page using Text

Title: Brochure Project

Description: Created a unique fold and designed the text and

photos according to the layout. used InDesign and Illistrator to do so.

Programs: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop

Date, Course & Instructor: 3/30/13, Comm 130

Visual Media Section 05, Eric Lybbert

Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.

Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images.

Process: First, I created a unique outline and way to

fold my brochure. Next I created the text that I would be using to fill the brochure. I then went into InDesign and created the layout I desired. next I added images that were tailored in Photoshop and made the brochure look nice be meshing the right colors and arranging the material in a well organized and visual appealing way.

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