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A simple guide on Flight Attendant Interviews

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RESEARCH THE AIRLINE What is the airlines name? What destinations does the airline fly to? How many destinations does the airlines fly to? What are the corporate colors? Does the airline have a valet parking service? Does the airline have any future plans for expansion? What type of aircraft's does the airline fly? On average how many employee's do they hire? How many employee's does the airline currently have? Does the airline have a frequent flyer program? What is it called? What is the uniform like? Can you briefly explain the history of it? Have you ever flown with the airline before? What is your opinion of it? Are you ready to relocate if you have to? Have you looked at accommodation? NTERVIEW CHECKLIST (A guide to preparing for your interview) Research the airline thoroughly Inform yourself of the basic operation of the interview Print a resume Write and print a covering letter Prepare responses to questions you will be asked Prepare questions to ask at the end of your interview Organise how you are getting to/from interview Know the time the interview starts Organise your outfit and make-up(if women) Ensure your phone is turned off prior to interview. Place your resume and qualifications in a neat and tidy folder to present to the recruiters.

BASIC OPERATION OF INTERVIEW Each interview for each airline is different. The best way to find out the particular information you are looking for is to use Google and YouTube. People have created numerous forums, videos and chat's about airlines and their interviews, especially when it comes to being a Flight Attendant or what is more commonly being used as today, Cabin Crew. There are a few different types of interviews. Usually the first stage will be your application most likely online but possibly by mail. You will have filled out a questionnaire of some sort asking your height, date of birth, if you have a criminal history, your work experience, your customer service interactions and many other things as well. Airlines asses these as the first point of contact between you and the airline and if they like the first impression, you need to show them that you mean business when and if you progress to the next stage. The next stage will most likely be either a phone interview or attending an interview of some sort. Assuming it is a phone interview, have pen and paper ready and you might want to record the call if you can so you can asses yourself if you happen to be unsuccessful. You might not connect with the person on the phone, but that is okay, remember they are just doing their job and even though you are nervous and trying to perform your best it is okay to take a moment to think about the question and answer as honestly and accurately if possible. Another thing to talk about is the physical interview. This would be going to the airlines recruiting session, open day, one-on-one interview, group interview, a panel interview and all other fancy things airlines call it. You will be looked up and down, left and right and you will be judged by the eyes of the recruiters. It's a little harsh, but you need to be up to standard if you're going to be a walking advertisement for an airline. Each interview is different, you might need to role play, you might have to get up in front of everyone and sing a song in that horrible singing voice you were blessed with, it's possible you'll be given one minute to know the person next to you's life story and have to tell everyone else about it, you might have to work in a team to come to a conclusion on a problem that you have been given. It ranges and there are so many variables, so your best option is to open up the internet and research flight attendant/cabin crew interviews for the airline you have an interview with. The next things to happen could include a medical, background check, security clearance, a reach test(to ensure you meet height requirements on board) and some airlines do online tests to test your language, comprehension and other skills.


Please use the following resume at a guide, an outline and a basic platform for your own.


Photo of you in professional attire where the above photo is. OBJECTIVE
To be a Flight Attendant using my knowledge, safety-first mind and love of aviation to fulfil the requirements of the position.


October 2012-January 2013, Sales Representative Sephora My responsibilities included providing exceptional customer service, leading a team of staff, taking initiative and using my skills to help the store run effectively. Tasks included providing customers with updated information on products, showing customers how to use products, using occupation health and safety standards and effectively using my skills to sell products. DATES WORKED AT COMPANY AND JOB TITLE. Name of company A short job description talking about your duties and responsibilities. You can include skills you used and gained and the knowledge that you will take on with you. DATES WORKED AT COMPANY AND JOB TITLE. Name of company A short job description talking about your duties and responsibilities. You can include skills you used and gained and the knowledge that you will take on with you. DATES WORKED AT COMPANY AND JOB TITLE. Name of company A short job description talking about your duties and responsibilities. You can include skills you used and gained and the knowledge that you will take on with you.


If you have any, list here.

Name of Reference Reference Job Title Phone Number Email Address Name of Reference Reference Job Title Phone Number Email Address Name of Reference Reference Job Title Phone Number Email Address

EXAMPLE COVER LETTER. 05/04/2013 (Place date of writing cover letter here) NAME HERE YOUR ADDRESS MOBILE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS ______Airline Name_______ Flight Attendant Application Dear ___Airline___ Recruitment Team, I am writing to express my interest and apply for the position of a Flight Attendant with _________. I have just under two years customer service experience and three years working for a non-profit organisation. My passion is in customer service, I find it the most rewarding and interesting experience. I am a very motivated, responsible and adaptable person. I believe that I can maintain the core company values of ___Airline___ and I am able to relocate for the position. I believe in maintaining a professional but friendly and mature attitude and outlook, as well as ensuring that reliability and safety are top priorities. I really have a passion for meeting new people, I love interacting and learning about new people. In my previous work experience I have learnt to work shifts at all different times of the day and I have many other skills such as being resourceful, showing initiative, being a leader, working in a team and helping others out. I have always had a tremendous interest in becoming a Flight Attendant, If I were lucky enough to be part of your excellent team I promise to provide an excellent quality of service, maintain safety standards and perform all other aspects of the position. My impeccable grooming, commitment to excellence and ability to remain calm in unexpected situations is part of why I would like to become a Flight Attendant with __Airline___. I am a really hard-working, assertive and motivated person. I have a very flexible lifestyle and I am a safety conscious and customer service orientated individual. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate your time. I am excited about the prospect of meeting and interviewing with you at a future date. Thank you very much. Kind regards, YOUR NAME HERE

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Tell us about yourself.... This is where you will describe who you are a person in a brief amount of time. List some skills you posses, add in some adjectives, tell the recruiters or group of people in front of you about your home, do you live alone? With friends? With family? Do you love to bake, play sport or sing? (Tip: Don't add in travelling because a thousand people have used that one before and recruiters are tired of hearing it. Be original! Be you!) Why do you want to be a flight attendant? Tell them your honest reason. It can only come from your heart if it is truly what you want. Do you want a change of scenery? Has it been your lifelong goal? Do you want to do it because you love people and customer service? Are you willing to relocate? You're going to need to be honest, but also if you say no then there's a high chance you may not be recruited. You need to be willing to make the move if you want the position. Some times you may not get to choose where you move to. But you need to be willing. Where you do you want to be in 5 years time? Do you see yourself progressing within the company? Ensure you have prepared a good response to this. One that is true to your intentions but also makes the airline okay with your response. If you answer with an I don't know or I haven't though about it then you have not prepared yourself well. Airlines want to know your going to be part of their team for a very long time. They hope to employ long term people who can do the job for years, so be prepared. How do you deal with stress? We all deal with it differently, ensure you have a response that gets to the heart of how you deal wih it. Do you asses the situation and prioritise? Do you calm your thoughts down and keep powering through? Or do you just keep going and not letting any stress effect your work ethic or commitment to the job? Why did you only apply now? Have you been working in a career and need a change? Did you stumble across a job posting for the position and think you could do it? Make it something interesting and honest. You will most likely get asked about strengths and weaknesses. Ensure you know what you're good at and what you need work on. If you need work on anything, make sure that you let the recruiters know that you are working on it, and you have the skills to overcome the issue. These are just some sample questions. There are so many questions you could be asked. I suggest you read The Essential Guide: To becoming a flight attendant and reading online posts, other books and interview tips to have more knowledge and be more prepared.

QUESTIONS TO ASK RECRUITERS (Either during assessment if time permits, or when you are asked Do you have any questions?) What is ____Airline's____ employee growth rate? How often are reassessments completed on Flight Attendants? Before you began your career, what would you have liked to have known about it? Is being a Flight Attendant and being on reserve a challenging task sometimes? What is the average length of training? If I am successful when will training begin? Does the airline plan on bringing in any new fleet of aircraft? If I happen to be unsuccessful what steps do you think I should take to better my chances next time? What is the maximum number of days away from my base I can be working for? What is the process from here? Try your best to compliment recruiters and be very polite when asking the questions. Ask a maximum of three questions but it's better off it being only one or two. GETTING TO/FROM INTERVIEW LOCATION Ensure you have the absolute correct address of the location. If you are driving there, the day or night before take a drive there to ensure you know where you can park, how much parking may cost and how long it will take you to get there, keep in mind traffic conditions(roadworks, crashes, weather, train lines) always change so be aware of that. If you are taking a train you should estimate how long it will take to walk or get a taxi or bus to and from the train station. Ensure you have a back up plan if the train timetables is altered at last minute or if you train is late or cancelled. Google maps is great for estimating the length it takes to walk from one place to another. If you are flying to the interview from your home state, ensure you dress appropriately, have your passport on hand for identification purposes, make sure you know where to check in or do it online and print your boarding pass and even bring some treats along for the flight attendants. If travelling with the airline who is hiring you, be very discreet about it. You can also ask the flight attendants on board if they aren't busy about the process. There are many other ways of getting to/from the location just ensure you leave the correct amount of time to get there and make sure that you know exactly where it is. Take along some snacks or extra cash in case you get hungry, keep in mind not all location have places you can buy food.

WOMENS OUTFIT & MAKEUP A women should wear a watch and small stud earrings. You can add a nice and simple necklace if desired. A short heeled black closed toe shoe is the best kind to wear to the interview. You can choose to wear a skirt(black is preferred, just above the knee or just below) or suit pants paired with a blouse or a dress. Make sure it is business attire. Some examples of clothing are:

Your make-up should be conservative, pleasant and you should be able to tell you are wearing it. Ensure you wear foundation, blush, mascara and lipstick. It is always better to enhance your features. It would be an advantage if you wore blush, eye shadow, lip liner, eye liner, concealer and a powder to seal your foundation. Some of my personal favourite brands are Estee Lauder, Illamasqua, Essence Cosmetics, Nars and Urban Decay. Of course products are changing all the time and new products come in every second, just make sure the make-up you use lasts and looks good.

HAIR You hair should be neat. For women, if past your shoulders it should be in a tidy bun or other form of up-do. French rolls, hair doughnuts, braids and ponytails are very popular. You can always YouTube tutorials as well. Here are some example photos of acceptable up-do's: Tip for the ladies: Use a lot of hairspray. Frizz is practically unacceptable to airlines. Of course you can't help what your hair decides to do, but keeping it very neat helps your appearance. Make sure you have a nice and clean color of nail polish on. Nothing too over the top. A nice manicure could go a long way. Perfume also attracts people to you(if it smells nice) so a nice brand of perfume is always a plus.

For men, a nice and neat head of hair is all airlines really ask for on interview day. A clean, shaven face is also appropriate. MENS OUTFIT A man should wear a suit. Long pants preferred but not essential. Don't use too over the top colors, try to stick with the basics, but if it fits your personality then your wardrobe should look amazing no matter who you are. Make sure you wear a watch, nice dress shoes and no over the top jewellery.

INTERVIEW TIPS Don't be discouraged if at any stage you are unsuccessful, there's a place for you in aviation and it just might take time to find it. Talk to everyone you meet. Reception staff, other candidates, recruiters etc. Someone might be undercover to be an extra eye to the airline's recruiters. Be nice and polite but assertive. Know who you are how you're going to let everybody in the room see exactly who you are and what you can bring to the airline. Don't chew gum. It's very unattractive and is not accepted if you're successful. Make sure you tick all of their boxes. By this I mean really read their position description and know that you ARE that person they're describing. Make their job easy be as great as you can be so they can say yes to you! Have good references. Make sure your references are going to give you a good opinion. If not, find a workplace or volunteer where you know you can get a good reference, because it could cost you this opportunity if you don't have someone backing you up. Have background knowledge of the airline and it's customers. The more you know and demonstrate that you know, the more the recruiters will be wowed by you. Eat a healthy diet if you can. It will make your body happier on the inside which could also make your skin look healthier. Also drink plenty of water on the day, but beware of going to the toilet too often, you don't want to leave the room at all in case you miss important parts of the assessment! Have knowledge of the 24 hour clock, the phonetic alphabet and airport/city codes. Don't talk about your past jobs as if you hated them, turn your undesired experience into a positive situation when asked about it.

24 HOUR CLOCK 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am 6:00am 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 0000 hours 0100 hours 0200 hours 0300 hours 0400 hours 0500 hours 0600 hours 0700 hours 0800 hours 0900 hours 1000 hours 1100 hours 1200 hours 1300 hours 1400 hours 1500 hours 1600 hours 1700 hours 1800 hours 1900 hours 2000 hours 2100 hours 2200 hours 2300 hours

AIRPORT CODES There are hundreds of airport and city codes for every single airport and city in the world. You can look up online particular locations. For example: SYD is Sydney's city code AND airport code. Just like DXB is the city and airport code for Dubai. There are even quizzes online and apps to help you memorise them. Places online like IATA and have all the information you may need. APPS There are some apps out there for flight attendants, in a quick search you can download an app that lets you communicate with other flight attendants if they have the app. There is also an app called Cabin Crew Ready which goes over the worlds airport codes and tests you on them. Another good resource is books. Go to your local bookshop or library and there should be a section that will have books about aviation and could be helpful to your search of knowledge.

INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET (IPA) Alpha The phonetic alphabet is aviations method of communication. Example: Welcome sir, Bravo you are seated in Row 2 seat 2 Bravo is how a flight attendant may use the IPA. Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu

The End
Thank you for taking the time to read this. All information provided has been nothing but my own research and experience. For more information on becoming a flight attendant visit and choose from a hundred articles to read. From quotes to making lipstick last longer and even tips on awkward interviews check out the guide on the blog to see everything that has been spoken about. I do not have copyright over this information but it is nothing but my own. To reach me please go to the tumblr page and click ask if you would like an email address to discuss anything further. This information provided to you is free so please remember that it has come from someone the same as you, for your benefit. Not every topic has been covered. There are a lot of topics not covered in this 14 page guide. I intended this information to be of help to those wishing to break out into aviation. I recommend to everyone interested in becoming a flight attendant to purchase the book titled The Essential Guide: To Becoming A Flight Attendant by Kiki Ward. This book will give you detailed description of training, recruitment, working and living as a flight attendant. I live in Australia so the information provided may not be of use to everybody who reads it. Thank you for reading this. I appreciate your time. You can always reach me on my blog or the twitter @shootfortheskys This 14 page guide is not intended to give you a job or a step into aviation, it is here for your knowledge and experience. You will learn from the information and if used it may be of help to you. All photos are from a google search, I own none of them. If you own one of the photos let me know and I can either remove it or give you credit. The information provided on the resume and cover letter is untrue and made up. It is a guide for you. Please do not copy it. You need to tailor your own resume and cover letter to suit who you are.

.Thank You.

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