Philosphy Talk Sex Trade.

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Christelle Bangsi Philosophy Talk; The Sex Trade by John Perry and Ken Taylor.

Is it the conditions under which they work (ruins autonomy of woman, lack of fair wage), or the nature of the job that disturbs you, as long as they are not abused? That is the moral aspect of prostitution! We already treat others as objects, like asking for direction makes someone your GPS, prostitution is upfront; fair commercial transaction. Male prostitution and transsexual prostitution have also become more available. Food for thought; Japan; hostesses- professional flirt, servility (service) bow down; wipe his hands, no groping, but sometimes verbal abuse. Intl Blvd East Oakland, California; girls standing by road waiting to be picked up. Around 12, Black or Latina, not White. Berlin; sex work was legal, although sometimes feels cold and mechanical. Prostitution legal in certain Nevada counties. Factors making concrete difference in day to day life of prostitution; Education/ literacy- to know your rights Legality- knowing the law Not always coercion, one-sided satisfaction and based on male desires as professional feminists think; could be due to male desire, but the women decide what to take. Regulation and STD control better regulated by prostitutes themselves. Selling of services to the disabled (no other possibility of affection) in Germany: could include oral or penetrative sex. Guy said he believes sex is a human right, and he is glad it works for him. If this is right, what is wrong about Oakland prostitute? Women in Prostitution; Diary of A Manhattan Call Girl Tracy Kwang Some really like being around men and stress out by being around business jobs. Labor rights issue (unionize) vs. free-market issue so capitalize. PORNOGRAPHY IS basically LEGAL, because any attempt to infringe it is thought to be a violation of free speech. Why focus on sex part, rather than the abuse of coercion a 12 year old into sex trade in the first place? There are laws against it to begin with.

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