Development of Timetable Management System Using Genetic Algorithm

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5.1 Introduction This chapter describes the technology and methodology used in developing the web based known as Timetable Management System. This chapter describes the system overview, system objective, system scope, how the system works, software and hardware considerations, the system development methodology used and finally the limitations and future enhancements of the system. Requirements are addressed and justifications on any decisions made are documented.

5.2 System Overview Timetable Management System is a web based system which is developed for lecturers and students of FCSIT as their online timetable. It would contain three modules: administrator module, lecturer module and student module. The functions of the

administrator module are to handle the entire administrator task. Administrator has to register the entire FCSIT student for the first time. Administrator also has to handle the additional, editing and deleting classes and subject as well.

For the lecturer module it contains the function to view timetable for the specific lecturer and the master timetable for that semester. Lecturer can inquire for the class available and can book for the free classes. Students module contains the functionality of add and drop subject. Students can view and get the registration slip from the system.

Timetable Management System also contains a database, which stores the lecturers and students personal details. Only the administrator can view, add and delete the data in the timetable.


5.3 System Objective The main objective of developing the Timetable Management System is to have a quality and feasible timetable which is to improve the current system that FCSIT is using. Another objective is the system should be user-friendly and easy to maintain. The system produced should be easily modified to address any form of constraints in an actual situation. The system should also be robust and produce a feasible solution for any big problem.

5.4 System Scope The scope of this system is to develop FCSIT timetable management system, which can improve the current manual system that FCSIT is using. In order to achieve the objectives, due to the time constraints, the scope of the timetable system covers the following features and functions: An administrative Section which includes the following:Manage students profiles Manage lecturers profile Manage the username, password and change password Manage the add, drop subject Manage the add, edit and delete class Creation of Master Timetable A lecturers Section which includes the following:View and print their own timetable View and print master timetable for one semester Query on the class availability Booking the class Creation of lecturers timetable


A students Section which includes the following:Add and drop subject View, print their timetable and registration slip Change password Creation of students timetable

5.5 Software, Hardware and technology considerations In order to develop a good web based system, it is very important to choose the correct hardware, software and technology. Below are some explanations of the hardware, software and technology chosen as development tools for the Timetable Management System using Genetic Algorithm.

The following Sections discuss the scripting language, graphic design tool, database technology, web development tool, and the server technology used to develop the timetable system. In order to develop a better website with the latest technology, the researcher went for a few training sessions to learn about the newest technology, software and languages.


Programming / Scripting Language

PHP Programming PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page as it was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf to track the visitors to his online resume. As its usefulness and capabilities grew, it came to mean PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (Ullman, 2003). PHP can be interspersed within Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which makes developing dynamic websites more accessible.


PHP was selected to develop the Timetable Management System because it is a serverside, cross-platform technology. Server-side actually refers to the fact that everything PHP does occurs on the server instead of the clients site. Its cross-platform means that PHP runs on most operating systems, including Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh. More importantly is that PHP written on one server will normally work on another with little or no modifications. Besides that, when it comes to developing dynamic websites, PHP is better, faster and easier to learn than the alternatives. Of course, the main reason for PHP being chosen to develop the website is it comes at no cost (PHP is open source).


Graphics Design Tools

Adobe Photoshop CS Adobe Photoshop was chosen to be used as one of the graphic editing software because it is professional image-editing software which provides a comprehensive toolset, and powerful creative options to help people create professional-quality images for web, print, and other emerging media.

Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 Fireworks MX was chosen to be used as the other graphic editing software, because it is an increasingly approachable application with enhanced power to create graphics and interactivity for websites.


Web Development Tool

Notepad Microsoft Notepad version 5.1 was chosen as the text editor to develop the website as well since the researcher is more familiar with using the text editor to develop a website.


Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 was chosen as the web development tool because it can work in a single integrated environment to create, build and manage a website. Dreamweaver MX uses user-friendly visual layout tools, rapid web application development and extensive code editing support, which is easier to learn and use.


Database and Technology

MySQL MySQL is a database management system (DBMS) for relational databases (therefore, MySQL is an RDBMS), a database being a collection of interrelated data, be it text, numbers, or binary files, that are stored and kept organized by the DBMS (Ullman, 2003).

MySQL was selected to develop the database for this web based system because like PHP, MySQL offers excellent performance, portability and reliability, with moderate learning curve at little to no cost because MySQL is the worlds most popular open source database. Besides that, another reason for it being chosen is PHP has good support for MySQL.


Hardware Requirements

Below is the list of hardware requirements for the personal computer to develop the Timetable Management System:Intel Pentium IV 500MHz processor or higher 128MB DDR-Ram (256MB is recommended) 10GB Hard-disk space or higher 72

40x CD-ROM 15 Monitor (can support up to 1024X768 Resolution) 56Kbps Modem Keyboard and Mouse

5.6 System Analysis System analysis, sometimes called requirement analysis, is the process of gathering information about the current system, identifying its strengths and problems, and analyzing them to produce a concept for the new system. The goal of this analysis stage is to truly understand the requirements for the new system and develop a system concept that addresses them. In the current case, there is a current system that used in FCSIT. The analysis that will be done would be on how a current system works and the new requirement to improve the timetable system.


Current Timetable System

The current manual timetable system is use by postgraduate and undergraduate. This manual system will make sure there are no clashes for the every timetable produced. The current timetable always change and involved many lecturer to handle it. Its taking too much of their time. The conclusion is they need a system to help and improve the process of preparing the timetable.


User Analysis

The users of this system are divided into three categories. The first category would be the lecturers who need their own timetable and master timetable for the semester. They also want to enquire if the class is available or not to do the additional or replacement class and can book the class straight away. The second category would be the students who want to add and drop the subject. They also can have their timetable and registration slip. The third category would only contain the administrator, who would be 73

able to monitor and control the Timetable Management System, which includes the lecturers and students data. 5.6.3 Content Acquisition

The contents of Timetable Management System, which include text and graphics, would be acquired from the following sources described below. Text Most of the text content are look and feel used in Timetable Management System is taken from a few scraped ideas and going through reference materials during the literature review and research studies. Graphics As graphics plays an important role to attract browser attention, creative and nice graphics are needed. Most of the graphics are downloaded from the Internet and further modified using either Adobe Photoshop of Macromedia Fireworks. The logo and banner are created using Adobe Photoshop.


Use Case

UML use case diagrams are used to describe the main processes and functionality of the Timetable Management System. The purpose of having use case diagram is to identify the scope of the system. Three use case diagrams have been created for timetable system: one for the lecturer, students and the administrator.


Figure 5.1: Lecturers Section Use Cases

Lecturer can log-in to Timetable Management System, using their usernames and passwords. System displays the main menu if log-in is successful. If the username and password are not accepted, system displays a message indicating that the username or password is invalid. Once the lecturer logs in, he or she can perform the processes (use cases) like view class, view timetable, view master timetable, inquiry class available, class booking and change password.


Table 5.1: Lecturers Section Use Cases Description

Use Case Log-in View Class View Timetable View Master Timetable Inquiry Class Available Class Booking Change Password Description Lecturer need to log in using the username and password giving by the administrator Lecturer can view class, by using this function they can see the subject code, credit hour, class, day and time. Lecturer can view their timetable by using this function Lecturer can view the master timetable for the semester. All lecturers are allowed to inquire the class available for the semester. All lecturers can book class if they want to do the additional class. Lecturers can change password if necessary

Figure 5.2: Students Section Use Cases


Student can log-in to Timetable Management System, using their usernames and passwords. System displays the main menu if log-in is successful. If the username and password are not accepted, system displays a message indicating that the username or password is invalid. Once the student logs in, he or she can perform the processes (use cases) like add subjects, drop subject, view timetable, view registration slip and can change password.

Table 5.2: Students Section Use Cases Description

Use Case Log-in Add Subject Drop Subject View Timetable View Registration Slip Change Password Description Student need to log in using the username and password they have registered when they first time use the system Student can add subject with regards to the subject suggestion by the Dean. Student can also drop the subject if unnecessary Student can view the timetable for the semester. Student can view and print the registration slip for the semester. Student also can change password if necessary


Figure 5.3: Administrators Section Use Cases The administrator does not need to register, as his or her username and password is fixed in the database. The administrator needs to log in to Timetable Management System in order to manage the system. Besides logging in, the seven main use cases for the administrator are student registration, lecturer registration, add class, edit class, delete class, add subject, edit subject and delete subject.


Table 5.3: Administrators Section Use Cases Description

Use Case Student Registration Lecturer Registration Add Class Description The administrator has to key in the students profile. After that the registered student can use this system The administrator has to key in the lecturers profile and can proceed to register the subject The administrator can add the new class by insert information about the class description, class code, class capacity and class location Administrators can edit the current and new class if necessary. The administrator is allowed to delete the class if the class is no more to use. The administrator is allowed to add subject if the subject is new subject for the semester. The administrator is allowed to edit the subject if necessary. The administrator is allowed to delete subject. After pressed delete, a window will prompt out to ask for delete confirmation.

Edit Class Delete Class Add Subject Edit Subject Delete Subject


Work Flow Modeling

Activity diagrams are used here to model the flow between the different components. An activity diagram is needed because the researcher wants to model the workflow of a use case, and it can show the paths within the use case as well as other use cases. With activity diagrams, the researcher will be able to illustrate where functionality exists in the system and how the functionality coordinates with the functionality of other pieces of the system. The researcher has developed ten activity diagrams for this system. A brief description will be given to each of the activity diagram in the following pages.


Log-in Validate (user, password)


Display Log-in Error Message

[failure] [success] [administrator]

Display Administrator Menu


Display Lecturer/student Menu

Figure 5.4: Activity diagram for Log-in

Figure 5.4 above shows the activity diagram for Log-in. First, the lecturers, students and administrator need to log in using the username and password that was created during registration. The system will validate the username and password. If the password or username is invalid, an error message will be displayed and the lecturer or student or administrator can try to log in again. If log in is successful, the system will identify the user as a lecturer, student or an administrator. If the person logs in as administrator, the administrators menu page will be displayed; else the lecturer or student menus page will be displayed.


Select from lecturers view

Read input

(view class) Read input (view master timetable) Choose Class (view timetable) View Class

Read input

View Timetable

View Master Timetable

Figure 5.5: Activity diagram for View Class, Timetable or Master Timetable

Figure 5.5 above shows the activity diagram for View class, timetable and master timetable for lecturers. The lecturers can click on the view class or timetable or master timetable menus and the specific information will be loaded. If the lecturers want to print their timetable or their master timetable they can click on the button PRINT.


Inquiry Class Available

Read input

Display Success Result

(available) Booking Class (not available) Read input

Display Not Available Class Message


(not success)

Figure 5.6: Activity diagram for Inquiry Class Available and Class Booking

Figure 5.6 shows the activity diagram for the Inquiry class available for lecturers. To inquire whether a class is available, the lecturers have to select the class based on the list in the system. Once the submit button has been clicked, the system will check the query. If inquiry is successful, the message successful page will be displayed. If fails, a message error will also displayed. Then if the class is available, lecturer can go to booking class menu to book the class. The message successful booking of the class is displayed and if the booking failed the message will also be displayed.


Select View Timetable / Registration Slip

Read input

(view timetable) Read input (view registration slip) View Timetable

Read input

View Registration Slip

. Figure 5.7: Activity diagram for View Timetable and Registration Slip

Figure 5.7 shows the activity diagram for the view timetable and registration slip for students. Firstly, the student can choose to either view their timetable or their registration slip. When the student clicks either one, the output will come out.


Add Subject

Read input

(success) Read input (not success) Display Register Subject

Figure 5.8: Activity diagram for Add Subject Figure 5.8 shows the activity diagram for add subject for the student. Students need to select the subject to register. Then, student need to click on the add subject button. If the add subject is successful the message will display subject is add successful. Besides that, the error message will be displayed on the web page as well.


Drop Subject

Read input

(success) Read input (not success) Display Drop Subject Successfully

. Figure 5.9: Activity diagram for Drop Subject

Figure 5.9 shows the activity diagram for drop subject for the student. Students need to select the subject to drop. Then, student need to click on the delete subject button. If the delete subject is successful the message will display subject is delete successful. Besides that, the error message will be displayed on the web page as well.


Figure 5.10: Activity diagram for Change password Figure 5.10 shows the activity diagram for student to change their password. They can change their password, by choosing the change password function. They have to key in the old password, and then to enter the new password. System will ask for the second time for the new password. If the validation of the new password is successful the message will displayed successful. If not, the error message will be displayed.


Student Registration

Load Application Form

Fill in Form

Submit Form

Display Error Message Validate Form



Display Application Success

Figure 5.11: Activity diagram for Registration Student Figure 5.11 above shows the activity diagram for registration student. First, the administrator has to fill in the details of students information. After the administrator finish fill in the form, the administrator have to click on save button. Validation of the form will be carried out before the data is stored in the database. Upon successful 87

registration, a successful application page will be display. If validation failed, an error message window will pop up and the user will need to fill in the field(s) with error(s).

Figure 5.12: Activity diagram for Add Subject or Class Figure 5.12 shows the activity diagram for add subject and class. Both screens are the same. If the administrator wants to add the subject or the class, he or she has to fill in the form the subject or the class information. Then click on the next button. Validation of the form will be carried out before the data is stored in the database. Upon successful adding the subject or class, a successful application page will be display. If validation failed, an error message window will pop up.


Figure 5.13: Activity diagram for Edit Subject or Class Figure 5.13 shows the activity diagram for edit subject and class. Both screens are the same. If the administrator wants to edit the subject or the class, he or she has to select the subject or the class they want to edit. Then click on the next button. After the system show the new information of the editing, he or she have to click on the update subject or class before the data is stored in the database. Upon successful editing the subject or class, a successful application page will be display. If validation failed, an error message window will pop up.


5.14: Activity diagram for Delete Subject or Class Figure 5.14 shows the activity diagram for delete subject and class. Both screens are the same. If the administrator wants to delete the subject or the class, he or she has to choose which subject or class they want to delete. Then click on the delete button. System will ask if he or she want to proceed with the delete function or not. Upon successful deleting the subject or class, a successful application page will be display. If validation failed, an error message window will pop up.



Process Modeling

The process model is used to describe how the system operates. It illustrates the business processes or the activities that are performed and how data moves among them. It can be used to describe the system being developed.

There are so many different process modeling techniques. The researcher used Unified Modeling Techniques (UML) for the process modeling. UML Sequence diagrams are used to show the interaction between objects and to illustrate the activities that are performed in Timetable Management system and how data moves around in this system.

As described earlier, the users of Timetable Management System are divided to three categories: Lecturer, Student and Administrator. Each category of user can perform only certain tasks as fixed by the system. The General tasks of lecturer, student and administrator are shown in the use case diagram in Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3. The following sequence diagrams show the interaction between objects arranged in time sequence.

Figure 5.15: Sequence diagram for lecturer/student/administrator Login


Figure 5.15 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Login. The vertical dimension represents time and all objects involved in the interaction are spread horizontally across the diagram. Lecturer, student and administrators will need to log in to the Timetable Management System. In order to log in, the lecturer/student /administrator need to key in their username and password. Then the browser will send the information to the web server and validate the information with the database. Successful validation will be sent to the web server, and the server will display the Main Menu page according to the user type. As for unsuccessful validation, the server will send an error login page to the monitor.

Figure 5.16: Sequence diagram for the use case View Class, Timetable or Master Timetable

Figure 5.16 shows a sequence diagram for the use case view class or timetable or master timetable. After the lecturer requests to view class or timetable or master timetable, a query result will be returned by the web server and a profile page will be displayed by the browser.


Figure 5.17: Sequence diagram for the use case inquiry class and booking class

Figure 5.17 shows a sequence diagram for the use case inquiry class available and booking class. First, the lecture will inquiry for the available class and then the browser will inquiry the URL for the class available from the server. After that, the web server will send the HTML and display the result. If the lecturer wants to book the class, he or she has to fill the information, all the information are sent to the web server for booking validation. If validation is successful, the query will pass to the database and after the data is stored successfully, an application successful webpage will be display. If the booking validation fails, a window will pop out to show the error message and request the lecture to fill in the information again.


Figure 5.18: Sequence diagram for the use case View Timetable or Registration Slip

Figure 5.18 shows a sequence diagram for the use case view timetable or registration slip. Student can request to view the timetable or registration slip. The browser will send the query to the web server, and the web server will pass the query to the database. The query result will be returned to the web server and the view page is sent to the browser to be displayed.

Figure 5.19: Sequence diagram for the use case Add Subject

Figure 5.19 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Add Subject. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject information page. The student will send in the Section information form. If validation is successful, the query will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will 94

be displayed. If the form validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out.

Figure 5.20: Sequence diagram for the use case Drop Subject

Figure 5.20 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Drop Subject. The student will request the system to drop the subject, the browser will send the request to web server and it will return the drop subject page. The student will choose the drop subject and send. If validation is successful, the query to store the data will be passed to the database. After the data is stored successfully, the product page will be displayed. If the form validation failed, a window with an error message will pop out.


Figure 5.21: Sequence diagram for the use case Change Password

Figure 5.21 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Change Password. The student will request for the change password. The browser will send the request to the web server and will return the page change password. The student will fill the new password and the confirmation the new password. The browser will send the request to the web server and will store in the database. The browser will send back the successful result or if error, message will appear.

Figure 5.22: Sequence diagram for the use case Student Registration

Figure 5.22 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Student Registration. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the form of student


registration. The administrator will send in the form. If validation is successful, the form will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message board will be displayed. If the form validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out and request the user to fill in the form again.

Figure 5.23: Sequence diagram for the use case Add Subject or Add Class

Figure 5.23 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Add Subject or Add Class. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject or class information page. The administrator will send in the information page. If validation is successful, the information will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will be displayed. If the page validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out.


Figure 5.24: Sequence diagram for the use case Edit Subject or Edit Class

Figure 5.24 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Edit Subject or Edit Class. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject or class editing page. The administrator will fill the editing page. If validation is successful, the information of the editing will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will be displayed. If the page validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out and has to fill in the editing page again.

Figure 5.25: Sequence diagram for the use case Delete Subject or Delete Class

Figure 5.25 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Delete Subject or Delete Class. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject or 98

class deleting page. The administrator will do the deleting function and send it. If validation is successful, the information will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will be displayed. If the page validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out.

Figure 5.25 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Edit Subject or Edit Class. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject or class editing page. The administrator will fill the editing page. If validation is successful, the information of the editing will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will be displayed. If the page validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out and has to fill in the editing page again.

Figure 5.26: Sequence diagram for the use case Delete Subject or Delete Class

Figure 5.26 above shows a sequence diagram for the use case Delete Subject or Delete Class. The browser will send a request to the web server and it will return the subject or class deleting page. The administrator will do the deleting function and send it. If validation is successful, the information will be passed to the database and after the data is stored successfully, the message will be displayed. If the page validation failed, a window with the error message will pop out.


5.7 System Design 5.7.1 Structure Design

The structure charts in Figures 5.27 to 5.30 shows the structure of the webpage clearly.

Timetable Management System

Administration Module

Lecturer Module

Student Module

Figure 5.27: Main Structure Design of Timetable Management System

Administration Module

Administration Login

Student Registration

Add Class

Edit Class

Delete Class

Add Subject

Edit Subject

Delete Subject

Figure 5.28: Administrator Section Structure Design

Student Module

Student Login

Add Subject

Drop Subject

View Timetable

View Registration Slip

Change Password

Figure 5.29: Student Section Structure Design


Lecturer Module

Lecturer Login

View Class

View Timetable

View Master Timetable

Enquiry Class Available

Class Booking

Change Password

Figure 5.30: Lecturer Section Structure Design


Database Design

The database design phase shows how data will be stored in a file or a database table. The database was created using MySQL. All the main database tables and functions are described in Table 5.4. All the tables design with field types are attached in Appendix C. Table 5.4: Database Tables
Tables Lecturer and Student Table Description Store lecturer and student details, which include Username and Password. It also stores administrators Username and Password. Lecturer and student will be able to insert, update and view own details, while the administrator can update and delete all the lecturer and student details. Store all the class details of. Lecturer can only view the class details through the class links. Only the administrators are allowed to insert, update and delete the data in the tables. Store all booking class, lecturer id, day, time, date and period. Lecturer can only insert and view the booking class, while administrators can insert, view, updating and delete the booking class. Store subject registration details. Lecture can only view the subject registration while administrator can insert, view, updating and delete the subject Store the daytime, time, day and period

Class Table

Booking Table

Subject Table


Daytime Table



Screen/Interface Design

The purpose of the user interface is to provide users with a comfortable and convenient means of accessing the website. The flexibility and convenience of the interface is a major factor determining the overall success of the website. Timetable Management System is a web base that allows the interaction between Internets users, therefore their needs are of the utmost importance. Therefore, the web based uses the technology of hyperlinks, buttons and navigation bars which the majority of Internet users are familiar with. This means that Internet users can easily access information with just a click of a mouse button.

Timetable Management System web baseds interface design will be made up of simple but effective presentations that can attract the Internet users attention. There are minimum graphics so they wont clutter the page design and to ensure that the website will load at the shortest possible time frame because most Internet users are put off by sites that takes years to load. Besides that, interface consistency is maintained throughout the site so that there is uniformity in the website that will not cause confusion to the users. Below will be the screen design of Timetable Management System.


Text Timetable Management System


Graphic Initial page ->mainframe.php (Timetable Management System logo)

Text Welcoming mesage bottom.php

Figure 5.31: adminmainframe.php/lecturermainframe.php/studentmainframe.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System

Log-in section Navigation Graphic Post and Reset Button

Text Welcoming mesage Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.32: adminmainframe.php/lecturemainframe.php/studentmainframe.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

Text box Welcoming to administrator module Text Box News Info

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.33: adminsuccess.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

Text Student information form

Navigation Save button Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.34: studentreg.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

Text Student information form

Text Message success/failed Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.35: studentregsuccess.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

Text class information form

Navigation Next button Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.36: adminaddclass.php /adminaddsubject.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

List Box Select class to edit

Navigation Next button Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.37: admineditclass.php/admineditsubject.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

List Box Text Delete action

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.38: admindeleteclass.php/admindeletesubject.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System List Box List Of Menu Subject Registration View Other Link

Text Day,Month,year, time Navigation Add Subject

Text List of Subject

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.39: studentaddsubject.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System Text List Of Menu Subject Registration View Other Link

Text Day,Month,year, time

Radio Button Section Information

Navigation Register Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.40: studentaddsuccess.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System

Text Day,Month,year, time

List Of Menu Class Subject Other Link

List Box Text List of Subject Button Action Delete

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.41: studentdropsub.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System Table List Of Menu Subject Registration View Other Link Student Timetable

Text Day,Month,year, time

Table Indicvation

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.42: studentview.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System Table List Of Menu Subject Registration View Other Link Student Registration Slip

Text Day,Month,year, time

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.43: studentregslip.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System Table List Of Menu Subject Registration View Other Link

Text Day,Month,year, time

Student Change Password

Navigation Change Password

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.44: studenchangepass.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System List Box List Of Menu View Inquiry Other Link

Text Day,Month,year, time Navigation View Subject

Text List of Subject

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.45: lectureview.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System Table List Of Menu View Inquiry Other Link Lecture Timetable

Text Day,Month,year, time

Table Indication

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.46: lectureviewtimetable.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System Table List Of Menu View Inquiry Other Link Master Timetable

Text Day,Month,year, time

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.47: mastertimetable.php Screen Design

Text Timetable Management System List Box List Of Menu View Inquiry Other Link Class Inquiry Available

Text Day,Month,year, time

Table Result Class Information

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.48: classavailable.php Screen Design


Text Timetable Management System List Box List Of Menu View Inquiry Other Link Booking Class

Text Day,Month,year, time

Table Result Booking Class

Text Administrator Profile Text Timetable Management System

Figure 5.49: classbooking.php Screen Design

5.8 System Development The objective of the development phase is to convert the deliverables of the design phase into a complete system. Most activities in the development phase addresses the computer programs that make up the system, but this phase also puts in place the hardware, software, and communications environment for the system and other important elements of the overall system.

The activities in the development phase translate the system design produced in the design phase into a working system (web based). The development phase includes activities for developing the system, testing the system, and to ensure the system functions satisfy the functional process requirements. At the end of this phase, the system will be ready for the activities of the testing phase.


The Timetable Management System web base was developed after the system analysis and system design phases. After gathering data from the system analysis stage and designing the web base, the development is divided into three main sessions which are explained in the Sections below.


Graphic Development

In order to develop a nice and attractive web site a lot of graphics, such as banners, logos, buttons, background wallpapers and pictures are needed. Some of the pictures were downloaded from other websites and edited using Macromedia Fireworks MX or Adobe Photoshop 8. These two software were chosen to be used to design, create and edit the graphics because the researcher found them easy to be learn and quite powerful in the sense that they have a lot of features. Some of the graphics, such as some buttons and the logo are designed by the researcher from scratch.


Database Development

The Timetable Management System used a relational database in its database implementation because it can support multiple tables that store each item only once, thus significantly reducing storage place. The database was created and using MySQL, which is a GUI Client that works alongside MySQL Database server. All the tables as described in Section 5.8.2 are developed on localhost and export to domain host using myPHPadmin, when uploading the website.


Website Development

In this stage, the researcher converts the deliverables of the web design into a complete website using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, PHP programming, and MySQL database. Each webpage is developed according to the design from the design phase.


Although Macromedia Dreamweaver is used as the main tool to develop Timetable Management Syatem, but a lot of the back end processing still need to be hard coded using PHP programming. The source code for the web portal is not printed out in this documentation because there are too much of codes for all the pages. However, in order to view the source code, at least one web development tool such as Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft Front Page, or a word editor is needed.

The website was developed and tested on a local host first before its uploaded to a domain host. Timetable Management System can be accessed temporarily through http://localhost/subjectTT/mainframe.php for the purpose of the dissertation.

5.9 Testing The objective of this testing phase is to prove that the developed system (Timetable Management System) satisfies the requirements defined earlier. Several types of tests will be conducted in this phase. Testing is an important phase of system development because it can ensure the system matches the specifications. Besides that, testing also ensures that the system functions in the correct and proper manner with the minimum amount of errors.

Websites are susceptible to bugs and malfunctions, such as broken links, links that go to the wrong page, video and audio that not play properly, and scripts that not run properly. Besides that, there might be browser compatibility problems because a project may run perfectly on one browser but may not display properly on another browser.


Bottom-up testing strategy is used in this system to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort. Individual objects will be tested in isolation using unit testing and gradually integrated for the higher-level integration testing and system testing. Failed components will be migrated back to the development phase for rework, and components that work properly will migrate ahead for implementation.


Unit Testing

Unit testing reveals syntax and semantic errors from the smallest programming unit. In this thesis, unit testing is used to test each individual webpage. Errors that are found in a particular page of the website are thoroughly debugged and removed before starting to develop another webpage. Due to the dynamic nature of testing, there is no proper testing documentation created.


Link /Integration Testing

When each webpage of a particular Section in the Timetable Management System passed the unit testing, integration test was carried out to ensure that pages are linked in the correct flow and integrate properly into the entire website. Integration testing was mainly conducted in Administrator Module Section Lecturer Module and Student Module Section. All the buttons, hyperlinks and navigation bars were tested. Please refer to Appendix E for test results.


System Testing

A system test was carried out to test the web base as a whole when the entire website is finish and uploaded. It was checked to ensure that it works perfectly once its uploaded to the server. It also tested whether there are any broken links in the entire website since its transferred from the local host to another domain hosting company.



User Testing

For the user testing, involved two timetable committee members of FCSIT, one lecturer FCSIT and one assistant registrar FCSIT to confirm that the developed system meets the user requirements. User testing shall be done in a simulated real user environment with the users using simulated or real target platforms and infrastructures. Therefore user testing for this system is tested on the researchers laptop with a personal web server. During the user testing stage, users tested the Timetable Management System and were required to fill in the system evaluation form as shown in Appendix F. The users feedback is summarized in Table 5.5 below.


Table 5.5: Summary of User Feedback

Question How user friendly is the application? Feedback The respondents agreed that this system is easy to use. Two respondents stated that the user friendliness of this system is good and two stated that it is average. Therefore it can be summarized that this system is easy to use All respondents agreed and stated that the user interface and layout of the design are good. All respondents agreed that the color combination of Timetable Management System is good. It is pleasant to view because of the soft green and yellow color scheme. All respondents were satisfied with the text style and size is good because the text is easy to read. Two respondents stated that the navigation structure in the system is good and two respondents stated average. This is because the navigation bars and buttons provided are very clear. Three of the respondent stated that the contents of Timetable Management System is average, while another stated that it is excellent. All respondents stated that the loading time is good and still acceptable for them as the processor that they are using is quite fast. All respondents stated that the processing time is average. All of the respondents agreed that the system is useful for FCSIT to have the systematic timetable system. All stated good Overall, the respondents rated that the system is good. The respondents agreed that the system can avoid any clashing between subjects The respondents agreed that the system can avoid any clashing between lecturers The respondents agreed that the system can avoid any clashing between times The respondents agreed that the system can avoid any clashing between venues

How is the user interface and layout design? How is the color combination of Timetable Management System? How is the text style and text size? Was it easy to read? How is the navigation structure in the Timetable Management System? What do you think about the contents in Timetable Management System? Please rate the efficiency of the webpage loading time. Please rate the efficiency of the data processing time. Please rate the usefulness of the Timetable Management System. Please rate your overall view for the Timetable Management System. Could the system avoid any clashing between subjects? Could the system avoid any clashing between lecturers? Could the system avoid any clashing between times? Could the system avoid any clashing between venues?


System Implementation

In this phase, the system or system modifications are installed and made operational in a production environment. The system implementation phase is initiated after the system has been tested and accepted by the user. Activities in this phase include notification of implementation to end users, execution of the previously defined training plan, data entry or conversion, and post implementation review. Timetable Management System


is only a system developed for this dissertation. Therefore, there is no proper documentation for this phase.


Limitation Of The System

Timetable Management System was created for the use of FCSIT. All the basic requirements of a timetable such as timetable for student and lecturers, master timetable for lecturers, enquiry for free classes and booking for the free classes are available. The main limitation with Timetable Management System is that it is not linking to the current student database. This is because if the system connects to the current database the requirement for the hardware and software is higher.

Besides that, another limitation is that the FCSIT must have a permanent administrator to maintain the database in the system. Administrator has to key in the data and lecturer for the first time registration.


Future System Enhancement

The Timetable Management System can be further enhanced by adding the following:Linking to the ISIS database. So that, the University has one reference database. With the linking to ISIS database, the task for the administrator is less. This is because the student data is taken from the ISIS database.



Generally, this system can be considered a useful system since it helps the lecturer to improve their process of preparing the timetable. By providing support through the Timetable Management system, the usage can be increased to any faculties instead of FCSIT only.


Timetable Management System is not yet uploaded to the host. If the system is successfully upload to host, to assist administrator, lecturer and student on how to use the system, a user manual for administrator is included in Appendix A, a user manual for lecturer is included in Appendix C and user manual for student is included in Appendix B.


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