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INTRODUCTION Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)

, the corporate version of erstwhile DOT, came to existence on1


October 2000. Ever since the formation of BSNL, the Indian telecommunications scenario has beentransforming itself into a multi-player, multi-product market with varied market sizes and segments.Within the basic phone service the value chain has split into Basic services, long distance players, andinternational long distance players.

BSNLs POSITIONING IN TELECOM INDUSTRY To understand and suggest how strategic management can help BSNL the first thingis to understand the Telecom industry environment and the stakeholders

involved. Apart fromhaving to cope with the change in structure and culture (government to corporate), BSNL hashad to gear itself to meet competition in various segments basic services, long distance (LD),and International Long Distance (ILD), and Internet Service Provision (ISP), and Mobileservices. With the advent of competition the private operators have been impacting thestrategic matrix by influencing regulatory bodies, adopting intelligent media strategies, and bytargeting the creamy layer of customers. While,

political control over the public sector remainsa contentious strategic issue in the country; with the formation of a company, the internalstrategy of the BSNL board will be of gaining considerable autonomy. Labour unions are powerful internal stakeholders, as are the middle managers/ other staff that have the primaryresponsibility for customer care. The following stakeholders diagram gives an insight aboutthe changing telecom industry environment for BSNL




Environment BSNL definitely requires to redefine its strategies. What is required is to identify thepotential opportunities and threats implied by this changing environment for the BSNL. In changingtrends, situations, and events gaining an accurate understanding of BSNL willhelp in better strategic management of organization. The SWOT analysis for BSNL is as follows

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