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1.The Simple Tenses
- Present Simple
- Past Simple
- Future Simple
2. The Continuous (Progressive) Tenses
- Present Continuous
- Past Continuous (Progressive)
- Future Continuous (Progressive)
3. The Perfect Tenses
- Present Perfect
- Past Perfect
- Future Perfect
4. The Perfect Continuous Tenses
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple

The Simple Tense

Subject + Verb -s es

1. Present Simple (general truth)

-The earth moves round the sun.()
- The sun rises in the east.(
2. Present Simple
(repeated or habitual facts)
- He says hello every time he sees me.(

- He gets up early everyday. ()


every month


every year


once a week


twice a month


every other day


in the morning


on Sundays


on week days


when (ever) he sees me


when (ever) he comes here

every day

whenever he can

every week

whenevwhenever you want

- Past Simple
Subject + Verb 2

1.Past Simple

- He arrived at four o'clock yesterday morning.(
- She went to the movies last night. (


- She drove into the car-park, got out of the car, closed all
the windows locked the doors, and walked towards the cinema.
2.past simple (

- He walked to school every day last year. (
( =every day, =last year)

- He came to her place several times a week before he

went to England.
( )
( = several times a week, =
before he want to England)

- Future Simple
Subject + will ( shall) + Verb 1
() *Will
I we
shall will
shall will 'll
- We'll be back.
-They'll go home.

shortly, tomorrow, tonight, next week, next month, next year, in a
few minutes, a month from now
- They will leave soon.
- They will leave tonight.
- They will leave tomorrow.

1. shall will
1. (volition)
2. (obligation)
3. (futurity)

2.'Pure' Future
will (shall)

I shall be twenty-nine tomorrow.(

()29 )

'Pure' Future
I shall, we shall
3. ( England
I We Shall I? we?
- "You'll never pass the examination."
- "Won't I?" (=,

4. Shall I? Shall we?

- Shall I open the window? ( )

5.Will you?
... (=Are you willing
to... Would you like to ...)
- Will you help me carry this bag? (
6.I will
- You and I will both be promoted.(

The Continuous (Progressive) Tenses

- Present Continuous
Subject + is (am, are) + (verb+ing).

1.present continuous

- The sun is shining. ()
- The bees are humming. ()
- What are you doing? ()

just (just
-The children are just having breakfast. (
2.present continuous

present simple

- My son works hard this term. (
- He tries his best now. ( ()

- My son is working hard this term.
- He is trying his best now.
3.present continuous

Present continuous
(verbs of movement)

- We are going to Paris on Sunday.


- Dang is coming here next week and is staying here until

- What are you doing next Sunday?
( )

Continuous Tenses











Continuous (verbs
of perception) (state of mind)

- I don't see anything here. (I am not seeing....)
- I see what you mean. (I am seeing...)
- Do you hear the noise? (Are you hearing...)

- Past Continuous (Progressive)

Subject+ was (were) + (verb+ing)



1.past continuous

- He was writing all day yesterday.
- He was writing all afternoon yesterday.
2.past continuous 2
- While one of the two thieves was working on the safe, the
other was keeping watch for policemen.

- He was working in Bloomingon while I was working in
3.past continuous past simple
(Past continuous)
(past simple) past
continuous past simple
when, as, while
- It was raining when I came home. (

- While the man was looking at the picture, a thief stole his



- As I was walking along the theatre, a car mounted the
pavement and crashed into a shop.

- Did you hear about Anong's new job?(

- Yes, my wife was telling me about it this morning.

- Yes, my wife told me about it this morning.

- Future Continuous (Progressive)
Subject + will (shall) be + (verb+ing).



- At this time tomorrow I shall be flying over Hong Kong.
( () )


- He will be sleeping at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(() 7 )
- He'll be busy working when we call.
( )
2.future continuous

( future simple
- I'll be working all day tomorrow.( )
(=I'll work all day tomorrow)
- The Browns will be staying with us again this year.
( )
(=The Browns will stay with us again this year.)
- What will you be doing tomorrow?
(=What will you do tomorrow?)
- The ship will be sailing tomorrow morning.
(=The ship will sail tomorrow morning.)


The Perfect Tenses

- Present Perfect


Subject + has (have) + verb3.


since +
for +
ever since

so far
up to now

up to the present time
- He has lived here since 1975.
- He has lived here ever since.
- He has lived here since then.
- He has lived here since his father died.
- He has lived here twenty years.
since point of time
since eight o'clock, since
last week, since 1960, etc. for period of time
for ten years, for three hours , for two
weeks, etc. since
point of time past
- He has lived there since his father died.



2.present perfect
never, ever, once, twice...
- Have you ever been to New York City?
- Yes, I've been there many times.
( )
- No, never. I've never been abroad.
( )
3.present perfect
Just, already () yet ()
- The train has just arrived.
- The train has already arrived.
(=The train has arrived already.)
- Has the train arrived yet (already)?
- No, not yet.( )
just now 2

just now = past simple
just now = present perfect
-I told you about it just now.
-He has finished his work just now.


(() X
4.present perfect

- I have finished the book.
- I've opened the window.
( )
- The clock has stopped.
- I've seen him before.

- Past Perfect
Subject + had + verb3

1.tense 2

past perfect
past simple
- Anong had learned English before she went to England.
- When we got to the field, the football match had already



- I didn't go to the cinema because I had already seen the

- I had lost my pen and I was unable to do the exercises.
( )
- He had unloced the door ; there was nothing to prevent you
from going out.

past perfect

(indirect speech)tense

2.past perfect
- Jane had never seen a lion until yesterday.
- Soon the police arrived at the scene of the robbery. But
they were too late . The thieves has already gone.

- Future Perfect
Subject + will have + verb3



" "
by before
by tomorrow ( )
by eight o'clock 8 ( 8 )
by next month ( )
before next year
after two months 2 ( )
present simple
- They will have finished the work by next week.
- They will have finished the work when we arrive.
- All these roses will have died before Christmas.
- She will have been in England be the end of March.
- It is now 8:30. I shall have finished my work by 2 p.m.
( 8.30 . 2 )
(= 2


2.future perfect
- You will have heard, I expect, that Ladda is going to get


The Perfect Continuous Tenses

- Present Perfect Continuous
Subject + has(have) been + (verb+ing)

- Bill has been living in Bangkok since 1975.
( 1975)
present perfect continuous
present perfect
perfect continuous

:Bill has lived in Bangkok since 1975.

:Bill has been living in Bangkok since 1975.
( 1975)
:He has worked on the problem for two hours so far.


:He has been working on the problem for

two hours so far.
( 2
(continuity of action )tense
:The train has been arriving.
:The train has arrived.
:The clock has been stopping.
:The clock has stopped.
perfect continuous just, already, never, finally

- Past Perfect Continuous

Subject + had been + (verb+ing).

past perfect continuous past


past perfect (continuous)
past simple

-When I got to the meeting, the lecturer had spoken for half
an hour.



past perfect

past perfect continuous
- When I got to the meeting, the lecturer had been speaking
for half an hour.



- The telephone had been ringing for five minutes before it

was answered.
( () )

- The telephone had rung for five minutes before it was


Continuous tense


- Future Perfect Continuous

Subject + will(shall) + have been + (verb+ing)

Future perfect perfect


- By eleven o'clock I shall have been working for three hours.

( 11 ()

- By eleven o'clock I shall have worked for three hours.

11.00 . 3

- On August 12th we shall have been living in this house

exactly four years.
4 (


1. It is now November.


( )
2. I wrote this book in June.
3. I have been writing this book for five months.
( 5 (
5 ))
4. In October I was still writing this book and had been writing
this book.
( ()
() 4 )
5. In December I shall be writing this book and shall have
been writing this book for six months.
) 6 (
6. I shall finish this book in January, when I shall have written
this book seven months.
(() (
7 )
5 6
5 future perfect continuous
( )
6 future perfect


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