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Name Acyclovir

Brand Names Zovirax Amoxil

Class Anti-viral


Bacteriostaic *

Bactericidal **

Intracellular Penetration

CNS Penetration

Half-Life *** TBD applications 2.5 hours viral co-infection Bb Bb Bb Babesia Bb, mycoplasma Bb Bb, esp neurological Bb Bb, esp neurological Bb neurotoxin elimination Bartonella Bb Bb Bb Bb, Ehrlichia Bb, Ehrlichia Bb fungal infection viral co-infection Bartonella Bb adjunct antifungal Bartonella Bartonella

Adverse Effects

Administration ****

Cost $ $ $$$ $ $ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ $$$ $$$


Amoxicillin Amoxicillin + Clavulnate

Ampicillin Atovaquone Azithromycin Cefdinir Cefotaxime Cefixime

Malarone, Mepron Zithromax Omnicef Clafaran Suprax Rocephin Ceftin Questran Cipro

Penicillin Penicillin

Ceftriaxone Cefuroxime Cholestyramine Ciprofloxacin Clarithromycin


Penicillin hydroxynapthoquinone Macrolide Cephalosporin 3 Cephalosporin 3 Cephalosporin 3 Cephalosporin 3 Cephalosporin 2 Binding resin Fluoroquinolone 2

1959 1944 1991 yes 1998 1989

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes for G+ yes

good good Very good good good good good good

variable poor Brain good; CFS poor poor poor poor CSF fair 2-3 days 2-4 days 1.7 hours 1 hour 3-4 hours 7 hours 1 hour 4 hours 3-7 hours


Dirithromycin Doxycycline Doxycycline (time release)

Enoxacin Erythromycin Fluconazole Ganciclovir Gatifloxicin

Cleocin Dynabac Doryx Penetrex Diflucan Cytovene Tequin Plaquenil Nizoral Levaquin Merrem Flagyl


yes yes yes yes yes


fair fair fair fair fair


Macrolide Macrolide Tetracycline Tetracycline Macrolide anti-fungal Anti-viral Fluoroquinolone

O O, IM, IV O O, IM, IV many abx interactions O O. IV O IM, IV O IM, IV O, IM, IV O O, IV O O Photosensitivity Photosensitivity O, IV O O, IV (rare) O O O, IV O, IV O O IV O, IV

inflammation assists inflammation assists inflammation assists

Discontinued 2002


16-20 hours

$ $$$ $ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ $$ $$ $$$

Hydroxychloroquine Ketoconazole
Imipenem Levofloxacin Lomefloxicin Meropenem

Quinine imidazole Beta-lactam Fluoroquinolone 1981

yes yes good yes yes good 1975+/yes yes excellent fair poor

7-14 hours 30-50 days 3-10 hours

Opthalmological liver toxcity

ear, kidney damage possible RA, Lupus

Metronidazole Minocycline
Moxifloxacin Norfloxacin Ofloxacin

Avelox Nystatin

Nitroimidazole Tetracycline Fluoroquinolone anti-fungal Penicillin Penicillin anthelmintic

15-20 hours

Bb, Babesia Bb Bb, Bartonella fungal infection Bartonella Bb Bb Bartonella (others?) Bb, perhaps others Bb, perhaps others Bartonella Hepatitis liver toxcity Photosensitivity


$ $ $$$ $

inhibits protein synthesis

Penicillin G Benzathine

Piperacillin Praziquantel Rifadin Rifapentine Rimantadine Sparfloxacin Telithromycin Tetracycline Streotomycin Tinidazole Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxaole Trovofloxicin Vancomycin

Bicillin Piperacil Biltricide Rifampin Zagam Ketek Tetracycline TMP-SMX

yes yes yes yes

good good good good good

variable variable good good good

14 days 1-4 hours

IM O O,IV O, IV O (IV?) O, IV O $$ $ $

inflammation assists inflammation assists

Ketolide Tetracycline Aminoglycoside Nitroimidazole Glycopeptide

2004 yes

yes yes


10 hours 8 hours 12-14 hours

with or w/o food

Bb, Ehrlichia Bb, perhaps others

* stops growth

yes ** kills bacteria

Bartonella *** Half-life is the time required for half of the antibiotic to be eliminated from the body

**** O = Oral IM = Intramuscular IV + Intravenous


NOTE: This information should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from your doctor or pharmacist. They are the experts on these medications. (Rev 14 Dec 2004)

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