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Boeing 737 New Generation - Questionnaire Automatic Flight

Note: A minimum of 75% of good answers is required to pass the test.


1. With VNAV engaged, the AFDS (Autopilot Flight Director System) pitch and A/T modes are commanded by the: o MCP o FMC o FCC. 2. The Automatic Flight System (AFS) consists of : o The autopilots (A/P) o The Flight Directors (F/D) o The Autothrottles (A/T) o All of the above are correct. 3. Normally, N1 limits and target N1 values are provided to the A/T by the: o A/T computer o FMC o IRUs 4. VNAV is terminated by: o Selecting a different pitch mode o G/S capture o Extending flaps beyond 15 with APP mode engaged o All of the above. 5. Moving the autopilot Stabilizer Trim Cutout Switch to the CUTOUT position will disengage the autopilot. o True o False. 6. If the autopilot ALT HOLD mode is manually overriden with control column pressure, which of the following occurs? o The autopilot disengages o LNAV disengages o The autopilot changes to CWS P and returns to ALT HLD if control pressure released within 250 ft of selected altitude. o LEVEL CHANGE automatically engages. If pitch is manually overridden while in ALT HOLD and control force is released within 250 feet of selected altitude, A/P pitch mode engages in ALT ACQ and returns to selected altitude in ALT HOLD mode.

7. The Control wheel force required to override the A/P COMMAND mode is: o Less than normal CWS force o Greater than normal CWS force o The same as normal CWS force. 8. When performing an autopilot ILS approach, the glide slope can be captured from above or below: o True o False 9. When control wheel pressure is released during CWS roll operation, the airplane will roll wings level when the bank angle is: o 5 degrees or less o 6 degrees or less o 10 degrees or less o 15 degrees or less. 10. How many independent Flight Control Computers (FCCs) are there in the AFDS? o One o Two o Three o Fours (two for each channel) 11. The AUTOLAND warning light is armed during dual ILS A/P approach below ____ feet. o 2500 feet o 800 feet o 500 feet o 200 feet 12. What pitch mode is annunciated after takeoff when the autopilot is first engaged in CMD? o CWS P o MCP SPD o VNAV o V/S 13. The autopilot cannot be engaged while force is applied to the control wheel. o True o False. 14. In the 'ARM' autothrottle mode, the thrust lever autothrottle servos maintain thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display. o True o False. ARM mode = No autothrottle mode engaged. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited. The pilot can set thrust levers manually. 15. LNAV terminates when: o HDG SEL mode is engaged o Upon VOR or localizer capture o Aircraft is not within LNAV capture criteria o All of the above are correct. 16. Minimum speed reversion is also available when the A/T is OFF and the AFDS is in ALT HOLD or after G/S capture.

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True False.

Minimum speed reversion is NOT available in that case. 17. Which A/T modes permit manual thrust change without A/T interference? o GA & ARM o N1 & ARM o THR HLD & ARM o Only THR HLD 18. What is the minimum altitude (AGL) for selecting 'CMD' on the second autopilot during an ILS approach? o 2000 feet o 1500 feet o 800 feet o 500 feet. 19. Which of the following occurs when a TO/GA switch is pressed below 2000 feet RA for a flight director go-around from a single autopilot ILS approach? o The autopilot disengages o GA mode of the Flight Director engages o The autothrottle advances thrust levers to reduced go-around N1 o All the above are correct. 20. The airplane can be flown in the CWS mode even through the autopilot is engaged in CMD: o True o False. 21. LNAV must be manually disengaged in order to capture an ILS localizer. o True o False. 22. After lift-off, the A/T remains in THR HLD until: o 400 feet RA o 800 feet RA o 400 feet RA & 18 seconds after lift-off o 800 feet RA & 18 seconds after lift-off 23. If an engine failure occurs during takeoff, the pitch command target speed is: o V2, if airspeed is below V2 o Existing speed, if airspeed is between V2 & V2+20 o V2+20, if airspeed is above V2+20 o All of the above 24. Engaging LVL CHG or VNAV climb modes automatically engages the A/T N1 mode: o True o False. 25. The airplane is in level flight at the selected altitude with ALT HOLD engaged. Changing the MCP altitude by at least 100 feet, arms the V/S mode. o True o False 26. Trimming the stabilizer with the electrical trim switch on the control wheel disengages the autopilot. o True

False. 27. Which mode must be armed before the second autopilot can be selected? o VNAV o VOR LOC o APP o LNAV 28. During takeoff with F/D ON, the AFDS commands pitch attitude ____ degrees after ____ IAS. o 10 degrees nose up & 60 kt IAS. o 15 degrees nose up & 60 kt IAS o 10 degrees nose up & 84 kt IAS. o 15 degrees nose up & 84 kt IAS. 29. Dual channel A/P operation is possible ONLY when two generators are powering the busses. o True o False. 30. Pushing a CWS engage switch engages the A/P pitch and roll axes in the CWS mode and displays CWS P & CWS R on the FMAs. The A/P maneuvers the airplane in response to control pressures applied by either pilot. The control pressure is similar to that required for manual flight. If aileron pressure is released with 6 degrees or less bank, the A/P rolls the wings level and holds existing heading. The heading hold feature with bank less than 6 degrees is inhibited when: o Below 1500 feet RA with the landing gear down or after F/D VOR capture with TAS 250 knots or less or after F/D LOC capture in the APP mode. o Below 2500 feet RA with the landing gear down or after F/D VOR capture with TAS 200 knots or less or after F/D LOC capture in the APP mode. o Below 1500 feet RA with the landing gear down or after F/D VOR capture with TAS 200 knots or less or after F/D LOC capture in the APP mode. o Below 2500 feet RA with the landing gear down or after F/D VOR capture with TAS 250 knots or less or after F/D LOC capture in the APP mode. 31. If engaged the autothrottle will disengaged ____ after landing touchdown. o 2 seconds o 5 seconds o 8 seconds o 10 seconds 32. If thrust levers become separated more than 10 degrees during a dual channel approach (before FLARE armed is annunciated), the autothrottle is then disengaged. o True o False. this is true but after FLARE armed is annunciated... 33. The autopilot flare maneuver starts at approximately ____ feet RA and is completed at touchdown.

27 feet 35 feet 50 feet 100 feet. 34. During a single engine F/D go-around, F/D pitch commands ____ degrees nose up. As climb rate increases, F/D pitch commands maintain a target speed. o 8 degrees o 10 degrees o 13 degrees o 15 degrees. 35. If windshear is encountered during F/D takeoff or go-around, the F/D pitch command bar provides commands to maintain V2+20 kts until vertical speed decreases to approximately : o 600 fpm o 800 fpm o 1000 fpm o 1200 fpm 36. If windshear is encountered during an ILS approach, both the F/D and A/P attempt to hold the airplane on altitude, or on glideslope after glideslope capture, without regard to angle of attack or stick shaker limitations. o True o False. Airspeed could decrease below stick shaker and into a stall if the pilot does not intervene by pushing the TO/GA switch or disconnecting the A/P and flying manually. 37. The AUTOLAND warning light flashed RED if: o A/P disengages & ILS deviation occurs below 200 feet o A/P disengages, stab trim warning occurs & ILS deviation occurs below 200 feet o A/P disengages, stab trim warning occurs & ILS deviation occurs below 500 feet o A/P disengages, stab trim or A/T warning occurs & ILS deviation occurs below 500 feet 38. An A/T Disengage flashing light (amber) indicates airspeed error under following conditions: inflight, flaps not up & airspeed differs from commanded value by _______ and is not approaching commanded value. o + or - 10 knots o + 10 knots or - 5 knots o + 5 knots or - 10 knots o + 15 knots or -10 knots. 39. Localizer can be intercepted in HDG SEL, LNAV or CWS R. o True o False. 40. The following annunciation provide the flight crew with autoland system mode and status: o LAND 3 means two autopilots, two inertial sources at least and the associated sensors are operating normally for an automatic landing

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LAND 3 means two autopilots, three inertial sources at least and the associated sensors are operating normally for an automatic landing o LAND 3 means two autopilots, three inertial sources and the associated sensors are operating normally for an automatic landing and rollout. o LAND 3 means two autopilots, three inertial sources, the associated sensors are operating normally for an automatic landing and rollout and at least one FMS is operative. 41. The Autopilot Disengage Light is illuminated steady red when:1- Stabilizer out of trim below 800 feet RA on dual channel approach.2- ALT ACQ mode inhibited during A/P go-around if stabilizer not trimmed for single A/P operation.3- Disengage light test switch held in position 2.4- Automatic ground test system fail. o True. o False. 42. After localizer & glideslope capture, CWS cannot be engaged by manually overriding pitch and roll. Manual override of autopilots causes autopilot disengagement. o True o False. 43. Two independent radio altimeters provide radio altitude to the respective FCCs. With a radio altimeter inoperative, the autopilot will disconnect ____ after LOC and GS capture. o Immediately. o 2 seconds. o Between 2 and 5 seconds depending on the altitude. o 4 seconds. 44. When a conflict occurs between the VNAV profile and the MCP altitude, the airplane levels and the pitch flight mode annunciation becomes: o VNAV SPD. o VNAV PTH. o VNAV ACQ. o VNAV ALT. VNAV ALT maintains altitude. 45. During a single F/D go-around, with a push of either TO/GA switch: o F/D roll commands hold current heading. o F/D roll commands hold current ground track. o F/D roll commands hold current heading until passing 400 ft. The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank. 46. What happens with the IAS/MACH display on the MCP if SPD INTV is pushed during VNAV operations? o IAS/MACH displays opens up and shows 250 kts. o IAS/MACH displays opens up and shows FMC target speed.. o IAS/MACH displays opens up and shows slashes. o IAS/MACH displays opens up and shows dashes. 47. Antenna switching from tail antenna to nose antenna occurs when:

VOR frequency is selected and VOR/LOC is armed or engaged. LOC frequency is selected only. LOC frequency is selected and VOR/LOC is armed or engaged. VOR frequency is selected only. 48. At what altitude will both A/P's automatically disengage if FLARE is not armed during an ILS dual channel approach? o 350 feet RA. o 500 feet RA o 50 feet RA. o Will not disengage. 49. After a normal takeoff which pitch command can you expect? o V2 o V2 to V2+15kt o V2 to V2+20kt o V2+20kt 50. Condition: After takeoff, A/P engaged before flaps up. (Thrust mode / Roll mode / Pitch mode) Which is the correct mode on the FMA? o ARM / HDG SEL / TO/GA o N1 / LNAV / MCP SPD o ARM / LNAV / FMC SPD o N1 / HDG SEL / VNAV 51. As you push the TO/GA switch for an automatic Go-Around, what is the correct FMA announcement? (Thrust mode / Roll mode / Pitch mode) o N1 / VOR/LOC / TO/GA o GA / LNAV / MCP SPD o GA / - / TO/GA o MCP SPD / - / GA 52. When flying on a geometrical path with VNAV engaged you push SPD INTV. What will happen? o VNAV SPD will engage and MCP SPD will be annunciated in the FMA. o VNAV PTH will remain engaged and MCP SPD will be annunciated in the FMA. o VNAV PTH will remain engaged and FMC SPD will be annunciated in the FMA. o VNAV SPD will engage and FMC SPD will be annunciated in the FMA. 53. When in ALT HOLD FL80 you change the barometric setting from STD to QNH 1030. What will the aircraft do? o The aircraft will climb 500 feet to the new pressure level o The aircraft will descend 500 feet to the new pressure level o You cannot change the altitude when in ALT HOLD o The aircraft will continue at FL80, but the ALT readout will change. 54. On a normal ILS approach, when will the respective LLZ and G/S captures occur. o LLZ 2 dots on the expanded scale, GS 5/8 dot on the expanded scale o LLZ 1/2 dot on the normal scale, GS 5/2 dot below the glideslope o LLZ not later than 1/2 dot deviation, GS 2/5 dot below glideslope. o LLZ 5/8 dot deviation, GS 1/2 dot below the glideslope

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55. You are established on the ILS at 3000and inadvertently press TO/GA once. What will happen? o The A/P will disengage but the A/C will remain in approach logic o The A/P will stay connected but the FMS will change to G/A logic o Nothing will happen since the A/C has not descended below 2000 o The A/P will disconnect and A/T add thrust to reduced G/A, F/D pitch 15deg nose up 56. The white A/T LIM symbol appears on the upper display unit. What is correct? o The A/T has reach the thrust limit for the selected assumed temperature o The N1 has been manually set and not by the FMC, therefore the A/T LIM will be illuminated o The A/T is using the upgraded BLT performance information o The FMC is not providing A/T with N1 limit values

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