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10-1 = Receiving poorly 10-2 = Receiving well 10-3 = Stop transmitting 10-4 = Message received 10-5 = Relay message

to _____ 10-6 = Busy, please stand by 10-7 = Out of service, leaving the air 10-8 = In service, subject to call 10-9 = Repeat message 10-10 = Transmission completed, standing by 10-11 = Talking too rapidly 10-12 = Visitors present 10-13 = Advise Weather/Road conditions 10-16 = Make pick up at _____ 10-17 = Urgent business 10-18 = Anything for us? 10-19 = Nothing for you, return to base 10-20 = My location is _____ 10-21 = Call by telephone 10-22 = Report in person to 10-23 = Stand by 10-24 = Completed last assignment 10-25 = Can you contact _____ 10-26 = Disregard last information 10-27 = I am moving to channel _____ 10-28 = Identify your station 10-29 = Time is up for contact 10-30 = Does not conform to FCC rules 10-32 = I will give you a radio check 10-33 = Emergency Traffic 10-34 = Trouble at this station 10-35 = Confidential information 10-36 = Correct time is 10-37 = Wrecker needed at 10-38 = Ambulance needed at 10-39 = Your message delivered 10-41 = Please turn to channel 10-42 = Traffic accident at 10-43 = Traffic tie up at 10-44 = I have a message for you 10-45 = All units within range please report 10-50 = Break channel 10-60 = What is next message number? 10-62 = Unable to copy, use phone 10-63 = Net directed to 10-64 = Net clear 10-65 = Awaiting your next message/assignment 10-67 = All units comply 10-70 = Fire at _____ 10-71 = Proceed with transmission in sequence 10-77 = Negative contact 10-81 = Reserve hotel room for ______ 10-82 = Reserve room for _____ 10-84 = My telephone number is ______ 10-85 = My address is _____ 10-91 = Talk closer to the microphone 10-93 = Check my frequency on this channel 10-94 = Please give me a long count (1-10)

10-99 = Mission completed, all units secure 10-200 = Police needed at _____ 10-100 5-Min. Brk, Commonly RestRoom 10-200 Longer break to take a load off your mind 10-200 Police Needed At______________ 11-10 11-24 11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-40 11-41 11-42 11-48 11-51 11-52 11-54 11-55 11-56 11-57 11-58 11-59 11-60 11-65 11-66 11-78 11-79 11-80 11-81 11-82 11-83 11-84 11-85 11-86 11-87 11-94 11-95 11-96 11-97 11-98 11-99 Take report Abandoned vehicle Traffic hazard Abandoned bicycle D.D.L. report with driver held Registration request with driver held Advise if ambulance needed Ambulance needed No ambulance needed Furnish transportation Escort Funeral detail Suspicious vehicle Officer being followed by auto Office being followed by auto dangerous persons Unidentified auto at assignments Radio monitored, use phone Intensive attention: high hazard, business areas Attack in high hazard area Signal light out Defective traffic signal light Aircraft accident Accident - ambulance sent Accident - major injuries Accident - minor injuries Accident - no injuries Accident - no detail Manual traffic control requested Tow truck requested Bomb threat Bomb found Pedestrian stop Routine traffic stop Checking suspicious vehicle Time/security check on patrol Meet ____ Under attack, immediate assistance required!

13-1 All units copy you and think youre a cretin. 13-2 I copy you but Im not answering you. 13-3 Youre really spunky when youre angry. 13-4 Im really sorry about that mate, it really cuts me up. 13-5 Same to you but with knobs on it. 13-6 So I made a mistake, none of us is perfect. 13-7 If you dont copy me its your lousy equipment because Im running 3,000 watts. 13-8 You sound so illiterate your parents never saw the minister. 13-9 Are you running a piece of obsolete equipment ? 13-10 Id gladly help you but your problem leaves me puzzled. 13-11 Have you tried blowing your nose ? It might clear your head. 13-12 It still sounds like you have foot and mouth disease. 13-13 Yours friends must have put pins in your co-ax again.

13-14 So now I know what a lousy antenna sounds like. 13-15 Why did you get a licence if youre only running 100 milliwatts ? (Youre a Mud Duck) 13-16 The white mouse running your generator must be tired. 13-17 Youre only able to go horizontal because your antenna fell down. 13-18 If I could understand you I would be tempted to answer you. 13-19 Are you talking into the back of the microphone ? 13-20 Are you choking on your mike or are your dentures loose again. ? 13-21 Far out ! Are you being paid by the word. 13-22 Lady, is that your voice or are you pulling the cockys tail ? 13-23 If you had spoken for another 30 seconds you would have put John Laws out of business. 13-24 Yknow, you made more sense the last time you were smashed. 13-25 Some sensible stations and myself have hit the kitty in order to buy your rig. See you when we get there. 1326 Next time you eat garlic, would you stop breathing into the microphone. 13-27 Heard you were limp wristed but I thought you could key the mike. 13-28 A band-aid would make a better patch cord than that thing. 13-37 It sounds like somebody must have kicked your head in. 13-38 You sound like youre talking with your head in a bucket of water. 13-40 Your signal is terrific but give me a land line so I can find out what you want. 13-41 Either my receiver is out or youre on channel 28. 13-42 Either my speaker cone is ripped or youd better try it again when youre sober. 13-43 That was a beautiful transmission, now try it with your mike connected. 13-44 I love the way your new rig sounds, now I know why they arent made any more. 13-45 Your transmitter must have a short circuit because there is heaps of smoke coming from my rig 13-46 Thats a new antenna ? I could get a better signal out of a dingos tail. 13-47 What a fantastic signal, give me a few minutes so I can drive the mobile up your driveway and copy your message. 13-50 Say, fella, can you slide that thing down 250 KHz? 13-51 You've tried the upperside-band, you've tried the lower side, you've even tried both sides, hope you're satisfied. Now will you go QRT so we can use the center slot? 13-52 Only good thing about hear-ing you on Single Sideband is that with only 1 sideband you're only half as offensive as you were on AM! 13-53 Attention AM station on centre slot: Just because they won't talk to you on your own channels what makes you think we'll talk to you here? Affirmative - Yes Back Door - Behind you Back it down - Slow down Backed out of it - Had to slow down, go around me Bambi - Deer either Dead or Alive Bear - A law enforcement officer at any level, but usually Highway Patrol. Bear den or bear cave - Police Station Billy Big Rigger - Someone driving a nice shiny truck, and brags about it Black eye - Headlight out Break - Stating "Break" or "Breaker" and the channel number will give you permission to transmit (So to transmit on channel 21, you would say "Break twoone" or "Breaker two-one" Breaking up - Your signal is weak, or fading. Bumper sticker - A vehicle that's tailgating. Sometimes called a "hitchhiker ". Come back - An invitation for the other driver to talk. Sometimes used when you couldn't hear the last transmission, "comeback, I didn't hear you".

Come on - Telling another driver that you hear him calling you, and to go ahead and talk. "Yeah driver, come on". Convoy - A group of vehicles travelling together (Usually 3 or more) Copy - Transmission acknowledged, agreed with, or understood, as in "that's a copy, driver". Crotch Jockey - Motorcycle rider on a high-performance bike Crotch rocket - High performance motorcycle Donkey - Behind you. "A bear is on your donkey". Driver - What drivers call other drivers on the CB, especially if their CB handle is not known. Downstroke - Driving downwards, downhill, on a decline. Dragon wagon - Tow Truck Evil Knievel - Cop on a bike Eyeball - To see something Flip-flop - Return Trip Full-grown bear - Highway Patrol Gear Jammer - A driver who speeds up and slows down with great frequency. Georgia overdrive - Putting the truck in Neutral whilst going downhill so you can go fast Go-go juice - Fuel Good buddy - This used to be the thing to say: "10-4, good buddy". Not anymore, as this now refers to a homosexual. Good neighbor - Usually used when you're showing appreciation to another driver, as in "thank you, good neighbor". Got your ears on? - Are you listening Gouge on it - Go fast, put the throttle to the floor, step on it, etc. Granny lane - Slow Lane Greasy - Slippery Hammer down - Go fast Hammer lane - Fast Lane Handle - Nickname, handles are nicknames which are used to identify the speaker, in place of on actual name. A driver often selects his own handle, one that he feels reflects his personality, or describes his way of driving. Home 20 - Home Location In the big hole - The top gear of the transmission. Land line - A stationary telephone; not a cellular-phone. Mama-bear - Female Cop Mash your motor - Same as "Gouge it" and "Hammer Down", i.e. Go Fast Meat wagon - Ambulance Moving on - HEading on down the road Negatory - Negative or No On the side - On Standby Plain wrapper - An unmarked law enforcement vehicle, usually said with color added as a description: "you've got a plain brown wrapper on your back door". Radio check - Is my radio working? Can you hear me? Rambo - Someone who talks really tough on the radio, especially when no one else knows where they are. Ratchet jaw - Someone who talks a lot on the radio, while keying-up the whole time and not letting anyone else get a chance to talk. Reading the mail - Not talking; just listening to the radio. Road pizza - Roadkill Rockin' chair - Truck in the middle of a convoy is in the Rockin' Chair Roger - Yes; affirmative. Roger beep - An audible beep that sounds when a person has un-keyed the mike, and finished his transmission. Used on only a small percentage of radios, and not recommended. Shiny side up - Your vehicle hasn't flipped over after a rollover or accident. "Keep the shiny side up" means to have a safe trip.

Shooting you in the back - You're being shot with a radar gun as your vehicle passes a law enforcement vehicle. Smokey or Smokey Bear - A law enforcement officer, usually highway patrol. Spy in the sky - A law enforcement aircraft, same as a "bear in the air".

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