If All Matter Shows Wave

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If all matter shows wave-like behaviour, why is this not observable in everyday life?

Well, there are really two answers to this. The first is that, if we described macroscopic matter with quantum mechanical wavefunctions in the same way we describe particles on the quantum scale, theirde Broglie wavelength

would be tiny (because h, Planck's constant is very small, and m, the macroscopic mass, would be huge relative to the typical masses of elementary particles). Because of this, all the quantum phenomena usually associated with the wave-like nature of matter, such as diffraction and quantum tunnelling, would effectively be invisible at the macroscopic scale. The second answer is that, in quantum mechanics, it is not really the wave-like nature of particles that we actually observe; it is always their particle-like nature. This is because, while particles travel as waves - as described by their wavefunction - they always interact as particles (such as when photons interact with the photosensor in a digital camera). This is the source of the famous wave-particle duality conundrum in quantum mechanics, which confused early quantum physicists (and still confuses physics students today). The question they asked was 'Is an electron (or photon, or whatever) a particle or a wave?' But it is actually the wrong question to ask, because it assumes an either/or answer. The actual answer is 'Both,' and it all depends upon how you think about the electron and which of its characteristics you are interested in at a particular time. But the basic rule is that it travels as a wave and interacts as a particle. Because of this, you would never actually be able to experience the wave-like properties of macroscopic matter; you will only ever experience its particle-like properties, because that is the only way it interacts with you and you with it.

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