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CS 171 Homework Assignment 4m

Given: February 11, 2008 Due: February 13, 2008

This assignment is due by the end of the class on the due date. Unless all problems carry equal weight, the point value of each problem is shown in [ ]. To receive full credit all your answers should be carefully justied. Each solution must be the students own work. Assistance should be sought or accepted only from the course sta. Any violation of this rule will be dealt with harshly.


Answer each of the following questions. You dont need to show your work. a. How many permutations are there of the word PEPPER? b. A chess tournament has 10 competitors of which 4 are Russian, 3 are from the United States, 2 from Britain, and 1 from Brazil. If the tournament result lists just the nationalities of the players in the order in which they placed, how many outcomes are possible? c. True or False? Ten dogs encounter 8 biscuits. Dogs do not share biscuits! Then assuming that the dogs are distinguishable, but the biscuits are not, there are 17 8 dierent ways that the biscuits can be consumed. d. True or False? In the above question if the dogs and the biscuits both are distinguishable then the answer is 108 . e. True or False? In the above question if neither the dogs nor the biscuits are distinguishable then there is only 1 way in which the biscuits can be consumed. f. How many non-empty subsets are there of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}? Give your answer in closed form. g. How many ways are there to place 16 nonattacking identical rooks on a 16 16 chessboard? (In chess two rooks can attack one another if and only if they lie in the same row or the same column of the chess board.) h. Answer the above question if the rooks are distinguishable.

2. A professor packs her collection of 40 issues of a mathematics journal in four boxes with 10 issues per box. How many ways can she distribute the journals if (a) each box is numbered, so that they are distinguishable? (b) the boxes are identical? 3. How many 8-permutations are there of the 9 letters of the word addresses?

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